Favorite Game Music?


Oct 24, 2006
i would like to get a general consencus (i think i spelled that right:wacko: ) on what peoples favorite in game music is. my favorite would probably have to be the hilda garde 3 music.
DEFINITELY Kuja's theme - but the version with the hard hitting drums.

However, I still love the battle music (inc boss music) and also that bit in Terra where Zidane goes crazy and loses his mind.
I have four favorites simply because the soundtrack is so large. (no specific order)

I. Opening - I remember the first time I ever heard the opening theme to Final Fantasy IX. I was in middle school, and one of the french horn players in my band had arranged a final fantasy medley for symphonic band, and the opening to the medley was the opening theme to final fantasy ix. What I really like about it is that it uses a simple chamber group with a distinct baroque feel to set the foundation for the upcoming game.

II. Mistaken Love - I guess I like this one so much because it holds a part of the ending scene. I was listening to the soundtrack after I had beaten the game, and when I came across this track I immediately fell in love with it because it lives up to its title. I can hear the wailing of someone losing their love or something to that effect. When the harp and the flute came in, it was etched into my memory.

III. Memories of the Day - I'm not sure what it was that I liked so much about the cut scene when the big eye came out of the sky and destroyed a small village. But the music playing was this one, and it practically gave me chills down my spine. I liked this one so much, that when I was way later in the game, I went back to an earlier save, and played an hour to get back to where this song played in the cut scene.

IV. Ending theme (Melodies of Life) - By the end of the game, I was so infatuated by the game's characters, and I really wanted to see Garnet and Zidane actually get together, that when the ending scene finally played, I was ecstatic. Garnet ran, and lept into Zidane's arms and it was so beautiful. The ending melody really did a good job of summing up the game and still I hold it as one of my favorite tracks.

Other great tracks include Ipsen's Heritage, Zidane's Theme, the Battle themes, and Vamo' Alla Flamenco
I have a couple, each of which I can play on guitar :D

1. Melodies of Life: Love it. So simple and melodious, it flows like water through a brook. I love the lyrics too. The singer has an amazing voice.

2. You're Not Alone: Tied with Melodies of Life. Very contrasting to Melodies of Life, it has a harder tune to it. It (if it's even possible) sophistacatedly tears up the paper, and has a glorious revolutionary tune to it. I love this one for it's relative speed and perfect timing. The guitar/flute/recorder solos for this one were amazing.

3. Dissipating Sorrow: A very sad, but good song. Has a Spanish-like guitar tune to it, and strikes you straight in the heart. this would be a glorious addition to any music collection. Not quite as good as Melodies of Life or You're Not Alone though.
Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot, Bran Bal, the Soulless Village. I constantly find myself humming that tune, and failing at trying to get it right when I play it on piano (cause the chord progression is so unconventional). I love this one so much I uploaded the IX piano collections version for you guys. Way cool. 06 Bran Bal, the Soulless Village.mp3
You can't forget about Immoral Melody which is one of Kuja's themes. SPecifically the one you hear in the FMV where he leaves Burmecia.
I love The Dark Messenger. You know, the theme where you fight
Trance Kuja before you fight Necron
. Man, that one is SO sick.
yeah dark messenger and you're not alone are best ^_^
i also like the boss theme and quina theme :)
my favorite song would be Place I'll Return Someday
its played in the intro before the title screen...
i liked it because it makes me remember my home...^_^
Castle Pandemonium???? Frozen in Time....I think that might be what its called? the organ music one

I think overall the music in FF9 was amazing
oh yeah definitely Place Ill Return Someday too....i love it, very pretty but sad too.
I've heard so many arrangements of Immoral Melody, I've actually forgotten what the original sounds like. The one that took my appeal was when he ascended to the skies with Silver Dragon, and the one where the snare drum is used and abused. Lmao, makes a drummer proud ;)

You're not Alone! also caught my ear. Catchy guitar.

Melodies of Life, also.
I agree. Personally, I think the best songs on there were Melodies of Life, You're Not Alone, and The Dark Messenger. Amazing instrumentals in them, and the lyrics for MoL were absolutely gorgeous. Bet the singer is cute too (any signer with that voice has to be hot man).
Any music of Kuja is good(Dark Messenger, Immoral Melody, Hopeless Desire...), You're not alone is really cool and also The Evil Mist Rebirth, Place of Memories and The Last Battle.
Hard to chose
Top Five:

1. Dagger's memory song.
2. Zidane's lonesome music. (when he goes on his own in Terra)
3. Kuja's music w/ drums
4. battle music
5 boss music
