Do you want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive?

Do you Want FFXIII to be A PS3 Exclusive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 36.6%

  • Total voters
Though I think it should stay PS3 exclusive even if they did release it for other systems the only one that could possibly handle it's graphics would be the 360, which uses DVD's not Blu-rays. FF13 would have to be a multi disk release if it was put on the 360, which regardless of all of this I don't think Square Enix would do it because of the 360's horrible sales in Japan.
Even tho I don't have a PS3 (yet) I hope it only gets released on that - iv seen them go for 300 in HMV now so i'l be buying one after xmas.
Altho I do enjoy other games I bought my PS12 & PS2 soley for FF & I will do it again - if only I had more money *sigh*
Xbox 360 recently jumped up in sales because Hironobu Sakaguchi's Blue Dragon.

As for Wii, I've heard some games aren't as good for the Wii. The Wii controller can become a little difficult to use. I can't see many RPGs coming out for the Wii.

Blue Dragon flopped...

I've played the Wii plenty of times. There are hardly any good games, if any. If you've been following Nintendo since the NES like i have, then you'll realize that Nintendo rely on their 1st party titles to sell their console. Sadly, people seem to be getting sick of Mario and Zelda. Sure, they still sell. But each game is basically a repeat of the last. There's no real storyline, just the dumb ass Princess's getting taken by Bowser or Gannon all the time. The Wii is a joke.

I wasn't on any side but i strongly believe the PS3 is gonna win the console wars this time round
I personally would not like Final Fantasy XIII to be ps3 exclusive. Because I don't want to spend $400 dollars for a console only to play Final Fantasy XIII. I realize there are also a few other great games for the PS3, but that would also imply I spend at least another hundred dollars to buy Final Fantasy XIII and those as well. Unfortunately, the tree in my backyard does not bear dollar bills.
I don't want ff13 to be only for ps3. Because there aren't many people witch i now who have ps3, and i want them to enjoy in that game to.
I'd prefer that Final Fantasy XIII also see a release on the Xbox 360. What can I say? I love Xbox Live, the achievement system, and the downloadable content. I'd be willing to take a minor cut in visual quality to play on the Xbox 360 instead of the Playstation III.

Mostly, I just want to play Final Fantasy XIII. I don't care what console(s) it releases on.
Where is the "don't care" option?

I have a PS3, so I can play it when it comes out regardless ( unless S-E do what KOEI did and scrap Fatal Inertia for the PS3 and switch to 360 ).
It might be nice for Sony to keep another exclusive and keep the race a bit more open but it's not exactly the first thing on my mind to be honest, I don't see how it being an exclusive is really going to affect my enjoyment ( or lack of ) in playing it.
Okay here's my reason for wanting to make it ps3 exclusive.
It's the fact that the develepers would have to consider the different consoles, which would spend more time doing .... and beesides if it is console exclusive they could spend more time on detail and make a much more enjoyable game.
Another reason is the size of the Blu-ray discs of PS3 are much larger the DVD. (I'm not even considerins FFXIII for 'shudder' Wii, as I consider this thing a party console and I really hate party games, sure ya got Zelda, but when ever I think of Wii I think Of how much I hate party games. And that is the whole reason why I do not want FFXIII on Wii)
Back to the point, It's not like SE aren't going to release other titles for the various consoles. The final fantasy main series has been a part of of PS since FFVII(with the exceptions of FFXI(360 PC) and FFVII(pc) AND VIII (pc)). I think it should just stay that way for a while longer.

I was always a Sony guy, but I feel their overall library of games for the PS3 is not too impressive and their price range for a console is unneccessary. I had hoped that Square-Enix would wise up and spread the wealth and let this installment in the series go Multi-platform and end up on the Xbox 360 as well as the PS3.
Probably already said this but No - why should the PS3 have another exclusive go multiplatform? The PS3 deserves it, and if it goes to X-BOX 360, I'd flip - I'd have to miss out on yet another FF game because it goes to a console that I don't have. I suppose that this arguement could go for those who have a 360 and won't be buying a PS3, but for many years, SquareSoft/SE have released major titles on the Playstation side of things - I'm not including XI, this is just focusing on console games not ones that require you to go online and that cost so much each month and that keeps bringing out expansion packs ¬.¬. I know there have been Gamecube titles and future Wii announcments, but they're not exactly the next major titles to come out. Stick with the PS3, release whatever spinoffs on any desired console (as I care little for them myself), but keep the main ones on the PS3. Wouldn't mind as much if they went over to Nintendo again, which is where things all started off, but I'd be angry if it went multiplatform along with 360/went over to 360 altogether, for as far as I am concerned, 360 shouldn't have anything to do with FF - they really don't have any history with it, and it'd make little sense to make a main FF game be made available on a console that has - well, you get my drift.
I would go with the unavailable don't mind either way option but I'd imagine that it'll stay PS3 since the general 360 audience don't for these sort of games.

