Favorite Character [FFVIII]

I like Squall the most, not because he is handsome, or the main character, or... , only because his thinking at first " everyone must take care of themself" , " I always try my best, i'll be ok without you "
Hm. Arguably, Squall. One, for his handsome features, which to me, seems like one of the most handsome male leads in the Final Fantasy series. His weapon wielding style also looks cool - I say this with reference to how he appears to fight in Dissidia. His personality seals the deal for me.

I'm not sure how I would explain this, but it's just pure cool to me. "Whatever." Whoo. Sounds like something I'd love to say directly to teachers. Heh heh.
I would have to say my faves is between Irvine and Seifer. Irvine because he tries to be a total ladies man and fails completely, which is really funny. Plus he kind of has that whole loner idiom going on.

And Seifer because he was a complete bad ass and became a bad guy all the way to the end of the game. Unlike some bad guys he stays bad all the way to the end and doesn't die in the middle of the game.
My favorite is Squall. His look, personality, fighting style, weapon, its all cool to me. But beyond that, I like how his feelings towards others and even about people in general change slowly as the game progresses through his relationship with Rinoa. I think its one of the best things Square Enix, or any game/company has managed to do with a character. That said, I still love his 'Whatever'. Some people find it annoying but I smile whenever he says it. It's all been added for me with playing Dissidia. I love just about all of his lines.

Selphie is probably a good second or third, along with Zell. I used to dislike characters like Selphie, Aerith, Yuffie, Yuna, Rikku, etc. But Selphie was one of those characters who grew on me. She was the bubbly and happy type, but she had a secret psychotic nature where she'd recommend blowing something to smithereens every once in awhile. I loved that most about her.

*On the Train mission*
Zell: Right, so what's the plan?
Selphie: Blow the car to smithereens with a rocket launcher!?
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Hmm.. this is a really hard game to pick a favorite character for, because I loved them all XD

I'll settle on a favorite male and a favorite female, I suppose.

Male: Irvine. One: he's completely.. er... fangirl material. Two: He has a gun. Guns are awesome. I really like the whole "What IS your department?" "Guns and women, of course!" banter, it made me laugh when I was old enough to read the dialogue on my own XD Irvine's just... I don't know, awesome? I love his attitude the most out of the FF8 guys. Zell's a bit too... hyper, I suppose, and Squall, while I loved his character immensely, was just too down sometimes. I do like the happy characters, and while Irvine wasn't always happy, he was a balance of happy and serious.

Female: Oh whoa, this is REALLY hard. It's between Quistis and Rinoa, actually. Rinoa mainly beccause of one scene, though, the one where Irvine is coming down the stairs in the prison and she kicks him xD Best Rinoa scene in the whole game, I swear. As for Quistis... I think she's got a lot of potential to be an amazingly well rounded character. Her emotional turmoil over her feelings for Squall and whether or not she loved him in a romantic manner or a motherly way. I think that could have been explored and added a ton to her character.

So.. I guess my favorites would have to be, despite my username, Irvine and Quistis. Irvine before Quistis, I think, but it's such a hard choice... :gonk:
Would it be alright to have a fourdraw between four characters ?? >=<

Laguna Rinoa Selphie and Irvine though dont mind Squall and Seifer because both of them are pretty misunderstood young teenagers and they both grow through alot of trouble in their stories and both of them are very talented fighters the both of them are almost equaled in strength speed and skill and think Cid says that the Gunblade is a hard weapon to master :unsure:

