
I dunno.... =/ *not even sure if this thread is serious or not* Just figured I'd put my two cents in.
Yes this thread is serious.
Berlesconi, is Italy's main senator in Europe's congress.
Ah okies. :D Well, I wouldn't know. I'd have to do some research for that 'cause once again, any slight thing with politics doesn't catch my attention. =/
*sigh @ Addle's comment* =/
I think Europe is a pretty cool country. eh they fought wars and doesnt afraid of anything.
The capital of Europe is Britain, evidently.

Also, Europe is where all the history happened, so everyone else can get lost :awesome:.

Unless... You're Asian, or African... Or... Awww frag.
Yeah American history goes way back.

The first mammoth empire and the war against the sloths.

Then million years of nothing. Then people probably coming from the east (well their west) settling for the first time.

Then eventually they started acting all indian-like, and the ones down south acted like a civilisation.

Then the Europeans arrived and continued their civilisation, which is why it is famous. :awesome:

Oh is this an EU slam thread?

<----hates economics.

Though I acknowledge the need for a North American economic alliance. Viva el Amero!
I'd think that too, but I like my celtic brothers. :awesome:
Europe will just be conquered by the giant robots of Japan anyways. :ness: