Favorite Character

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Sephiroth would be my #1 because he is the most charismatic character ever made in FF history. he is handsome, powerful, and he is so easy going; maybe he is crazy but that is wut i like about him. Jenova #2 because she is so mystereous, we know praticaly nothing about her, and if she was a complete charater, she would be one of the strongest. Cloud is my last, but not least, favorite because he is the hero and he can beat Sephiroth
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My votes goes for two people, Yuffie and Tifa, like their weapons, Yuffies funny and Tifa is just cool.
My fav. character would have to be Cloud. I just love watching the Omni-Slash limit break. Its so cool and so many 9999's lol.
My fave character has to be Reno. i know hes an NPC and all but hes just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL! and hes a good laugh. hes my kinda guy!
Eh...I'm going to have to give a small list...of my top three favorites. ^^

1. Vincent-he always stood out to me, and I always wished he'd just leap and smack Hojo upside the head with his claw. And then I like what he said when Don Corneo kidnapped Yuffie and Elena. XD Funny.

2. Cloud- Who can't love him? And then I thought his character had depth, considering he took the stories of his best friend and made them true...in his head, anyway.

3. Rufus- He made me giggle. XD And I always thought that he was entertaining, especially his interactions with Heideggar. XD
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