Favorite Character [FFVIII]

I like Rinoa:D she resembles Tifa in some way...and she is cute..she basically screws up the Deling mission along with Quistis, she's probably one of the most overrated characters in all of the Final Fantasy games> this I luv abotu her mostly..and she gets along with Squall..
My favourites would be Squall and Seifer, for their immense rivalry.
I like Squall in terms of combat as well, and him and Rinoa were one of my favourite couples :3 The bit when they were in space were so cute (but I hated the multicoloured monsters with a passion).
Squall, because he's mysterious and thoughtful. I identify with those qualities, myself.

My favorite female character is definitely Quistis. She is mature for her age and very intelligent, but isn't aloof in the same way that Squall is. Her emotions are out there, and they allow her to have feelings for Squall, but she isn't cliche in the sense that she dwells on him and becomes madly obsessed, indicating a great deal of of inner strength.
Squall - I don't like his personality, but he's a really cool guy imo and I like his gunblade.

Seifer - He's another FF badass, and seeing him tease Zell was pretty funny

Laguna - A positive, cool guy with a good personality unlike Squall

Ward - Gentle Giant
I like Rinoa:D she resembles Tifa in some way...and she is cute..she basically screws up the Deling mission along with Quistis, she's probably one of the most overrated characters in all of the Final Fantasy games> this I luv abotu her mostly..and she gets along with Squall..

;) How is she overrated? I think she is underrated. People never really rate her to begin with, they just hate her for no reason and then they are done.

I disagree about her being over-rated, and she and Tifa are very different.
Favorite character!!!

I was going through the forum and i think i did not saw any topic about our favorite FFVIII characters!!! So name your character and why you like him!

I start first(duh...) :

Mine is Zell! A lad full of energy, funny at most of times xD and also real handy in your combat party!!!
Also his game card is awesome.

Now your turn guys!
My favorite has to be Squall he is so cool and I like the way he doesn't like anyone to know what he is thinking and his gunblade is class it's one of my favorite weapons in the Final Fantasy series.
Squall is my favorite hands down, I will never forget how hard I laughed at Squalls response to Quistis trying to tell him her problems. "Go Talk To A Wall". I laughed so hard I thought my ribs were gonna break.lol
Zell is my favorite. His energy and mine are nearly equal and I like how he has an edge but at the same time cares for his friends. That and he's one of the more powerful character in the party I made. He's kind of a wild boy, so I like that about him as well (earning him #8 on my Top 10 Bish List).
1. Rinoa. :cheer:

I just think she is pure awesome-ness. >w< I love Rinoa. Currently I am doing a Rinoa only challenge. It's quite easy, though I just reached Disc 3 and I'll have to do everything with my designated back-up when Rinoa's not avaliable. (Order: Rinoa -> Edea -> Quistis -> Irvine)

2. Quistis.

Funny and Kick-ass. Degenerator = <3.

3. Squall.

Funny. I usually hate the main male character, but he's pretty cool. Not Yuri (Tales of Vesperia) cool, but cool.

4. Irvine.

Another funny character. I find him fun to use sometimes.

5. Zell and Selphie.

Meh. Zell's just the whatever character for me. I use to like Selphie a lot but now I find her a little annoying. And she's not very good in battle, compared to a few other characters.

As for the other characters.

1. Laguna.

I love him. He's awesome.

2. Julia and Raine.

I love both of these two. They both have sad stories too. ;-; Poor Julia never gets to sing to Laguna. And Raine DIES! D: Julia wins by a little because she is Rinoa's mother.

3. Kiros, Fujin and Ellone.

4. Edea and Seifer.

5. Ultimecia.

6. Ward.

7. Raijin.
I have always had a thing about Squall. I love deep characters he has so much he hides and I love that about him that everyone think he's just cold but there are realy resons behind his coldness. Brooding, deep characters that you really have to read into.
My favorite character is Quistis. From a story standpoint, she's beautiful, talented and very skilled, graduating SeeD at 15. :) I also like underdogs characters like Quistis. She gets insulted by Squall, Seifer and Rinoa, she has her instrustor's license taken away. Even with all of that, she still maintains her dignity. I really wish her background was explored more in depth.

From a combat perspective, I always have Quistis in my group as both a magic user and a physical attacker. Denerator, White Wind, Shockwave Pulsar, Mighty Guard alone make her worthy to have in any group with anyone. If it were possible that we could switch out Squall in a group, I would done so and made Quistis the leader.
My favourite character is Zell because he gets hot-tempered, which is funny, and he is super hyper! I think he is one of the only characters in the Final Fantasy series to fight with his fists, apart from Snow in FFXIII.
When I was a kid I watched my mom play VIII and I thought Seifer was the coolest person ever. For my birthday I asked her for a Seifer figure and I got it! I should really find that... but I'm going to play through VIII myself soon and I'll be sure to post my new favorite!
I always like Squall, I dunno why, but he's my top favourite FF characters so far, mhm :)
I like his personality--whether good or bad

maybe because I have some similarities with him? lol
My favourite character is Edea. Quistis gets honorable mention for her intelligence and toughness.

Edea is a motherly and compassionate figure before she gets possessed. She loved the orphans and is willing to risk her life for them when she took the sorceress powers from dying ultimecia.

I pity her because she is greatly misunderstood in-game and in reality. In-game, she was misunderstood for being evil till end of disc 2. People who never played FFVIII or played it halfway will most probably pinpoint Edea as ruthless, evil, scary and pretty much the main antagonist. Come to think about it. In almost all promotional pictures of FF8, Edea is portrayed like an evil woman. When I was little I also thought that she was evil. In truth, she was under full possession of Ultimecia.

She did not deserve all these misunderstanding. I will be very disappointed if she appears in the villain side for dissidia duodecim. In my opinion, only true evil villains should appear in chaos' side.