Favorite character so far?

Well she is really beautiful isn't she? Her weapon is a rifle and she apparently has the ability to heal. But she appears as ??? in the trailers :brooding: Well I know she will be playable(hopefully)
Sera, Lightning, Noctis anddd Oerba.

I have this huge crush on lightning. D:
And Noctis.. hes just hottttttt.
And Sera is like.. the cutest character ive ever seen
Oh and like, if Oerba was real, shed be my girlfriend.

i cant wait to playy ><
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Well after seeing the newer trailers I think Lighting and Serah will be my favorites ^^ and lets not forget Snow <3 This game looks to be the most Epic since FFVII :) And possibly Vanille?
Sazh, because he's got dual pistols and a 'fro, and a chocobo in his hair.

I also picked Sazh because all the other characters I've seen look like other characters. o_O
Sera, Lightning, Noctis.

Could you please perhaps elaborate a little on your post? Explain why these three are your favourite characters. We don't allow small one-liners like this in the post count section as it is considered spam. Same goes with you, Tmoo. If it continues, your posts will be deleted and you'll be issued a spam warning. Thank you! ^_^
Noctis - Because Im more excited about Versus

Sazh - THE HAIR!! and because hes the only one ive noticed so far that uses ranged attacks...they're always interesting characters...
It has to be lightning it's just shes so dam sexy, she has the proper attitude which is required to be a main character. She is going to be very appealing character and we will bond with her quickly I imagine.
I think I'm slowly converting from an Oerba fan to a Sazh and Stella fan.
Because Sazh seems like a very unique character and Stella is interesting and so pretty. ;A;
Lightning, If you can't already tell! From the demos/trailers I've seen she's probably going to kick the ass of everything. Because it has been stated she is a female version of Cloud, it makes me warm to her more because I pretty much loved Cloud and his whole character. I have also taken a liking to Snow and Hope. Snow seems like this big tough guy but a softie at heart and Hope reminds me of someone I know!
Vanille, because she looks like a lovable character.
Also, since I like Rikku, I'm probably going to like her because of this
She seems so upbeat.

Hope, because... I don't really have a reason for that one. I just like him

And "shotgun guy". Don't know if his name is out yet? I can't find it anywhere :gonk:
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Sazh since at first I was very annoyed with his design but now he sort of grown on me a bit. His costume doesn't have that crazy mismatch vibe like some of the other characters.

Design wise, Hope has a very good design but you see his kind of characters way too often in video games in general so he doesn't feel original. Still a cute character, though.

I think I like Fang and Lebarso(sp) designs. They are rather cool looking but the Shiva Twins pretty much rule in the design spectrum in my book.
My favourite would be...

Even though the game isn't out yet and I don't really know everything that has been revealed about it yet, I am absolutely crazy about Lightning! I mean, how cool is she!?

She's definately my fav :)
My favorite character so far is... HOPE! I love him so much. His story is so sad though, I just wanna scoop him up and give him a big ole' hug. I also him he fixes his relationship with Snow. I'd be really disapointed if he hated him forever.
For me like in my other posts It is still Lightning. It was so cute when she smiled in the Final trailer of XIII. Oerba Yun Fang is really awesome too but I think i Miht like Vanille better than Fang. So they both have the same name Oerba but that remains a mystery still. I also want to see Much more of Jihl as she is my favorite villian so far. I would just like to see her fighting style.
Lately, I've been falling in love with Hope. I read up on his story and I so sorry for him. Like Sorrelstar said, I do hope he makes amends with Snow. I'm really liking Lebreau too. I don't know much about her, but I really like her funky clothing style.