Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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sorry, and please don't tell me you're ticked because i don't like aerith(she's too happy and sweet)

back to pairings, one of my fave yaoi pairings has to be vincent/cid or vincent /cloud

as for hetero pairs, cloud/tifa hands down. i personally think cloud/aerith is just wrong. my friend julia and i think that aerith is far too sweet and pure
Aerith happy and sweet? I don't know about that. Sure she could be nice, but that wasn't all there was too her. She sure knew her way around the Midgar slums. And she managed to evade the Turks all those years. There were a few times in the game where she was pretty insensitive.

I would think that Tifa is definently more of the sweet and nice character.

And to get back on topic...

::Waves Zidane and Garnet flag::

Oh yes, I also love the Aerti pairing. ;)
Aerith happy and sweet? I don't know about that. Sure she could be nice, but that wasn't all there was too her. She sure knew her way around the Midgar slums. And she managed to evade the Turks all those years. There were a few times in the game where she was pretty insensitive.

I would think that Tifa is definently more of the sweet and nice character.

And to get back on topic...

::Waves Zidane and Garnet flag::

Oh yes, I also love the Aerti pairing. ;)

aerith/tifa? CRACK PAIRING AHOY!!

still like the vinti and valenwind pairings*waves yaoi 4ever flag*
Come on guys, knock off the spammy posts please,

Id say Squall and Rinoa. Tidus and Yuna would be a close second. Both couples had so much love for and affection for each other.

God, Im such a hopeless romantic!
Zidane and Daggar. Hands down...although my second pick would have to be Aerith and Zack...I know, I know...both are dead, but who cares? I just love the pairing ^^
Who are your favorite Final Fantasy Pairings?

I went back to see if there was another thread like this, and I've found nothing.. so here we are! ^^

Tell us your favorite pairings.. whether they be canon, completely random, or even crossover pairings.<3
Squall/Rinoa, Squall/Seifer, Squall/Irvine, Squall/Cloud, Squall/Sephiroth, Cloud/Aerith, Cloud/Zack, Cloud/Sephiroth, Cloud/Vincent, Sephiroth/Vincent, Sephiroth/Kadaj, Sephiroth/Yazoo, Sephiroth/Kadaj/Yazoo/Loz(xD), Yuna/Tidus, Shuyin/Lenne, Vaan/Penelo, Balthier/Fran, Ashe/Basch, Larsa/Penelo, Vaan/Balthier, Vaan/Basch, Balthier/Basch, Larsa/Vaan, Larsa/Balthier

Yeah. I likes Yaoi.
Cloud & Aeris, Squall & Rinoa, irvine & Selphie, Steiner & Vivi, Tidus & Yuna, Balthier & Fran

er thats about it really
FFVII- Sephiroth/Aerith, Cloud/Tifa, Sephiroth/Cloud, Loz/Tifa, Kadaj/Sephiroth, Reno/Rude, Reno/Yuffie, Vincent/Yuffie.

FFVIII- Squall/Rinoa, and Quistis/Seifer.

FFX/X-2- Auron/Lulu, Wakka/Rikku, Tidus/Yuna, Shuyin/Lenne, Lenne/Shuyin/Yuna, Baralai/Nooj.

FFXII- Rasler/Ashe, Vossler/Ashe, Vaan/Basch, Penelo/Larsa, Balthier/Fran,
Vayne/Ashe, Vayne/Jote, and Vossler/Mjrn.<33

CROSSOVERS: Sephiroth/Seifer, Kadaj/Selphie, Sephiroth/Jote, Cloud/Mjrn, Squall/Ashe, Vayne/Refia, Tidus/Dagger, and Rikku/Reno.
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Guys, we already had a thread for this. I will go ahead and merge these two ^_^ In the future, please make sure nothing like this is already made before posting a new thread. Thanks!
lol That's alright dear ^_~ It's just for future reference. Anyway, I just noticed I hadn't posted my favorite pairings so I'll do so now ^_^

FFVI- LockexCeles

FFVII- CloudxAerith, RufusxTifa, VincentxLucrecia, ZackxAerith (the young love is sweet) ZackxCloud, RenoxTifa,

FFVIII- SquallxRinoa

FFIX- ZidanexGarnet

FFX(X-2)- TidusxYuna, LuluxWakka, RikkuxGippal ShuyinxLenne

FFXII- VaanxPenelo, BalthierxFran, AshexBasch
Some of my favourites would have to be:

FFVIII: Squall/Rinoa, Irvine/Selphie, Quistis/Seifer

FFX-2: Tidus/Yuna, Rikku/Gippal, Shuyin/Lenne

FFXII: Basch/Ashe, Penelo/Vaan, Balthier/Fran
Whose yuor fav ff pairing

Tell me whose your favourite ff pairing and why you think they should be paired.

My is:
EdgarXTerra-Because i said so!
LockeXCeles-Because they love each other in the game
SetzerXDarly-Because he did
RelmXGau-Because their cute together
Shadow(Clyde)XHis dead wife-Because he was in love with her and had a baby(Relm)

CloudXAerithBecause Cloud loves Aerith,And Aerith loves Cloud,forever and ever!!!!!
VincentXShalua-BEcause in D.O.C,He fell in love with her.
RenoXYuffie-Because I love Reno and i think that he like Yuffie

SquallXRinoa-Because they ARE in love,and at the end they KISS!
QuistisXIrvine-BEcuase i love Irvine and i think Quistis is cool.
sieferXfujiin-I don't know why.

??????/Never played it.

TidusXYuna-Becuase they are in love.
WakkaXLulu-Becuase they have a baby in X-2
There is already a thread the same as this in General discussion. please look more carefully next time to avoid duplicate threads ^_^

So I'm merging them :)
1. Edgar x Terra
2. Locke x Celes
3. Zidane x Garnet

I did like the Cloud x Aeris pairing, but, it all ends with those couples.
I say TidusxYuna (apparently spelled T-i-d-u-a now), because I have to because I'm the stereotypical FFX fan. Their relationship is an unorthodox one, but it's very well developed. The part where
Tidus tries to rescue Yuna in the Wedding
scene along with the Fayths and the Macalania Suteki Da Ne scene and the ending where
Tidus tries to hug Yuna but can't, then jumps in the flames as Yuna sheds
and... I could go on forever. :]

It was poetic if anything else.

Another pair I liked is ZidanexGarnet, even if FF9 isn't my favorite by far. Zidane's comedy along with Garnet's timidness is classic and appreciated.

I don't really like many other pairs in the FF series, except perhaps Shuyin/Lenne, just for the sheer creepiness of their story.

What about LeBlanc and Noojy-Woojy? :P