Do you want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive?

Do you Want FFXIII to be A PS3 Exclusive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 36.6%

  • Total voters
No. I believe that if FF13 is not exclusive, then more people can enjoy it.

:dry: it's not about getting EVERYONE to enjoy it, it's about getting FFXIII on the PS3 ONLY , because the PS3 needs a BIG exclusive game to boost sales.

I wish people wouldn't say they want it on other consoles, because thats what make Square-Enix think about porting the game, however i think Sony's bid will be the highest and it'll be PS3 exclusive, then the PS3 will start selling in millions, just like the PS1 and PS2 did with FF7 and FFX respectively.
Put the game on the PS3. Why? Sony needs this exclusive. PS3 sale prices will drop, I've already heard of consoles going under £400.
I don't want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive. Sony just has to admit that the PS3 phailed against the wii and the 360 this round. I really don't want to buy a PS3 platform just for one game...
as i dont have a ps3 yet iwould say no, but it is a good idea.
but even tho final fantasy is a huge franchise, its not as big as the sporting games and other such things. of all the people i know, only a hangful who have played the games a dozen at most and only 1 other has played them all.
so for it to be an exclusive game to help boost sales of the ps3 just isnt smart if sony want to make any money. ^_^

BUT final fantasy should NEVER go on any other console, no matter wat ppl say about how the other consoles have this and that. blah blah blah
It should be exclusive to the PS3 otherwise I will not be buying one. I have just bought a WII and have more enjoyment out of this than I do my Xbox360.
The wii has lost its novelty, and only comes across to me as a party games console.

d_s - too late. FF games have always gone on different consoles.

Nephany, give the PS3 some time. There'll be more and more games worth buying soon, if the current lot don't satisfy you.
The wii has lost its novelty, and only comes across to me as a party games console.

d_s - too late. FF games have always gone on different consoles.

Nephany, give the PS3 some time. There'll be more and more games worth buying soon, if the current lot don't satisfy you.
Yep but arent party games more fun. Plus titles like Zelda and mario galaxies are great.
Yes, they're fun, but for single player value, it doesn't really appeal to me. I have friends, yes, but many live away from Hull, are back at home (since leaving Uni for summer), and my only close friend is just one person who I see every once in a while. Not everyone has too many close friends, so for those people, for me anywho, I personally wouldn't want one.
I am a big RPG fan, Zelda is the only decent new RPG out at the moment until FF13 comes out. The Xbox360 and PS3 have no half decent games out at the moment apart from C&C 3 which I already have.

Yes the Xbox360 and PS3 focus on the more mature player and have better on-line capabilities, but if no mind blowing games come out soon then I will stick to the WII.
I think that, perhaps, right now the Wii seems like a party platform. But with games like Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Sadness, RE: UC, Manhunt 2, Final Fantasy and other non-maimstream titles Wii will become more of a console for EVERY gamer out there. Casual, kiddy and mature games to please every crowd. The hardcore games are comming. I do want it to be exclusive to the PS3 so it gives me more of a reason to purchase one. Then again, if it isn't, who could resist having FFXIII, Halo 3, Bioshock, GTA IV and Mass Effect all on the same console.
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Final Fantasy XIII will be excluse for the PS3 unfortunately... Squarenix announced that they're not looking to releasing any games for the Xbox 360. I'm sure the main reason why this game will be for the PS3 because the Japanese are buying the PS3. The Xbox 360 is doing terrible in sales. It would be a waste for Squarenix to release FFXIII on the to Xbox 360. Sure, in the U.S some people will buy it, but in Japan no one will buy it for the Xbox. I do honestly wish it was released for both systems. :/
No! FF13 should not be PS3 exclusive. FF fans should not have to shell out $500-600 plus however much the game is, when we could get it on another sysrem we already own.
I don't want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive. Sony just has to admit that the PS3 phailed against the wii and the 360 this round. I really don't want to buy a PS3 platform just for one game...

Ps3 hasn't failed at all...

Sega have said that they think in terms of longetivity the PS3 will last the longest. 10 years in fact , whilst the Nintendo Wii wont last that long.

Rather than argue, come back in 10 years and we'll see which console won :)
Don't forget about Metal gear solid. Yeah, it's going to make the PS3 sky rocket in sales. I'm sure PS3 in the long run will turn out to be a better than it is. Don't worry in a couple of years the PS3 will drop in price. >_> I hope.
No! FF13 should not be PS3 exclusive. FF fans should not have to shell out $500-600 plus however much the game is, when we could get it on another sysrem we already own.

Like the 360? Wii? Eh, sorry to inform you, but not everyone owns those next gen consoles either. It's too flashy for the PS2 - why should it have to be moved to something other then the PS3? Look past the price, keep a lookout on future games, and you may change your mind.
Article: 30% Of Xboxes Fail

According to an article by Smart, nearly a third of 360s are sent back to Microsoft for repairs. The article states: "Retailers are claiming that Microsoft has had to handle a failure rate of over 30% with their Xbox 360 console," and goes on to publish several of the "over 100" emails the company has received complaining about bricked 360s.
Yeah, it's hardly a scientific survey, and, if we judge by internet website reports, it's an improvement: This site proclaims at 61% failure rate for 360s! There is really no way of verifying these reports, as no one is releasing the numbers. We know one thing, though, 100% of our 360s went belly-up the other night in the middle of a rousing game of Uno.
Microsoft denies there is a systemic problem with Xbox 360s.
Had any similar problems, 360 owners? Or are these internet reports a bunch of nonsense?
(via Destructoid)


why would people want it on 360 if 30% of 360's fail? Imagine getting halfway in the game and your 360 fails, it's likely, and it's not good at all.

And the Wii couldn't cope with the graphics...

Leaving the STURDY PS3. Well built, with the most powerful hardware. It's going to be exclusive to PS3 whether anyone likes it or not. And it should be. I think that keeping a game exclusive is a good thing. It adds to the competition.