Favorite character so far?

Mine is Lightning.When I saw her I fell in love with her.I hope she will stay single or end up with a nice guy.I hope not with Snow.He looks like a fool.
EH theres not really a favorite for me, sure theres some retarded characters that shouldn't even be in but for me theres no definent answer
I doubt there is any definite answer at this juncture, since I don't really know the characters well enough... But for now, i guess its Lightning.

Her fighting style seems interesting, and she looks okay too.
lol got confused I apologise.

Lightning, seems pretty badass so far, I love her weapon and her design. Although she has a similar look to Cloud she just seems very cool.

Hopefully she'll be a better female lead than Ashe...
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I like the look of Oerba, the pig-tailed girl.
When I first saw her I thought "wow!" because I think they've designed her face really well and the good graphics presented her well. But I don't know anything about her. She could be an idiot for all I know. Then again, if she were an idiot, I'd probably like her even more. :P
See, with this game (like most FF games before they come out) I try to not know/ see too much of the game before it comes out. It makes me too needy/anxious for the game.

And, man, I can't take how much anticipation I already have for this game. And it might not come out for ANOTHER two years. Gah...

Regardless, from what I HAVE seen, I love Lightning, just because it's refreshing to see a girl protagonist again, and one that kicks serious ass. I mean, she's pretty, powerful, and just all-around pretty cool.

But, there are already a lot almost equally cool characters, and plenty more to come. So I guess we'll have to wait and see. ;]
I changed my mind....Now it's gotta be Noctis and Vanille(oerba dia vanille).I love her pigtails(because I love pig tails in general).I'm expecting to see more of her.Hope her personality doesn't turn out disappointing.
I'm wondering if anyone likes that blonde guy in FFXIII who appears on the bike.Maybe I haven't read the post carefully.
I think Vanille will have a good personality. That is what I am thinking not Square Enix lol. Anyways about Snow, he is actually cooler than I thought he would be. Lightning is still my personal Favorite. I like that Military girl's design hopefully she will be playable.
Stella and Lightning are both great but I see Lightning as a better character. Lightning I liked her from the beggining I saw Final Fantasy XIII. I would like to know who are those resistance group characters.
Either Snow or Vanille atm.

Something about Lightning just seems... boring to me. But we don't know enough about any of them yet to be sure
I like the 2 brothers bosch and gabranth,in 13 snow has to be my all time favorite character in ff history but its tied with the brothers
Lightning and Stella are two hawt ladies. ;D Right now I'm especially interested in Lighting's character, however. I haven't really been keeping up with the trailers and stuff, but she just has that aura about her... And hey, her design isn't too bad. <3

For Versus, Stella screams, "strong female," to me. From what I can tell, she's cheerful, outgoing and such, and I'm really hoping for a complex character.

But there's still soooo many characters I haven't seen yet, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.
Is it already mentioned somewhere that they announced 3 new characters?
I'm talking about Gardou, Marquis and Rebro.


They're supposedly also appearing in the demo to be released in Japan soon. And they are said to belong to a team called "Nora". They can also be seen in the trailer I believe.

I'm not liking the names much. But the design is pretty good.
Is this already mentioned somewhere? Or is it something new, but posted in the wrong section..

Of course the trailer can be found on the official website:
I have to say that even though we know very little about this Character he is my favorite. He seems like the happy upbeat type and he is HAWT. Shotgun Guy is what everyone's refferring to him now, but' i've nicknamed him "Kris" for right now cuz it suits him. And so does Felix, but i'm gonna stick with Kris. Don't you think that Kris and Noctis would be a perfect Yaoi couple? THEY'D BE GREAT 2GETHER AND SOOOOOOOO HAAAWWWTTTT!!!
ming would probably have to be zack or squall. i havent played much final fantasy besides crisis core but in kingdom hearts squall is cool

Wrong game flower, this is FFXIII, be sure of what you are posting in before you reply in future, thanks :awesome:
I also find Noctis a bit interesting because he looks powerful and dark with cool eyes and outfit. He is a prince but I think after he fights Stella, Stella will go to his side and maybe later she will betray him and start her own army or something. But Yes Noctis and Stella remain mysterious.

you sure have an incredible imagination...

noctis is so nice-looking bt he seems a bit too feminine to me? hahaha. someone like squall or seifer would beat him.