Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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I like how they complete each other, and Wakka is the only one who can make Lulu drop her "I'm the ice lady, I'm the grown up here and you're all kids (with Auron's exception, of course!)". Also, I think their relationship made Wakka grow. They're just so cute!
Going to vote for a draw between more than one couple ( if that's okay ^_^)

Aerith- Cloud was a special couple. They had a special spark together and kind of felt that Aerith gave warmth to Cloud's cold hearted life. However fate wasn't on their side.
Though can still tell in AC that Cloud still cares for Aerith greatly. (heading through the flower field on his motorbike aww n-n )

Zidane- Garnet was a cute pairing. Zidane brought confidence into Garnet and was able to break through her lonely depression by being by her side and showing her the world.

Rinoa- Squall even though Rinoa seems really annoying sometimes, do feel granted that she managed to break through Squall's walls that he put around himself and was able to give him a better normal life and put on smile on his face ..

Usually a anti-social type of gal, but Final Fantasy couples make me feel so mushy inside n___n in fact they are all cute xd
*Celes and Locke (My personal favorite being Terra, I was hoping that Locke might get together with her at the beginning of the game, but it became increasingly obvious Celes was Locke's love interest, so I was pretty dissapointed, but accepting.)

Felt the same way. Locke and Terra would of made a great and cute pairing since Locke helped Terra first. Don't really like Locke x Celes that much because felt that Locke saw a cuter girl and thought well- lets fall for her instead...

And this may sound cold but Wakka x Lulu didn't really care about them much. Felt like Lulu was just replacing her love for Chappu, Aerith gets picked on for trying to do this with Cloud, but with Lulu it's okay ?- plus Wakka and Lulu was just kind of there.. they didn't really stick out much and didn't care if they lived or died..

As for Cecil x Rosa it just made me feel sorry and heartbroken for Kain.
And Rydia x Edge, didn't want Edge going with Rydia because know he could cheat.

You know, maybe they are not all 'cute' afterall..
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And Rydia x Edge, didn't want Edge going with Rydia because know he could cheat.

Err.. actually in Rydia's case, I'm confident that Edge would never cheat on her. He seems so infatuated and true to her that even after 17 years, as Edge matures more as the king of Eblan, his feelings for Rydia have hardly changed. This is proven by the (FF4 : The After) game.
I have only heard of Cloud + Aerith and Yuna + Tidus and the reason that i chose C+A is because not only the worst game poll show that FFX is the worst game (I support that motion) and because the C+A couple is cuter together! :D
CloudxTifa and ZackxAerith are much cuter than any of the choices on the list IMO! =P

The cutest on the list, however, would have to be Zidane and Garnet. What I liked about them was that they both tried to deny the attraction they felt for each other, even though it was plain as day to everyone else, even Eiko. I liked how the odds were against them as well, seeing as how Garnet was a princess and Zidane was a thief. Setbacks such as this always make the romance between the hero and the heroine more interesting.
Rikku & Gappal they look so kawaii (in my opinion) they also have really funny scenes
they're like brother and sister o_O

Zidane and Garnet for me look pretty silly its like a princess and her pet....monkey? *sorry for those ZidanexGarnet supporters*

I think Cloud and Aerith is just plain...*sorry again for this but*......pathetic I mean Aerith already has a guy and she kinda flirts with Cloud and cant he just let it go God!
Ah... CloudxTifa.... :fan: They're just so sweet... I guess it would be weird for me to say how I don't understand some people hate Tifa, but I guess it would be the other way around for me with Aerith? I just love the Cloud and Tifa pairing and I think the Aerith and Zach pairing is better but NOT because I don't wanna see Aerith with Cloud, I just think she makes a better couple with Zach. Childhood lovers. Like how it should be.

That should speak for itself for Cloud and Tifa, me thinks. ^^

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I thought that Squall and Rinoa made for the best couple because of the fact that Squall's character developed as a result of Rinoa's kindness toward him. Then when Rinoa was in doubt, Squall was able to open up to her and be her source of strength, and I thought that as a result they had a great dynamic to them.
I frickin' LOVED Tidus and Yuna.
They didn't just like each other ya know? It was something more. It was real. I felt that they were meant to be a it's a shame that it couldn't have lasted longer :/
They are so adorable! ^_^ I think that they complete each other and you could tell that the cared for each other throughout the game.
When Tidus finds out that
Yuna will die if she reaches Zanarkand and summons the final aeon
That's when he true feelings about her showed. He did everything in his power to prevent that from happening and I think that's what true love is <3

B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L they are together :awesome:
I voted CloudxTifa from the list, but I usually don't ship characters. So other than that, I'm pretty much fond of ZackxAerith (after playing Crisis Core), and another from VII is RenoxElena, which I blame on the fandom.
Definitely between TidusxYuna and ZidanexGarnet. At least you see growth and development in these couples and their personalities change with time as the couples grow together. They seem more "real" to me than the others.

In the end I picked ZidanexGarnet though. XD
My favorite couple is probably Zack and Aerith, mainly how they are portrayed in Crisis Core.
My favorite couple is probably Zack and Aerith, mainly how they are portrayed in Crisis Core.

A little more effort in your posts, please. Perhaps explain what it is you like about Aerith and Zack. We don't usually accept one-liner posts such as this in our post count section. If you haven't yet, please read the site rules which you can find linked in my signature or at the top, left hand side of the forum. Thank you!
I actually really like Vincent x Yuffie, something about it would just make for a great story (fanfic fanatic....) and I like how they juxtapose one another. I think that Yuffie has a lot more depth than people give her credit for too which makes it work better in my mind as well.

If we are going for a more canon based couple then it's Yuna x Tidus for me. Such a tragic story but so beautiful and innocent. I really liked them, it was just simple and easy...(Well obviously the end kind of messed up the easy part but you know what i mean)
Ahh my absolute fav would have been Seifer and Rinoa but then Squall came along... stupid Squall. Idk what it was, Seifer and Irvine were my fav FFVIII chars and I liked how it wasn't some Cinderella Story where a royal person or some person of utmost importance falls in love with someone who isn't worth crap. Y'know like they did in FFIX and in FFX

I'd have to say Irvine and Selphie in second just cuz I named a hamster after Selphie once and Irvine was my second fav char in VIII

but my overall vote went to Tidus and Yuna just cuz Tidus is a beasty athlete :D
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I voted cloud and tifa the story behind there relationship is more interesting then the others,

I also like tidus and yuna As there is a massive connection in that relationship
I can safely say that I love Locke x Celes tons. Their story was one of the best, in my opinion. You can see the struggles the two share in their relationship, and it was interesting to see the once cold, hard general develop a soft spot for Locke.

I'll admit that I thought that Locke x Terra was going to be the couple of the game, though. >_<