Favourite FF quotes

To me this is a quote:To be forgotten is worth than death- Freya-Final Fantasy 9 Another one I liked is:Locke:I am not a theif Im a treasure hunter! Final Fantasy 6
Old lady in FFX - "Stay away from the SUMMONER!"

Yuna - "Ducksoup!"
Paine - "Duck what?"

Rikku - "Hey, is that thing edible?"
Zidane:"Ohh soft..."(everytime I think of it I wanna laugh hard)

Cloud:"I'll rip them"
Aerith:"I'll chop"(or whatever...can't remember well)
Tifa:"I'll smash them"
I'd say that my favorite quotes are

"Life...dreams...hope...Where do they come from? And where do they go? Such meaningless things...I'll destroy them all!" - kefka

"Why do people insist on creating things that will inevitably be destroyed? Why do people cling to life knowing that they must someday die?...Knowing that none of it will have meant anything once they do? " - kefka
Kefka quotes are often the best.

"Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison."

"I will destroy everything! I will create a monument to non-existence!"

"Ahem. There's SAND on my boots "

"Edgar, you pinhead! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere?!"

So many great quotes!
"Don't look so shocked..." - Lulu when using Thundara for the first time.
"Live and let live!" - Tidus after using the Flee ability
Practically everything that came out of Kefkas gob was gold :wacky:

Anyway, Ive been playing Crisis Core and here's afew

Angeal 'Use brings about wear, tear & rust' So very very cheesy, but I love it, it amused me :monster:

Cissnei ' Wings symbolise freedom for those who have none' I just really like that one -_-

Zack 'If we pull this off, we'll all be heroes! At the very least I'd feel like one'

I know there are more but well, I can't remember them, those are the ones I really like though, that last one made me feel sad :gasp:
Moogle: "Do you like Kupo Nuts?"
Zidane: "Yes."
Moogle: "I like you."

Quina: "Ah, Zidane, you chose me!"
Zidane: "Well, I pretty much got stuck with the leftovers."
Quina: "You no have to explain. I so happy. My tribe has an old saying...leftovers good."

Eiko: "That one weird girl said a strange thing. She told me to tell you to meet her in the underground laboratory! What a pervert!"

Amarant: "...why do I have to go with her?"
Zidane: "I'm sorry, did you want to go with Eiko?"
Amarant: "..."

Moogle: "Don't call me if you don't need me, kupo!"

Rikku: "Eh heh heh...heh heh heh heh..."
Tidus: "Eh heh heh, you're creeping me out!"

There are a few other things that made me laugh, but I can't remember them right now! :gasp:
Hey all, with the final fantasy series being so influential i was wondering what were your favourite quotes??
some of mine include

Tidus: "This is my story."

Tifa: "Oh! Cloud! You're hair looks like a Chocobo!"

Sephiroth: "How can there be any meaning in the memory of such a being? What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion."

Opening credits for advent children: "To those who loved this world... and knew friendly company therein: This reunion is for you"

Freya: "Despair. To be forgotten is worse than death." (not really a quote but oh well)

Tifa: "Oh! Cloud! You're hair looks like a Chocobo!",

hahahahaha That's really Funny
Eiko (to Zidane): "What are you like? Where did you come from? Where are you going? What do you do? What kind of food do you like? What kind of eidoleons do you like? What kind of moogles do you like? What kind of girls do you like?"

Queen Brahne: "Ah, so Kuja has finally decided to show his girly face!"

Dwarf: "Rally ho!"
Quina: "Rally ho yourself."

Eiko: "Please don't eat me! I don't taste good, I taste awful!"
Zidane: "You heard her Quina."
Quina: "That too bad."

Morrison the Moogle: "Last time it tasted so bad that I thought my pom pom might fall off!"

Zidane: "Geez, all s/he ever thinks about is food."
Garnet: "Well, all you ever think about is girls."
Zidane: "Uh...thats right! My mind is filled with thoughts of...you!"
Vivi: "..."
Zidane: "..."
Zidane: "...Maybe I'm trying too hard."

Amarant: "Why not just battle it out and see who wins? My moneys on Kuja."

Black Mage: "When he does come out, I'll probably just wash him off in the pond."

Kuja: "Spare me the emotional reunion scene, please."
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Lulu "if it get's too dangerous, pull out quick"

Auron (talking to Tidus) "I hear you were quite the crybaby"

Yuna "I don't like your plan.....it sucks"

Cloud "let's Mosey" <<<<< I never saw that coming

Leblanc "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZbB3cYgG6M"

Zidane "oooh soft"
Final Fantasy IX

Hades(If you beat Ozma before you beat him), "You defeated Ozma? I guess there's no turning back now!"

If you beat Ozma, and then encounter the friendly monster, Yan he'll say, "Reach the round guy....huh? You already beat him?!?!

Those two cracked me up lol
"Save some for Kimahri!" :D Kimahri FFX

"Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow." Auron FFX

"If you want everthing, you will end up with nothing."
"But I want everything!" Tidus and Lulu (Tidus sure is greedy) FFX

Tidus crying "I hate you Dad." FFX

"Owwiee" Rikku FFX-2

"Dillydally Shillyshally" AC

Can't really think of anymore....

Marcus: "I think my nose is bleeding..."
Blank: "Then stick your thumb up it!"

Cinna: "No one touches my hammer but me!"

Eiko: "Oh, were you being a bully? My grandpa always used to say that bullies are actually cowards."
Amarant: "...just leave me alone."

Dr Tot: "Beatrix, help the princess get dressed." *walks out of room*
Beatrix: *looks at Steiner who's standing in the doorway* "Steiner, are you going to stay here and watch?"
Steiner: "N-no! I'll leave!"

Mirror Guardian Dude: "R-return my mirrors!"
Zidane: "You should say please when you ask for things."
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FF7 Crisis Core

Zack: "You can't be serious.. It ate my hair!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aerith: "There's only one thing I want the most.. to be together with you more often."

Those are two of my favorite FF quotes ^^
Red XIII – “Aeris used to pat me on the nose sometimes…”

Bugenhagen's characteristic laugh – “Ho Ho Hoooo!”