But maybe Laguna would be favourite male because his kind heart and really enjoy how he gives spirit and encouragement towards everybody and a draw between Rinoa and Selphie for female really like Selphies energy and Rinoa has a pretty costume normal and balldress and like Squall says she is really full of life and shes romantic ^^
This is quite a hard pick for me actually , i liked squalls pure ignorance from the start but then as the game progresses we see a team leader developing in him! , and all of irvines fails at trying to get the women are very amusing , and zell is so full of life and a very energetic and likeable character , overall id have to say Squall , i just have something about the main characters in all these games!.
Quistis is my favorite FF character ever. It might be the whip, it might the attitude, and it might be that she predicted a rather disturbing trend in society. I don't know what is, but everytime I see her, I smile. Rinoa would be second and Selphie third. I don't really like any of the male characters, they just don't appeal to me.
ohh Rinoa! ahe is just awsome! i love her attitude as she is so upbeat without being annoying (i think anyway) and she can do serious too! The effect she has on squall is too good! he was so moody but then she made him happy :) and in love. Yay! I cried so much when he saved her! it was beautiful. She is just cute and awsome! I loved her so much i even did my hair like her when i was younger haha.
I'd have to go with squall. The main character usually has the most character development, smoothest attitude, etc. etc. etc., since he's the main he has to be the most liked
My favorite is probly squall-simple and gets too the point

zell- tough and has a short temper, ready too pound your face in at any second

sipher, im suprised no one has used him, but i like him because he is squalls body and just a plane funny murderus guy, kind of like the joker from batman, but not fail
I'd have to say Squall simply because he is the only member of your party that you really get to know. It would be hard for me to pick anyone else because you don't have much information on them except for maybe Rinoa. While I didn't dislike Rinoa I don't think she is favorite material at all. A little too feminine of a girl for me. She is easily the most feminine FF lead I've actually placed in my party in situation where it wasn't forced by the game though.
Selphie and Zell.
Although Selphie was quite bizzare most of the time, I felt that she was quite realistic, in the sense that most of the other characters were like "let's just get on with this". I however liked Selphie's enthusiasm. And really I LOVE her nanchakus. Plus she created the Laguna fanpage xD
I love Zell's short temper really. Plus he hates Seifer, so what's not to love? :D
My Fav Character on this has always been Squall lionheart. just because when I was playing the game for some reason with him I felt how he felt. i was about 12-13 when I first played this game (first time around) and for some reason his character of i only care for myself noone else style to start off was how i felt in veryday life tbh and when he had Riona sort of helping him through his path (growing up) i was there with him. but he has been the only character in any FF that its been like thats me in a way (personality wise) thats why i wear the FF pendant and ring ( Squall ring and pendant)
it is Edea, her looks are amazing, the misterious sorcerer with hidden past at the beginning. she is the most powerful sorcerer at the time and the music rocks when she appears
I never answered this question...

My favourite characters are Zell and Selphie.

Zell is a loudmouth, hyper guy, who actually acts like a regular seventeen year old in my opinion, he is not a sad person and looks like a shonen manga main character, and that is simply awesome since i love shonen's, plus his limit break is the most powerful in the game and it actually makes sense that a character like him uses energy based attacks along with combos of punches and kicks. Plus besides Squall and Rinoa he is the character who gets more screen time, especially during the Edea Escort segment, he is a responsible guy with a good heart, and i think Squall was an idiot to actually put Quistis over Zell in the Deling City mission.

As for Selphie she is simply a crazy little girl with a spunky attitude i love it, she's the character who always says the most amazing things, along with Zell she makes the party a bit more happy, cause it would just be boring if it was just Squall, Rinoa and Quistis since they're always serious and frankly we need people who actually act as their age and i think Selphie and Zell and perhaps Irvine are the only ones who actually act according to their age.

Now i'll tell you why i don't like the other characters:

Squall is too serious, some people think it's cool to be anti-social, rude and act like a lonewolf and always look depressed...well i think differently i think in the real world those are some of the worst characteristics anyone could have, and so i don't like him at all, he's not that different from Cloud although Cloud can actually act a bit cooler or at least he tries to.

