Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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Tidus and Yuna Definitely, I loved how there relationship blossom'ed rapidly through out the game, I thought it was really good.
SquallxRinoa (y)

This one seemed the most beneficial to at least one of them. Rinoa helped Squall to become more happy towards life (as seen at the end of the game where he
Smiles ;))
She helped him throughout the whole game to combat himself and his lone wolf personality and help him appreciate others. I thought this made them a great couple.
1) Setzer and Daryl--my ultimate fave :inlove: Absolutely heartwrenchingly good. I cry every time I play the parts where it comes up.

2) Edge and Rydia. Can you imagine the babies? Hot royal ninja summoners :D

3) Freya and Fratley--I'm surprised, I looked all through this thread and couldn't find them, unless I missed it. But they were so touching :inlove: I think if anything was slighted in IX at all, it was Freya's story.

4) Balthier and Fran. Leave it to a sky pirate to pick up a Viera, and vice versa :mrgreen:

5) Steiner and Beatrix. Another cute one, it was just perfect :)

But, seeing as how none of these were in the poll, I thought Zidane and Garnet had the best one that was an option. A) because it was obvious, and B)
because it worked. Especially that last scene with the play, if I were her I would've completely lost it--"this is THE guy for me!," etc.
:inlove: Most of the other ones in the list I'm familiar with were either too subtle (Edgar and Terra) or too problematic (Tidus and Yuna) to be considered cute IMO. (And yes I know Setzer and Daryl
didn't work
, but it was just so good :inlove:)

Also, SOLDIERis1337 had posted this a while back and I couldn't agree more (not sure how to insert a quote into an edit of an existing post):

<<Aerith and Cloud were never really a couple, Aerith simply was attracted to the Zack she saw in Cloud. Tifa and Cloud is good though.>>

Sorry, but I just had to say something on this. :)

Now, as far as the STRONGEST relationship, that would have to be another one that wasn't listed: QuinaXFood :D
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