Frankly i think religion is a bunch of bullshit. That being said, I think that people who think that god hates bisexuals and homosexuals are just afraid of someone or something different than themselves and they need to learn to get the hell over it and get with the times. contrary to popular belief by many overly religious people, homosexuality isn't going to go away, and homosexuals aren't going to change to being straight just because some crazy person tries to push their beliefs on them. Case in point: the passage of Gay Marriage laws in California. California is among the first states to take a step in the right direction and recognize the right of two people who are in love to be able to marry, regardless of sexuality or gender, and the Mormons are all up in arms about it, and the higher up Mormons are calling on all Mormons in California to fight the gay marriage laws and try and get the law to be abolished. My question is what right do they have trying to interfere in something that doesn't concern them other than the fact that they are told by their "God" or their bible or what the fuck ever that homosexuals are sinners and should be stricken down and sent to hell.
Basically what I'm trying to say here is if "god" was all loving or whatever, then he wouldn't have a problem, but the crazy people who misinterpret things do.
Basically what I'm trying to say here is if "god" was all loving or whatever, then he wouldn't have a problem, but the crazy people who misinterpret things do.