Dream job(s)

Besides a famous actress or singer? :wacky: I always wanted to be a talk radio host/talk show host :ohoho: I love to talk, and the idea of sharing my opinion and interviewing people and have people actually want to listen to me? Sounds pretty great to me.

Another job I'd love would be a translator, given I knew the language well enough :hmmm:
I am an aspiring sci-fi writer. The dream is to be a full time author. I really like the idea of working from home and on my own terms. Also, my girlfriend and I really want to adopt a greyhound, but I really don't think that would be fair on a dog when we both work full time, so working from home would help there.
Well, right now? It looks like my direction is teaching or academia.

Literally just over a month after writing this, I've been talked into considering a switch to a career in law. Despite not studying for a Law degree at the moment (I'd also enjoy it immensely for the content and for the rigour), I'd have to take a law conversion course like a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) or maybe even an MA in the field before I can have any hopes of touching the Legal Practice Course.

I can very well see myself practising to be a solicitor, and there's an astonishing variety and quantity of viable law firms dotted not just here in the UK, but globally. Of course, whether I can successfully qualify for professional work in any of them will be easier said than done. There's that small little problem of introducing myself into a field I have had very little experience in, getting to a level viably competitive enough, and deciding what area of specialty and type of solicitor is best for me.

Exciting times ahead~ :melody: