Favorite character so far?

Definetley Lightning, there is something so appealing about her. She seems like cloud but talks more. Her character design is the best in the game so far aswell! She suits the gunblade more than squall did!
I'll go with Lightning. It is about time that we got a badass protagonist - regardless of gender. I am also liking Snow as well. So far the one that I am not looking forward to is Hope as that seems to be going down the Vaan route.
Wow my thread is booming xD. I like the new girl. The chick who was interrogating Oerba in one of the trailers. Not that I like her better than Lightning but she looks like a sick character. But there are still Mysterys to the characters. But like I stated back in this thread Lightning is still my fave.
I'm thinking Sazh. I could tell from the first time I saw him that he would be a barrel of laughs along the way. He's probably going to be in my party at all times if possible.
I like Lightning right now. Her design's been getting some complaints because of the "female Cloud Strife" comment, but it's different enough so that I don't mind. I actually like it a lot. From the little we know about her personality, she seems collected and interesting. I like watching how characters change in games, so I'm excited to see the different layers of her personality.
SO FAR I like Lightening. I cannot express that SO FAR enough. The trailers are not really giving me a big enough hint as to what the other characters personalities may be like so I certainly don't want to judge their character simply by appearance. Lightening looks awesome and beautiful at the same time. I like the idea that she IS the leading lady and not just another damsel in distress like all other Final Fantasy "lead" female roles.

We'll see how it plays out though.
I'm sure my opinion will change after FFXIII is released.
Right now Vanille is my favorite. She looks like she's going to be a fun, upbeat character and I really like her red hair and character design. Even though it looks like she's going to get Carbuncle as a summon, it would be cool if she gets Siren too.
Synlea said:
Lightening looks awesome and beautiful at the same time.

I agree, I think Lightning is very pretty! I have to admit I have a little girl crush on her.
Lightning looks great, her character design is gorgeous. Her weapon, some sort of giant switchblade/gunblade/crazy-assblade looks awesome, too.

She seems like a female version of Cloud, how she's kind of quiet, serious, and very professional.

Oh, and pink hair FTW!
I think Vanille just may be my favorite character so far. She's so adorable!X3
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I wish we knew more about Maqui, 'cause if so, I think he would actually be my favorite character.

For now, it's really hard to say...

I think my favorite would have to be Hope thus far. For starters, his design is awesome. I think he looks the "coolest" of each of the characters. His backstory looks really interesting, and it explains a lot about his personality. And its especially intriguing that you can actually shape him as a character. I mean, the thought that he can split from battle, and you have the ability to change it over time. Additionally, his weapon is unique. I mean, I really think I'm gonna like his character. I just hope they don't make him bratty, and kind of manage his level of childish behavior.

He's my top thus far, but I also like:

Oerba: The only thing that kills it for me is her fishing rod for a weapon. <<......


Snow: The only thing that kills it for me is his design. The 32 CM thing is ridiculous, especially since that's become like his identifiable trait thus far. The beard stubble thing... And the outfit he wears looks like Seifer's KH2 outfit.

Also, I do nooot see the attraction to Lightning. For starters, that face she makes in that ever-popular little icon of hers is hideous to me. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, they even made fun of it on Uncyclopedia with this:


It's that kind of "aduh" or a stupid kind of "huh?" face. Between that, and the comparison to Cloud, I'm not sold on her looks at all.

Oerba is a lot hotter.
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who is Oerba? I thought Vanille was the one with the fishing rod weapon.
Her full name is Oerba Dia Vanille :P
She, or Hope look the best to me so far, probably because they look like the only two characters so far that have a decent relationship between the two where other characters just stand out as individuals D;


Her full name is Oerba Dia Vanille :P
She, or Hope look the best to me so far, probably because they look like the only two characters so far that have a decent relationship between the two where other characters just stand out as individuals D;



The moment I saw her in the trailer, I automatically made her my favorite FFXIII character :P

But for some reason, she doesn't look like one of the important characters to me (either hero or villain role), so I guess she is my favorite only for now...
For now I must say Sazh Katzroy... Anyone who keeps a pet chocobo in his afro wins 1000+ points in my book.

He appears a pretty cool character, and probably a lot of the humour (if they decide to add any) will be coming from him.

Also... From FF Wikia:

Sazh will have the most lines in the game, and is supposed to be different from any other character in the series.

Sounds good.
Vanille. Just love her hair and clothing style. She looks like she is going to be the sweet/ caring supporter of the group and seen some pictures of her looking kinda happy and outgoing which looks pretty neat..

Snow would have to be second on the list because love how much he looks like Seifer and it kind of brings back the feeling of the old Final Fantasy games and he has a motorbike.
Motorbike = Win.

Would like Lighting but have a feeling she is going to be the type of character that everybody is going to like. Kinda like Cloud and/ or Sephiroth. Though glad she is a tough female lead and can actually defend and fight for herself ! [Yays !] But yeah dislike the sound of her cold attitude. It seems kind of off-putting..

Oh & Sazh's baby chocobo would have to come in 3rd Favorite. It's so damn Cute !~~
I think my favourite character will be Serah, because she looks like a sweet girl, but with strong personality. I don't know if I'll like Lightning, something in her doesn't convince me. The same thing for Snow. Vanille looks like Rikku :)
I can say I can't judge the characters now.
Ah I am starting to like Oerba Jihl and Hope alot now. They just look really good and I dont mind his name anymore. Will we see more of Lebreau? I want to know her story too. But Jihl really is a hot Villian xD Also Sazh is awesome with his cute chocobo in his hair xD