Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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Summoner Yuna

The pirate and the princess
May 10, 2007
Moravia, Costa Rica
Which consolidated couple on FF is your favorite? Or are any two characters who you think would be good together?

My personal favorite is Tidus and Yuna (big surprise there, huh? :P). I don't know why but I really liked this couple. Their relationship developed over a period of time and culminated in a beatiful scene (although some people don't like it :sad:).
Another one I liked but which never consolidated is Cloud and Aeris. They would've been so good together, but I think Tifa and Cloud works also (please don't kill me AG ;)).
Roflmao. Tifa and Cloud, FTW! Aerith is DEAD! DEAD!

Urmm...as for me? I like Gippal & Rikku. They didn't show much at all but I wish they did. They'd make a pretty good couple.
I would have to say one of the earliest kinds of couples such as Locke and Celes or Cecil and Rosa.

After FFVI, I think that all the thought put into relationships related to love pretty much went down the drain. :monster:
Zidane and Dagger. They had the best developed relationship in the series I think.

I also liked Cecil and Rosa's since they were already a couple before the game even started so their relationship wasn't cliche.
so what if Aerith is Dead? that doesn't stop me from Adoring the pairing of Cloud and Aerith, it has the whole "Tragic love" thing and i think its sweet ^_^

Plus i hate Tifa, so i don't want that bitch to be getting any ;)

I also really Adore Celes and Locke, they're also a really sweet couple, Locke opens up with Celes about his past and stuff and we see Celes transform from a cold hearted warrior into a Woman in love. and the scene where she trys to kill herself, but regains hope because of lockes Bandana is truly beautiful ^_^
In Final Fantasy X, definitely Tidus and Yuna. They were made for each other, they got on together extremely well and Tidus was able to make Yuna very happy. He took care of her and helped her out in any way he could. She cared about him very much as well. They were very sweet as a couple.

In other FF games, Aeris and Cloud for sure. It doesn't matter she died. She's alive in Kingdom Hearts so.. :P I believe those two would have made a very nice couple. Rinoa and Squall in VIII were perfect together! Locke and Celes, very sweet indeed.
Overall, it was TifaxCloud. But my second choice was AuronxRikku and my third was TidusxYuna.
Zidane and Garnet.

I love their relationship because it's very modest, and best of all; it doesn't interfere with the plot. Zidane and Garnet both develop feelings for each other throughout the course of the game, but their relationship is very subtle; it's hard not to notice that they have developed feelings for one another, and yet they rarely ever mention the thought...

Zidane was hilariously flirtatious and lecherous in the beginning, but as the plot grows more serious, so does he. He still retains his flirtatious personality throughout the course of the game, but he keeps his pesky rituals at bay.

With Zidane and Garnet, there's a time and place for everything. I love the fact that their relationship doesn't consume the majority of the plot, such as in games like FFVIII where the focal point of the game is the childish affection between the main characters.

Another of my favorite pairings is the love triangle between Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa. I honestly believe that Cloud could be in a suiting relationship between either of the girls. Aeris really puts the light into his heart, and yet Tifa is the yin to his yang...or whatever you want to call it. Either of the girls has a significant impact on his life, and both are meaningful to him somehow.
My favorite couple would be Squall and Rinoa… Don’t get me wrong, I pretty much liked all of the love stories in FF, but out of them all, I appreciated the realism of Squall and Rinoa’s the most.

Lol… I thought the Tifa and Cloud pairing worked real well…

I just loved Tifa’s……………………………………………………………Personality. ;)
Overall, it was TifaxCloud. But my second choice was AuronxRikku and my third was TidusxYuna.

Auron and Rikku...??? Well I suppose except think of the age difference and the fact that auron
is dead
but anyway, I say Tidus and Yuna. they are young, sweet, care for each other and basically are deeply in love with each other.

Another is Wakka and Lulu, but thats another story
I just loved Tifa’s……………………………………………………………Personality. ;)
We all loved Tifa's bouncy personality :smartass:

My OTP is Vincent/Tifa. Not just FF, but over all my fave couplings :P I just think they'd work so well together. And they're both so :devil2:

Other couples that I am a fan of though are:

Zidane/Garnet (mainly cause they're so damn cute)
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It would be Tifa and Cloud, if their story were actually resolved.

But as for fully developed romance, it's gotta be Squall and Rinoa. While all the other couples of FF were willing to sacrifice for one another, I think Squall and Rinoa took the cake in that respect.
im deeeefinitely a fan of zidane and garnet.

it was definitely the least forced relationship and least rushed in the series. it developed slowly over time and it took until the ending for the to truly show their feelings.

it flowed with the plot really nicely, and i was able to keep track of the main story and not just the love story, unlike in FFVIII.

i also liked how much like yuna, garnet didn't need zidane to save her every 5 minutes in order to function. she was the princess/queen of alexandria and she could take care of herself just fine. but of course when she did get into a bind, zidane was there to the rescue. the scene where alexandria is destroyed and zidane swoops down and rescues dagger is great ^_^
...hate to see zidane and garnet's kids...

zidane has a bloody tail

vincent and tifa make a pretty cool pair...it might happen if cloud doesn't make his move ^_^
all the couples named aboved are cute but every one is forgetting the cute couple that is Vaan and panelo they are young and cute its soo sweet
Come to think of it, Zidane and Garnet's kids might look a little scary XD Garnet had the Summoner's horn like Eiko at one point.

Zidane/Garnet is my favourite ^_^ For reasons previously explained by other people.

I despise Auron/Rikku. Auron is what, 40+? Rikku is 15. If that's not molestation, I dunno what the hell is.

Squall/Seifer would be hot.
Squall would sooooo be Seifer's bitch

Zack/Cloud would also be hot.

I like Vaan/Penelo because it's sweet ^_^ It's obvious she likes Vaan, but he's oblivious.