Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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Yuna and Tidus.

Cloud and Tifa was annoying because Cloud was so flirty with everyone else and couldn't make up his mind. Sorta shows the love wasn't that true. Also Cloud is annoying and Tifa is too confident, cool and optimistic for him.

Squall and Rinoa is a strange one. They go ok together but wern't that cute.

Zidane annoyed me. He was just annoying and arrogant. I liked Garnet, but the'ir relationship didn't seem like true love, more like a stupid guy asking a girl out etc.

Tidus and Yuna were ABORABLE. Yuna was so naiive and shy but kind and well-meaning. Tidus was used to having girls all over him, but when around Yuna he closed up, acting silly and developed as a person etc. being so young looking compared to the rest of their party, it was just so cute.
My vote goes to Yuna and Tidus. :tighthug:

I love how they made the kissing scene in the Macalania Woods, it was beautiful and also at the end of Final Fantasy X.

I'm guessing everyone here who has finished Final Fantasy X cried at the end? :P

Cloud and Aerith are a cute couple too, but it was sad that she
I know! it was sad at the ending of X i actually did cry O_O what a baby huh? lmao XD.
I know, i think they'd be so cute together but aerith died :(

Yuna and Tidus.

Cloud and Tifa was annoying because Cloud was so flirty with everyone else and couldn't make up his mind. Sorta shows the love wasn't that true. Also Cloud is annoying and Tifa is too confident, cool and optimistic for him.

Squall and Rinoa is a strange one. They go ok together but wern't that cute.

Zidane annoyed me. He was just annoying and arrogant. I liked Garnet, but the'ir relationship didn't seem like true love, more like a stupid guy asking a girl out etc.

Tidus and Yuna were ABORABLE. Yuna was so naiive and shy but kind and well-meaning. Tidus was used to having girls all over him, but when around Yuna he closed up, acting silly and developed as a person etc. being so young looking compared to the rest of their party, it was just so cute.
I liked how you gave a long good descriptive reason as to why you didn't like the other couple and why you liked Yuna and Tidus ^_^
I know! they do really go together Yuna and tidus :) they're so cute :D.
i'm going to have to give it to my man Tidus and my lady Yuna
Aerith and Cloud? I think they liked each other but weren't ever a couple and personally i thought cloud and Tifa made a better couple.
Vivi and Qunia they didn't even like each other and that was awkard as shit for Vivi when they got married because im sure he was like "is this thing a girl or am i marrying an guy?" lol.
I think Zidane and Garnet were okay. It was more toward the end of the game they started to show they liked each other.
Squall and Riona were pretty cute together but, Tidus and Yuna were better :P
Rikku and Gippal weren't a couple in the game and sure we can think they hooked up but that, we'll never know :P
Wakka and LuLu weren't really working for me. Their relation ship imo just didn't seem to fit....
i think i covered it all :doze:
Yuna and Tidus were simply adorable and throughout the game I knew for sure they did and When they kissed was when i was positive they were meant to be ;)
I think Tidus and Yuna were the only people who were really a "couple"
maybe Squall and Riona but, i just thought Yuna and Tidus is the cutest of them all and they're so friggin adorable. Yuna really likes him because in X-12 she went looking for him and i think that was uber adorable :D
Yuna and Tidus definitely. It wasn't awkward (ahem, Squall and Rinoa) and it was just cute. Especially how much Tidus cares for Yuna.

In Bikanel: "
AND I WAS TELLING YUNA, LET'S GO TO ZANARKAND, LET'S DEFEAT SIN!!......................"AND ALL THAT TIME SHE SMILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............................I CAN'T LET YUNA DIE!!!!

BUT.......in second place and not on the list:

Zack and Cissnei!!!!! Even though it wouldn't have been a very serious one, but I can imagine those two flirting. Cissnei especially. In Gongaga, Zack warns her to be careful that his family don't make her part of the family.

Cissnei: "Too late!"
Must... Resist urge... to vote... for Vivi and Quina... >_<

I voted for Zidane and Garnet/Dagger, they seemed good together. Yuna and Tidus would be my second vote.

It may not be the manliest thing for a guy to say, but I think they need to increase the romance factor in FF games. VIII was probably the one with the most romance, but it didn't seem like Rinoa and Squall fit together IMO.
Tidus and Yuna.

I can just sense that when Yuna see's Tidus for the first time she's fallen for him, even though he's new in the area, and she's a newly full-fledged Summoner. She's not really given much chance in the story to stray from her main focus and pursue a love-interest, so she has to keep most of her feelings for him hidden.

However, throughout the game you can pick up the hints dropped by both of them (mainly Yuna) that they have very affectionate feelings for the other.

Definitely the best love story in the series.
I disagree with some of those in the list being actual legitimate pairings and also how some obvious pairings were left out (where's Cecil/Rosa, Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aerith? D=), so given whats left, in terms of cuteness, I think it's tied between Tidus/Yuna and Zidane/Dagger for me.