Rinoa is a super sweet 16 kind of girl, the simple fact that she as a faction that call her "princess" and she as a nap time is just completely absurd, so you're the leader of the timber resistance and you have a nap time and people call you princess lol...that's just absurd to me. And on top of it all the only reason she started the resistance is because she's pissed at her daddy it's pathetic. Plus i laugh at the fact that she basically screws up the Deling mission along with Quistis, she's probably one of the most overrated characters in all of the Final Fantasy games, in the sense that's she's worst lead female character of all Final Fantasies, she basically can't do anything on her own without Squall or someone else having to save her, and then you're basically forced into a love story with her all of the sudden is dumb. And finally the plothole about Ultimecia using Rinoa to rule the world never impressed me, it just ment you had to save her two more times. So yeah as you can see i completely dislike her.

Quistis is not as mature as people try to put her, she is unprofessional to start with, in the real world if a teacher admits her feelings to a minor student she ends up in jail, she was not qualified to be an instructor and that's why she was demoted so that right there proves that she is not a good teacher. Also she is not mature, what kind of mature and professional person actually leaves her mission in the middle to go an apologize to Rinoa...and she could have jepordize the entire mission for doing that. And she tries to act bossy but she should learn her role and shut her mouth because if anyone needs an attitude adjustment it's her.

As for Irvine...well he's the typical 17 old guy who hits on girls and stuff like that, he's ok i guess.
FFVIII Was my first FF game I've ever played, I realy like Selphie, She's always so cheerfull and very funny too, I realy like her outfit.
But I like Ivine too, he's such a funny guy, I think he and Selphie realy match :)
But actualy I like almost every character in FF VIII, except for Zell, he's alwat so loud and that realy get's on my nerves.
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Well, in FFVIII I liked many characters XD. I liked Zell, Selphie, Irvine and Laguna.
Zell- His character is funny to me and makes me chuckle XD. His short temper and his attitude is cute :) Idk i always had a thing for him. He always would try to act all badass and whanot and I thought that was pretty funny.
Selphie- She's just so entergetic and happy :) she can be a bit loud and clumsy but I think that's what sets her apart shes always go-happy-lucky typa chick to me. Selphie sorta reminds me of me XD.
Irvine- Just like any other 'player wanna be' XD if you will. I just thought it was funny to watch him try and get all the girls with his charm but really he's not all of a ladies man XD.
Laguna- His personality was great to me :) No matter what happened he always tried to see the brighter side of everything and he was very lively. great character. :)
I liked Squall. He had a cool Loner personality that made me feel like using him. Lionheart was also the best limit break in the game in my opinion. His style of clothing was also awesome. My second pic would be Zell. The tatoo on his face was epic and he seemed to have a great hyperactive personality.
i had four favourite characters lol.

Squall - this is because you really feel you can understand his whole character from this game. From the start he is closed off, does not want friends or need them, he cares for his own life but does not give a damn for anyone else. He feels alone inside and because of that he does not know how to approach new people or trust them in the end but throughout the game you really see him begin to change and warm up to people. open up, trust them and even fall in love and from the squall you see at the start to the one at the end it really does make you feel acomplished. which to me is rather strange concidering its a game but... it really does.

Zell - He is just a amazing character, so funny and completely buzzing around, he reminds me of a friend who just cannot sit still or cool down his emotions for a short time. Plus the whole scenes of zell you really cannot help you warm up to him throughout everything and when seifer is bugging on him you feel sorry for zell but also like the fact he loses his temper, he seems very much human hehe.

Selphie - she is such a funny character but one of the weirdest ones throughout the game. She is just so energetic and completely over the roof in everything she does but she is the one character who you love being there because she brings out reactions from every single character throughout the game and even though she is always buggin squall and the rest of them with her ideas and so forth they really do put up with her which is nice, also i like the way she deals with irvine a lot of the time also. xD she makes the whole thing so much more fun. xD

Rinoa - i loved rinoa throughout the game because she seemed to remind me of a cross between aerith and tifa with aeriths caring nature and trying to change people and then tifas temper. It was a really nice contrast plus i think i began to truely love her character when i saw how she began to change every single character, some people think only squall changed because of her but the truth is i think she touched every single character in that game, even seifer in some weird sense but she couldnt change his way completely but at the end of the game you do see him as being changed in a small sense.

so that is why i adore those characters.
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