Does anybody else think FFXII killed Malboro's?


Blue Mage
Jan 12, 2007
Edmonton, AB Canada
Malboro's always used to be the one enemy I was scared of encountering. Every time the battle screen loaded I would be praying that It wasn't a Malboro waiting to shower me with his bad breath, making my party virtually destroy themselves and without anything you could do. Even at extremely high levels, it could take you out if you were unlucky enough. But, in this game they seem like pushovers, barely worth glancing at as you pass by. Don't get me wrong I think this game is awesome, but (I never thought I would say it) I miss having to fight that pain in the ass. Is it just me? Am I the only one who thinks they were actually ever any problem? Maybe I'm crazy...
They were more difficult the first time I encountered them in the Waterways but now they're not too bad. I still get the feeling you're talking about whenever I encounter them just out of habit.
Well, I guess I'm not high enough in level to get what you're saying.

I encountered the Malboro King in the Waterways and it DEMOLISHED my team in one hit each. *wipes away tear* I'm still scared of them!
wait til you fight Carrot. Let's just say they more than made up for nerfing malboros in general.
hmm....I thought this way at first....then I didn't care. I can quite easily demolish Malboros in any final fantasy game I play, even the very first one you can encounter in FFX. But, because they still had their bad breath, but they had bigger numbers, it made it more of a challenge for me.
hmm I saw some malboros in that forest, I think I know what you mean, but also it occured to me that the malboros has decreased in size...

decrease in size=shrunken abilities?
i got hit hard by them a couple of times, but not bad.

carrot COULD have been scary for me, but i was a too high of a level. he got wiped out quite easily.
Ha Ha, I know what you mean, maybe its because they are smaller in 12. But I know what you mean, they were such a bitch in ff8. I remember you had to steal something from them to use to make the ultimate weapon.... They were hard as hell and could easily wipe me out. This version they are so easy!
they were difficult when i first went into the golmore jungle... i only was like lvl 25 or somethin. they confused all of me then i jus kill myself =)
I have beaten Carrot and found it extremely easy, the fight lasted a matter of seconds. Maybe I have just been too over-leveled.

Probably. I fought him at an insanely low level, so that could be the reason why. I meant, moreso, he's very large and his status attacks actually HIT you, while all the other marlboro monsters are shrimpy and attempt to spew at you, but always either miss or die before they get a chance to.
The Malboros in Golmore Jungle were easy my first time through, and I really thought the Great Malboros would be nasty, but they weren't. It was only until just recently when I attempted to do the White Mousse Hunt (way underleveled and didn't know it) that I found out how devastating Malboro Overkings are.

I don't think that they necessarily killed malboros...I just think they took them back to about how they were in FFIV. Back when they only used bad breath on one character at a time. The next time I can picture them was FFVIII when they were HUGE and used bad breath on the entire party almost immediately after my first round of attacks. Then of course FFX they were just downright nasty.

I don't remember if they were in V, VI, VII, or IX. I've played the first three of them all the way through and forget, and I have yet to play the whole way through IX.
yeah, they were in 7. i think 9 as well, but i haven't played that in a long time.
i preferred to have a "harder" enemy to beat every now and then. BTW, in which games are/arent the Tonberries present, i like them to be there, just could kill you off with their attacks...
Well ... not really .... they still put up a little fight but hey im only at level 40ish, so i havnt encountered any marlboros that were too hard to handle .. but yeah, depending on your level .. marlboros will go the way of the do do bird .. extinct
I just got done with meeting with the Garif, so right now i havent been to golmore jungle, but i HAVE been to Salika woods, and the waterway for the mousse hunt, the marls in salika are really easy they dont use bad breath on you, but the marls in the waterway are kind of a pain, theyll use it and mean it too, i think if i wasnt lvl 30 with my main party right now i would get owned by them. i dont expect to progress the story until im atleast almost to lvl 40 with main party and have the top half of the license grid done, shouldnt take too long, i have golden amulets on all characters so i can get double LP, and im trying to finish all the sidequests and hunts i can currently do, so i expect when im done with all that, the marlboros will just be another pushover.
The Malboros in the game were fairly easy up until the Overkings started showing up. Still, they weren't hard to destroy...they were just so much more annoying.

Once you get to Giruvegan...that's when I started dreading the appearance of the Cassie malboros - 'go away!' 'get away from me!'
'aw man...why'd you have to do that to him?!'

...I hate Bad Breath...

Still, they weren't as hard in this game as they were in the previous ones. I didn't mind all that much, though - quality was just replaced by quantity and diversity.
Sometimes it's just the way of the world.