Does God Hate Bisexuals and Homosexuals?

Repentance is a 360 degree turn. You were not entirely sorry for it if at the back of your mind, you know you're going to do it again. God can see that.

The thought of commiting to the sin, no matter what it is, is what you call temptation. This something any believer deals with. For us to fall, even after repenting, is falling under the temptation. Do you think that if I been a stealer all my life, then repented, then, after a while, ended up thinking about it and doing it, we are not forgiven? For us to fall is something natural. We are not perfect beings.
why is that we have to be perfect to get into heaven. nobody is perfect. but we h to be the most wonderful angelif we wt to fit gods standards. people ma mistakes all their life and that marks that not everyone can live up to god's standards. so if god wanted all of us to fit those stardards hen this owrld would be full of priests cause 80 percent of the preists are not what they seem and only 20 pecent are these perfect angels. and another thing who cares about if people decide to be come bisexual, gay or lesbian then why are then automatically confined as defying the will of god. tat is totally poposterous. of o where to turn gay would go strait to hell. it doesn't even make any sence.
My thoughts were that God was all-loving, thus he would love everyone, bisexuals and homosexuals alike
why is that we have to be perfect to get into heaven. nobody is perfect. but we h to be the most wonderful angelif we wt to fit gods standards. people ma mistakes all their life and that marks that not everyone can live up to god's standards. so if god wanted all of us to fit those stardards hen this owrld would be full of priests cause 80 percent of the preists are not what they seem and only 20 pecent are these perfect angels. and another thing who cares about if people decide to be come bisexual, gay or lesbian then why are then automatically confined as defying the will of god. tat is totally poposterous. of o where to turn gay would go strait to hell. it doesn't even make any sence.

We don't have to be perfect to get into heaven. If that was what was required, then we would all go to hell. I agree with no one is perfect. When it says live up to God's standards, it is saying to follow them the best you can. The Bible is our guide on how we live. Though we will never get up to the perfection of God, we can get as close as we can.
God DOES love all people, he just hates the sin. And as for people getting into heaven, so many won't be let in, because they are not staying true to God's word. God knows everyone, inside out.
God DOES love all people, he just hates the sin. And as for people getting into heaven, so many won't be let in, because they are not staying true to God's word. God knows everyone, inside out.

FINALLY, someone gets what I was saying. God loves the person, but hates the sin. This goes for anyone, and any sin. He loves EVERYONE, and hates EVERY sin.

I agree with you on who will get to heaven. Taking the narrow path that is the path of Christ will be a hard path to follow. Many will fall, come the last days.
We don't have to be perfect to get into heaven. If that was what was required, then we would all go to hell. I agree with no one is perfect. When it says live up to God's standards, it is saying to follow them the best you can. The Bible is our guide on how we live. Though we will never get up to the perfection of God, we can get as close as we can.

well then can you explain why we have to follow the will of god to get accepted to gods paridise???
...But that's where it gets tangled up. Why would he, in his right mind, create sinners if he hated sins so much? If two girls are in a loving relationship together, wouldn't it be evil of God to look down love, regardless of the circumstances?

It's obvious that this whole "OMG GHAY IS WRRRONG!" was just another method the Romans/whatever used to prevent behaviors that they didn't like.
Well in actuality we are born sinners since we are the product of a sin...if I understand the Bible correctly
When Adam and Eve ate the apple?

But i was also once told that Adam and Eve's story was an inspired tales by the Babylonians....

Whatever it is, my opinion is everyone's actually born good, its the influence we face in life that will cause us to sin.
When Adam and Eve ate the apple?

But i was also once told that Adam and Eve's story was an inspired tales by the Babylonians....

Whatever it is, my opinion is everyone's actually born good, its the influence we face in life that will cause us to sin.

That is how sin makes its way into us. Our experiences, including what we see and what we hear, are what causes sin to enter.
Junior is right, we are all born with sin. And we will sin, it's inevitable, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", as no one is without sin no one should start a fight.
In order to be accepted into heaven we must repent our sins and seek absolution.
Junior is right, we are all born with sin. And we will sin, it's inevitable, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", as no one is without sin no one should start a fight.
In order to be accepted into heaven we must repent our sins and seek absolution.

This is coupled with Jesus coming to the Earth and dying for our sins. It's like since Adam and Eve became sinful, God felt he needed to do something to help us out. Jesus came to Earth and then saved us all.

The true path to heaven relies on the person being everything the bible tells you and only then will you be accepted into paradise.
To Kaidaku: That is your choice to believe it or not, but it is true for Christians. He is an all loving God.

This is coupled with Jesus coming to the Earth and dying for our sins. It's like since Adam and Eve became sinful, God felt he needed to do something to help us out. Jesus came to Earth and then saved us all.

The true path to heaven relies on the person being everything the bible tells you and only then will you be accepted into paradise.

I agree. Nowhere does it say in the Bible we had to be perfect. It is impossible.
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^ Ye, total agreements on that one.

If perfection was what we were supposed to achieve, i suppose there would be no sin already.
^ Ye, total agreements on that one.

If perfection was what we were supposed to achieve, i suppose there would be no sin already.

Exactly, and if there was no sin, then the purpose of us being on this earth would not be existent, because we are all already perfect, so there is no need for us here.
i agree. maybe i went about this all wrong.maybe god is all loving but i don't believe that.

Or perhaps you simply do not want to believe that God is all-loving because there are some "sinful" lifestyles out there you just do not want to accept.

The true path to heaven relies on the person being everything the bible tells you and only then will you be accepted into paradise.

But what you have just described IS perfection. The Bible tells you to do alot of things that are humanly impossible. The key is to try to do as much as IS humanly possible, and when you stumble, to ask God for forgiveness, then repent and try not to do it again. Jesus doesn't expect a person to never be able to covet a single time in his life, or to never wish harm on a person.

Exactly, and if there was no sin, then the purpose of us being on this earth would not be existent, because we are all already perfect, so there is no need for us here.

Actually, God created Adam as perfect and gave him the task of watching over the animals. Then he created Eve as perfect so that Adam could have a human companion.

Genesis 2 said:
15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;
17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.
21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,'
for she was taken out of man."

So um, even when man was originally created as a perfect being, he had a purpose. Nice try, though.
I say if God truly accepts everyone he would accept homo and bisexuals.

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post. Thanks.
I'm not a very religous person, and I don't claim to be. I've read the bible a few times, and have found several passages like...

Exodus 35:2 God demands we kill all those who work on the Sabbath Day
Deuteronomy 21 & 22, Basically here god demands the death of teenager who are disobiedient, and girls who are not virgins when they marry.
Leviticus 20:13 - God demands the killing of homosexuals.

Why would an all loving god demand such a thing? Heres why...The bible has been translated about 3 times, and I believe somewhere along the line some biggot or perfectionist added those things to control people. Bear in mind the bible is gods words written by MAN(key word).

Im not bashing religion, and I'm not trying to convert anyone, I'm merely stating the facts.

So does God hate homosexuals? Its hard to say as theres no tangible proof god exists.

- Kuja