Favorite Character [FFVIII]

Honestly I didn't really love or hate any of the characters in ffviii.. THey were all just kind of there.. Didn't really connect to any of them..
Tie between Laguna and Seifer.

Laguna from his very first appearance really drew me in. He was a soldier fighting a war, not some epic hero saving the world. He was awkward and had a hard time around his love interest, and felt like a real person. Also, double-plus points for a main character with a gun. I know, lots of characters in RPGs have had classy flintlocks, but it was very epic to see someone with a machine gun.

If I could see a spinoff to this game, it would be the same plot that the game follows, but entirely from Seifer's perspective. Seifer has a goal and follows his convictions to the end, no matter what it means. My favourite kind of villain has always been someone with good intentions that winds up messing it all up. Big fan, big big fan.
My favourite character was/ is Zell. He just seemed really sweet and caring. When he wanted to protect Edea from harm, it was just really sweet because it shows that he really cares about other people, and he doesn't take others for granted. He was a bit hyper and shouty sometimes, but he has a strong heart and I love him for that.


1) her limit break is usually extremely helpfull(especially if you get cast 2xs protect, and or 2xs anything)
2) she has some of the funniest lines in the game
3) her attacks are actually really powerfull

I'd have to say Laguna and his group were pretty interesting and I half felt like I wish I could have played as their group for most of the game instead of Squalls. Laguna's pretty funny. What I like though, is despite Laguna going through a lot (He REALLY does go through a lot), he doesn't get depressed that easily and is still light hearted. He wants to be a writer, not a fighter, and those sequences are a pretty interesting.
Favorites :

1st Selphie - the jolly girl i fell in love with when I was 16
2nd Laguna - i like his attitude and the body posture
3rd Squall - "go talk to a wall"
4th Seifer - no idea, i just like him
5th Zell - the chicken wuss
Squall. I don't really like most of the typical FF protagonists. Squall is cold, sarcastic and a loner (on the outside at least), but he is also driven. He goes to any lengths to acheive his goal. The main story arc is about him trying to accept that he can't just rely on himself, and he goes to lengths trying to change that. His relationship with Rinoa is the most believable and endearing of any FF game (IMO).
Also, gunblades are the best weapons, and he is the master. Besides, it is quite a nice change to have a protagonist that isn't blond.
I think I like Squall because even though he lives in a fantasy (sci-fi... whatever) environment, he reacts to things how a person reall would, and reacts to outrageous and archtypical characters the same way. He's cynical, cold, and most of all... real and relatable.

I don't know if it's bad that I relate to Squall, but I do and his inner monologue was one of the best parts of the game, I thought.

Also gunblades are badass.