Favorite FF couple

Whose the 'Cutest'pairing in this poll?

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Ignore the poll, it was part of the thread I merged it with and I can't figure out how to remove the poll ><

Favourite couples -

I have no clue if I resonded to this thread or not...

But my favorite FF couple is ZidanexGarnet. I felt that they relationship was the best developed and it was different from most other FF couples especially for the two main characters.

I like CecilxRosa too. I liked how they were a couple before the game even started so there wasn't a love story in the middle of the game.

Oh and can't forget TifaxAerith :P

TerraxEdgar? :O That's a strange one. (Looking at the poll)
*well since those are the only couple to be chosen id choose Squall and Rinoa :)

*i find it entertaining when Rinoa bugs Squall and he gives a cold reaction :) he replys like a shithead but he still gets Rinoas ass :D :D

*weeeeeeeee :D
Favorite FF Couples
-Aerith with Cloud
-Yuna with Tidus
-Lulu with Wakka
-Fran with Balthier
-Ashe with Basch
-Edgar with Celes
-Rinoa with Squall
-Zidane with Garnet
-Beatrix with Steiner
-Vivi with Quina (to the fact that they got married in Conde Petie)

That's it. :)
cloud and tifa for the win!! :)

i also like:
zack and aerith
zidande and garnett
fran and balthier
tidus and yuna
penelo and fran
steiner and beatrix
lulu and wakka

think thats it...
LS13 said:
penelo and fran
That's hilarious!
I see that lots of people voted!
Anyway I think Tidus and Yuna are the best couples and they'll be to the end of FF series, that I'll think will be never!
Zidane and Garnet.

I love their relationship because it's very modest, and best of all; it doesn't interfere with the plot. Zidane and Garnet both develop feelings for each other throughout the course of the game, but their relationship is very subtle; it's hard not to notice that they have developed feelings for one another, and yet they rarely ever mention the thought...

Zidane was hilariously flirtatious and lecherous in the beginning, but as the plot grows more serious, so does he. He still retains his flirtatious personality throughout the course of the game, but he keeps his pesky rituals at bay.

With Zidane and Garnet, there's a time and place for everything. I love the fact that their relationship doesn't consume the majority of the plot, such as in games like FFVIII where the focal point of the game is the childish affection between the main characters.

My thoughts exactly!!

I love that couple over every other one 'cause the same reason. They relationship is modest and silent and event when is present in all the game, their affection is part of the storyline but not the storyline itself.
Obviously Barret. You know you felt a bit of sexual tension between them in the first disc of the game. I mean, Barret is all man... I'm surprised that even Red resisted him! :barret:
Wakka and Lulu. I can see her physically abusing Wakka on a daily basis. Doesn't make for a healthy relationship, but it sure does make for a hilarious one.

I'm not big on character pairings, to be honest.
Garnet and Zidane all the way! I was going to vote for Tidus and Yuna, but I think I like the chance of the FFIX couple better here.

Zidane's instantly got the hots for her, and in a way you can tell Garnet is curious about this genome living the life of a thief. He's got a dangerous side to him and he's willing to live on the edge; which is just what the princess wants to do.

In the end, in each other's arms, it works out perfectly.
I think its pretty obvious who I voted for lol :neomon:

Well FFX WAS my first Final Fantasy so you can't blame me. Plus I loved their Chemistry with each other (not to mention that make-out scene was H-O-T!):nudge:

My second would have to be SquallXRinoa, they are such a cute couple, Squall is quiet and boring while Rinoa is loud and fun, they complete each other! lol

Then there's ZackXAerith which is cute and I support CloudXTifa because lets face it, Cloud can't date a corpse (she's got Zack anyway!)
Gotta go with FFIV's Rydia+Edge. Rydia was a quiet little girl and Edge was...well edge, no one told him what to do. So Rydia and Edge get together and all the sudden Rydia gets bossy and and edge becomes meek, perhaps the funniest turn around in the entire series.

The fact that its so understated, yet so obvious, and that it doesn't detract anything from the plot made it awesome, plus I thought they were really well suited for each other...
Has to be Squall and Rinoa.

That was the best love story IMO, but Tidus and Yuna would be a close second.
I personally love Cloud/Aerith b/c it was a great example of tragic love, as somebody mentioned earlier...even though she died, you could clearly see how much she changed Cloud throughout the game (sorry Tifa lovers...I like Tifa too though, no worries.)

Locke/Celes and Cecil/Rosa are my other favorite 'canon' couples...it's funny to see how Celes transitioned herself from a cold hearted warrior to a more softer, subdued young woman. It was hinted at the end, that it's likely they were together. I prefer Terra with Edgar actually, so...

Cecil/Rosa have a more unconventional relationship, so one has to argue of Cecil being linked with another woman...:cool: They were made for each other...

Special mentions to Rinoa/Squall (especially that cute last scene), and Zidane/Garnet (I just love their hug at the end)...oh, and Tidus/Yuna, FFX-2 good ending everyone!
I sure you don't want to know what MY favorite pairings are since they aren't canon XD

But here's some...

FFVI: Edgar/Terra, Locke/Celes

FFVII: Zack/Aerith, Cloud/Tifa

FFVIII: Irvine/Selphie, Laguna/Raine

FFIX: Zidane/Dagger, Steiner/Beatrix

FFX: Tidus/Yuna, Wakka/Lulu

FFX-2: Shuyin/Lenne, Gippal/Rikku