excited about the main character?

Edward Elric

Mar 19, 2007
am i the only one who is REALLY excited about the look of this main character? he looks like one of the few real badass powerful main characters final fantasy has made. i mean theres terra, and cecil, and the rest of the main characters are just ordinary people. this guy looks like a powerhouse and i cant wait to see what hes like...im excited :D
He looks really cool, yes. I actually want Versus more than the regular XIII. =/.

Anywho, he seems to be a badass character that I would love to play.
Judging by first impressions I think that FFVersusXIII will be a better game than FFXIII because of the main character, I'm certainly more excited about FFVersusXIII than FFXIII :P
Judging by first impressions I reckon you are a very shortsighted person :p.

Anyway FF XIII will probably be longer than FFXIIIVS, and the main character looks kinda cliche, so right now I'm with Lightning.
Judging by first impressions I reckon you are a very shortsighted person :p.

Anyway FF XIII will probably be longer than FFXIIIVS, and the main character looks kinda cliche, so right now I'm with Lightning.

how can you come to the conclusion that FFXIII will be longer than FFversusXIII? and what does that have to do with the main character?
Versus *thats just what I'm calling him* looks pretty darn cool, and that sword is pretty badass... Both him and Lightning seem pretty awesome, and I'm sure both games will ROCK
Yea FF13Versus looks better and so does the main character.....and its believed his name is either Storm or Thunder:)
I think he looks pretty cool even tho he's emo.

Yea FF13Versus looks better and so does the main character.....and its believed his name is either Storm or Thunder:)
Thunder is the nick name for the chick in the ff13 trailer.
Versus seems real instresting as you can be the villian, but i reckon xiii will be better.
I'm more excited to see FFversusXIII than FFXIII. I'm expecting that his attacks pwns. But FFXIII's Lightning looks interesting. I'm can't wait to see both!

Azmatikz said:
Versus seems real instresting as you can be the villian, but i reckon xiii will be better.

Really? I didn't know about that.
The main character certainly looks mean. I might even like him better than Sephiroth.
He's hot in a dark kind of way! ^_^

I'm excited,too.He looks like Cloud and Squall but with a darker aura.Tetsuya Nomura said that his outfit isn't finished but I think he's fine the way he is.Especially his swords.
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Guys remember to put a bit more thought in your posts, because, afterall this IS apost count area and posts like "i think both will be great" Will be considered spam, and deleted.

And im not too bothered on the main character of Versus just yet, sure he looks cool and all, but not enough informations been released yet to make me Excited about him.
He looks so cool, the trailer was bad ass
Wounder what he was thinking about before he decided to get up off his throne and finally go beat those soldier to a pulp. (supposivly)
I heard they turn into motorcycles =p corny but it explains that engine sound in the end of the trailer
Also why was the inside of that temple filled with water?
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I've heard the story surrounding him is meant to be really tragic and such, which to me would make a better game. Even the trailer seems pretty sad, and quite gothic-like. He seems realllllllly skilled :-) and is pretty hot.
Loving the city but, kept expecting to see a big heart shaped KingdomHearts-esque type moon though :P
he seems kick ass cause hes a darker person n he does look like cloud n squall together hell be fun as hell to control n wut not with those swords of his
I have only seen 2 characters so far in FF13,, and I think they look totally cool.. Some say lightning is a femail version for cloud.