Do you want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive?

Do you Want FFXIII to be A PS3 Exclusive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 36.6%

  • Total voters
i say no. by ffXIII being on xbox360 is only going to broaden the appeal of the FF series, and how can that be a bad thing?
those of you saying yes, it wont effect you as you have no intention of playing it on xbox, therefore the only reason for wanting FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive would be some kind of snobbery?:wacky:
I dont want it to be just for PS3. I mean its insane that games like that and KH3 are only being released for PS3.....i dont own PS3...

I think that right now the PS3 isnt worth getting because of price and not many games on it...but once the good stuff starts releasing like FFXIII and KH3...ima get it (and once the price goes down too :D)
PS3 is worthless IMO. Now that I think about it, though, I think it'd be amusing and funny to see SE shift FFXIII over to the 360. It would show how much they whore their franchises for profit nowadays so maybe some of the newer FF fans would get the sense knocked into them that Square Enix isn't about quality, it's about making tons of money by utilizing old ideas and franchises until they die of torture.