Do you want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive?

Do you Want FFXIII to be A PS3 Exclusive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 36.6%

  • Total voters
I don't really care if it's a PS3 exclusive or not...because either way ill STILL be getting it for the PS3. i only want them to put all their attentions on the ps3 version and not give like a 360 version any extra stuff. apart from that i don't care if its exclusive or not. as long as its still available and at its best on the PS3. im happy :D
though the ps3 is very expensive, to do the game proper justice it must be on the most powerful system out.
As much as I wish FFXIII were not PS3 exclusive...I'm still an avid fan of Sony, and...I would probably purchase a system just to support my favorite series and console. =]
I thought I posted in this thread. Bleh...

Anyway, first things first that I am not a Sony fan as I have no real favourite console as I like all... Apart from Xbox. :P

I think that Final Fantasy XIII should remain exclusive because each console needs its big name games. There is no point in every console having the same games (Well, more likely PS3 and 360) as there will not be much between them but if consoles have their big names exclusive then it is more of competitive. Besides, it wouldn't look great if Square Enix did make the series multi-platform. Capcom making Devil May Cry 4 has angered quite a lot of people and the same could happen if Square Enix go multi-platform. There games appear on various consoles but not multi-platform except for FFVII, FFVIII and FFXI.

Each console needs to remain unique and already I am not seeing much between the 360 and PS3. The Wii is already unique with its innovative controller and of course its library of first party games but I feel that 360 and PS3 are getting too similar.
I'm not as big a fan of the PS3 at the moment as I was of the PS2, so I can't say I'd mind too much if FF13 and Versus end up on XBOX 360, even with all its maintenance problems and the infamous "three red lights" hardware failure. Having said that, there are a good few games coming out for both (Devil May Cry 4, probably The Last Remnant) that I'm still going to buy a PS3 to play (I don't have an XBOX 360), so I don't think releasing on two consoles will hurt Sony's sales that much. At least, not for me.
I don't want it to be "exclusive". I don't know which system I will get yet.
The PS3 is a great console. The PS2 got bad press when it first came out and look how it turned out!!! Same will happen for the PS3, mark my words.

PS3 exclusive all the way!
I wouldn't really mind. I'm saving up for a PS3 anyway for MGS4 and DMC4 as well as FFXIII. A lot of the series's I've been following have been on Sony's consoles so that's another reason.

Sorry for the double post.
FFXIII will be a PS3 exclusive. I just found out. I suppose I am kind of glad as I'm getting a PS3.
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I think it should.Most FF's in the main series have stayed as Playstation exclusives and so FFXIII should stay the same way.Could any other console even handle FFXIII? I think not.Plus,FFXIII would be able to help with PS3 sales as an exclusive. ^_^
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I voted yes… personal preference, although I think FFXIII is a PS3 exclusive.

Honestly, I really don’t care if it ever goes cross platform. I already own a PS3 and will purchase FFXIII for the PS3. I’ve never been a fan of the Xbox 360 or the Wii. In fact, I highly doubt that we’ll see any main title Final Fantasy released for the Wii any way.
Now that MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive then the exclusivity of this doesn't matter. I will be buying a PS3 no matter what.
I don't see there being too much of a difference with it being exclusive or not, just more potential for more gamers to play it but this way it is easier for the company to get it our earlier not worrying about making it for 2 consoles.
I don't know why Square won't get through their heads, just to make this for the PC as well, most PC's out there blow away the PS3's graphics engine as well as stats. Don't tell me PC is dieing, because there are plenty of game being made for it. They should release it on PC as well. I am not going to buy a ridiculously expensive PS3 just to play FF13. EVEN if it goes down to 399. It's ludicrous. They made 7 for PC, they mine as well make FF13 for PC, if this is going to be another breakthrough in FF gaming. What legal requirements are there to make it for the PC, I don't understand? Do they need to get permission from every manufacturer in the world to use it on people's systems?