Both relationships start off lighthearted and friendly, and really, just very cute. There's hardships for the individuals in each relationship, but it only serves to bring the pairings even closer ♥

Sad but sweet ending for Tidus/Yuna (unless you play FFX-2), but Zidane/Dagger was just so shocking and absolutely delightful. I remember being really happy when I saw Zidane reveal himself. "Come to me, my Dagger!" xD

Wakka/Lulu have surpassed the point of cuteness, becoming more deep and mature I think.

Although I HATE the idea of Squall getting saddled with Rinoa, I can understand why people think they're cute; but it doesn't mean I have to >_>

Although srsly, I think Zack/Cloud trumps everybody in FF thus far in cuteness, no lie :monster:
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You should also put ZackxAerith or give us the ability to choose other.

theres no reason you can't chose that anway, if it lets me, il add an option for ''other'' theres no reason why people cant choose couple not n the list, also, please elaborate as to why you think ZackxAerith, ta very muchly

If we are going for cutest, then Im all for Quina & Vivi, I know they are not strictly a couple, but I just t hought that whole marriage scene was really really cute, and they just looked so adorable, stood there together xD
Zidane and Garnet,definitely. I love how Zidane starts off flirting with Garnet and she just ignores him most of the time. But I love how later on in the game their love grows to more then just 'Love at First Sight' for Zidane atleast and for Garnet she grows to appreciate Zidane and return his love as well. I just enjoy watching their relationship. I think it's a very nice one.

Rinoa and Squall would have to be my second vote. I like how Rinoa finally breaks down Squall's walls and when she does,you get to see just how much he really cares. Although he does not seem to really realize his love for her until she is in danger. Then he realizes how much he misses her and how much he actually cares for her.
Her name is Aeris people. Translation error or not, that's how it is.

And ZidanexGarnet is the best couple period. In terms of story, cuteness, whatever.

Sandy said:
If we are going for cutest, then Im all for Quina & Vivi, I know they are not strictly a couple, but I just t hought that whole marriage scene was really really cute, and they just looked so adorable, stood there together xD

I totally agree xDDD
That scene had me in stitches for some reason, it's like olawl xD
Vivi had no idea what was going on and Quina said something along the lines of "I So happy" :wacky:
It amused me to no end.:monster:
So yeah, Vivi and Quina for me too.
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In my truest of opinions, I have to say that Yuna and Tidus are the ones who fit the best. They have a special something, I really like the way they meet each other and the way they end up together.
And, besides, there was a whole game based on the fact that Yuna loved Tidus and wasn't giving up on him. That is admirable.

Gilgamesh has spoken!!
Wakka and Lulu are the cutest couple on that list. To be honest, I have never really liked the love between the hero and heroines in FF games. They are always the same: boy meets girl, girl thinks boy is retarded and ignores him, boy does the same to girl and time passes... sudenly at the end of the game either boy or girl gets killed/disappers or something else equly retarded ans suddenly they are madly in love and bla bla THE END
There was a couple that I liked that isn't on the list. I liked Cid and Shera from Final Fantasy VII. I thought they were a cute couple considering Cid ia a complete bad ass. He named his ship after her and saved her when he stopped the take off. Though he has a rough personality, it's sweet that he has a soft side.

If I had to choose from the ones you listed, I'd have to pick Rinoa and Squall. There love story was very touching. With Squall's personality, it was hard to tell if he would ever fall in love.
Zidane and Garnet, no doubt about it. The chemistry the two shared was amazing, and just had this ... Well, warm feeling from the beginning. And even as the story goes along and they aren't ~always~ together, you can still sense the deep care the pair have for each other. <3

A couple that I like that wasn't on the list would have to be Vincent and Lucrecia... I know the pairing has its fans, I've just never seen them.xD
The cutest couple on this list is Yuna and Tidus, no doubt. Feels like what they have is true right from the begining. They're different. Squall and Rinoa come in second place =P

But I agree there should be a Vincent and Lucrecia option ^^''
Honestly speaking, my favorite couples are not on the list. The best couples for me are:

*Edge and Rydia
I like seeing them together even though they are not a couple, but possibly may have feelings for each other. It's amusing watching them. (Rydia ignoring Edge's flirts and Edge always flirting with her.lol)

*Zack and Aerith
Zack and Aerith were good together with their brave and cheerful personalities. In my opinion, Zack and Aerith were very suitably matched, whatever Aerith's feelings for Cloud may be. I know Aerith had feelings for Cloud and vice versa (I am admitting this despite supporting the Cloud and Tifa thing) but I still really liked Aerith being with Zack. Zack really loved her. Just my opinion, no offense! Also, Zack and Aerith are in the Lifestream watching over everyone, while Cloud and Tifa are on earth together. This seems like a better pairing, right? I always thought Cloud and Tifa were meant to be together. Their relationship and feelings towards each other was probably growing and needed time considering the fact that Cloud decided to live with Tifa and the kids.

*Cloud and Tifa

*Celes and Locke (My personal favorite being Terra, I was hoping that Locke might get together with her at the beginning of the game, but it became increasingly obvious Celes was Locke's love interest, so I was pretty dissapointed, but accepting.)

*Rosa and Cecil - They already loved each other from the beginning and (spoiler alert) they married each other anyways.
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