I've played the Wii plenty of times. There are hardly any good games, if any. If you've been following Nintendo since the NES like i have, then you'll realize that Nintendo rely on their 1st party titles to sell their console. Sadly, people seem to be getting sick of Mario and Zelda. Sure, they still sell. But each game is basically a repeat of the last. There's no real storyline, just the dumb ass Princess's getting taken by Bowser or Gannon all the time. The Wii is a joke.

Fanboy sense tingling.
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I don't want to see Final Fantasy on the Xbox again. The only reason why its on the 360 is because of it's online features. But, Final Fantasy has always done extremly well on the Playstation units. But another FF on the XBox.
1. the Xbox is only good for shoot-em-up games
2.I fefuse to buy an Xbox, especially the controllers
I want it to be a PS3 exclusive because if it isn't then PS3 will have nothing going for it. And that would mean saving up for a PS3 is/was a pointless endevor for me since I could just buy a XBOX360 for cheaper and have it already.

Besides that reason I don't care that much.
Blue Dragon flopped...

I've played the Wii plenty of times. There are hardly any good games, if any. If you've been following Nintendo since the NES like i have, then you'll realize that Nintendo rely on their 1st party titles to sell their console. Sadly, people seem to be getting sick of Mario and Zelda. Sure, they still sell. But each game is basically a repeat of the last. There's no real storyline, just the dumb ass Princess's getting taken by Bowser or Gannon all the time. The Wii is a joke.

I wasn't on any side but i strongly believe the PS3 is gonna win the console wars this time round

Fanboy sense tingling.

My thoughts exactly.

I'm going off topic...

Talk about sequals this forum is about Final Fantasy.

Yeah, funny, the Wii is selling twice as much as the PS3. Hrmm...and they both came out around the same time. Wow! Also, do you realized that the Nintendo DS has sold over 53 units? Nintendo sure does suck!

Yes, and games like Zelda and Mario continue to sell millions. Mario is the number one on the best selling video game franchise after all. Lets see...Final Fantasy 68 Million, and Mario 193 Million!? Nooo, wait Mario suxs and the wii suxs! I hate nintendo! VIVA PS3! HURRY FOR TWO GREAT EXCLUSIVES MGS4 AND FFXIII!!!!!!

Actually, Blue Dragon is doing a little better now. Not to mention Famitsu gave Lost Odyssey a 36 out of 40. Hrmm, and didn't Famitsu give Halo 3 a 36/40? NO WAI! How could a elite Japanese gaming magazine give a American shooter game a 36 out of 40!?

I don't want to see Final Fantasy on the Xbox again. The only reason why its on the 360 is because of it's online features. But, Final Fantasy has always done extremly well on the Playstation units. But another FF on the XBox.
1. the Xbox is only good for shoot-em-up games
2.I fefuse to buy an Xbox, especially the controllers

Right, and games that were suppose to be exclusive on the PS3 also went on the Xbox 360. Do you realize there are Japanese game developers looking into developing games for the Xbox 360?

Yes, the FF has sold well Playstation. The reason why back in the 90s and early 2000s Square couldn't release any games for the Nintendo, was back when FFVII was released. Nintendo broke off their contract with Square, and now they're back together. =P

The Xbox 360 controllers are a lot nicer than the Xbox controllers by the way!

Not every game on the Xbox is a shooter. Let's see....Non shooter games...Hrmm...Oblivion, Beautiful Katamari, Assassin's Creed, Burnout, Dead or Alive, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, etc etc.

As for FFXIII being an exclusive or not? I'm having second thoughts. I wouldn't be surprised if Square decides to also released this game on the Xbox 360. We'll see how the PS3 and the Xbox 360 continues to do later on.

I'm not really a fan girl for any console at the moment. All I can say, I'm very disappointed in Sony.
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I only say yes because i dont like the Xbox 360 at all and i think it mostly been on sony (other then a few portables and FFXI and Gamecube ones). All the most recent ones are on the sony other then FFXI that went online so i think it should stay with sony. I wouldnt reeallly mind it being on Xbox or Nintendo because if i ever get one of those systems i wouldnt mind playing it.
How's about an 'I don't really care' option on this poll? Even if it DID turn out to be PS3 exclusive, I wouldn't buy aq PS3 because it's still freaking expensive, has no backwards compatibility, and only has 2-3 games worth getting.

(and none of those 2-3 worth getting would be FFXIII in my book...)
final fantasy on a Microsoft console, just doesn't seem right :p

You're talking sense there! I'm not a fan of Microsoft to be honest and have always been a Nintendo and Sony type of person. RPG's are my favourite genre and Final Fantasy is one of my favourite sereis'. I should be recieving a PS3 tomorrow and am looking forward to be playinf Final Fantasy XIII some time in 2008. I don't absolutely despise X Box but I would hate to see Final Fantasy XIII in a 360 case...
I am a Xbox 360 owner but I myself would prefer to keep the FF series on the Playstation. Thats why when the release date is announced for this game Im going to preorder it then collect a ps3 on the release date.

Will be getting this and versus cause they both look great so far and to be honest I just cant see this ff series sitting comfortably on xbox.

Especially using 360 controllers it just wouldn't feel right.
There are some games that should just stay in the playstation family, that being the FF games and MGS games IMO, with the exception of twin snakes of course.