Making it for the WII would be pointless, because it doesn't have nearly the processing power a PS3 has. But for the PC and PS3 would make more sense. AS the PS3 is basically a PC anyway.
I don't know why Square won't get through their heads, just to make this for the PC as well, most PC's out there blow away the PS3's graphics engine as well as stats. Don't tell me PC is dieing, because there are plenty of game being made for it. They should release it on PC as well. I am not going to buy a ridiculously expensive PS3 just to play FF13. EVEN if it goes down to 399. It's ludicrous. They made 7 for PC, they mine as well make FF13 for PC, if this is going to be another breakthrough in FF gaming. What legal requirements are there to make it for the PC, I don't understand? Do they need to get permission from every manufacturer in the world to use it on people's systems?

Making it for the WII would be pointless, because it doesn't have nearly the processing power a PS3 has. But for the PC and PS3 would make more sense. AS the PS3 is basically a PC anyway.

I just don't see why you would want to release an FF game on the PC? PC games dont sell half as well as console games... Yeah, they ported FF7 on the PC and it was awful.

And the legal permissions are basically just paying Microsoft to have it compatable with Windows XP, Vista etc. And what with The Xbox 360 having a fierce competition with the PS3, it's in Sony and Sqaure-Enix's best interest to keep FFXIII PS3 exclusive, not to mention Square-Enix have said that they have no plans for an FF game on the 360, because the 360 isn't selling in Japan, AT ALL. Literally even Halo 3 didn't make it into the top 10 over in Japan, no one hardly bought it...

The PS3 is selling better than the 360 did when it was released, so if it keeps going this way, Square-Enix can make more money keeping it on the PS3.

The Wii is just a poor mans PS3 imo, sorry for the harsh words, but it is.
I just don't see why you would want to release an FF game on the PC? PC games dont sell half as well as console games... Yeah, they ported FF7 on the PC and it was awful.

And the legal permissions are basically just paying Microsoft to have it compatable with Windows XP, Vista etc. And what with The Xbox 360 having a fierce competition with the PS3, it's in Sony and Sqaure-Enix's best interest to keep FFXIII PS3 exclusive, not to mention Square-Enix have said that they have no plans for an FF game on the 360, because the 360 isn't selling in Japan, AT ALL. Literally even Halo 3 didn't make it into the top 10 over in Japan, no one hardly bought it...

The PS3 is selling better than the 360 did when it was released, so if it keeps going this way, Square-Enix can make more money keeping it on the PS3.

The Wii is just a poor mans PS3 imo, sorry for the harsh words, but it is.

The Wii's its own console. It's not trying be like the PS3. By the way, I take back what I said about FF13 being non-exclusive and keep it on the PS3. This and MGS4 are guaranteed to boost sales. Besides, I plan on getting all 3 consoles anyways.
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I agree wholeheardtly the WII is dominated by the PS3 and 360. However, I am a avid fan of the FF series. But I am not going to buy a 400 dollar system just to play one game. When they ported FF7 it was obviously a rush job. I wish they do make this game to PC. It would be well worth it.
And the legal permissions are basically just paying Microsoft to have it compatable with Windows XP, Vista etc. And what with The Xbox 360 having a fierce competition with the PS3, it's in Sony and Sqaure-Enix's best interest to keep FFXIII PS3 exclusive, not to mention Square-Enix have said that they have no plans for an FF game on the 360, because the 360 isn't selling in Japan, AT ALL. Literally even Halo 3 didn't make it into the top 10 over in Japan, no one hardly bought it...

The PS3 is selling better than the 360 did when it was released, so if it keeps going this way, Square-Enix can make more money keeping it on the PS3.

The Wii is just a poor mans PS3 imo, sorry for the harsh words, but it is.

PS3 is selling better in Japan but Mircosoft is doing a good job marketing in the Xbox 360 in Japan. Mircosoft is probably paying developers to make games on the Xbox 360 for Japanese gamers to buy. Xbox 360 recently jumped up in sales because Hironobu Sakaguchi's Blue Dragon. Not to mention I believe from this year Tokyo Game show announced just as many RPGs for the PS3 as the Xbox 360. (Probably more of the PS3 but quite a few are coming out for the 360.)

Square Enix is releasing Infinite Undiscovery on the Xbox 360.

As for Wii, I've heard some games aren't as good for the Wii. The Wii controller can become a little difficult to use. I can't see many RPGs coming out for the Wii.