Favourite Party Of Three?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
We have these threads in the other FF sections, but we don't have on for XIII (at least, not one I could see)

So, who is in your favourite party, and why?

For me, I use Lightning, Vanille and Fang.

The official guide pimps Lightning, Hope and Fang, but I really don't like being told who to use so I swapped Hope for Vanille. I would have used Lightning and Fang regardless anyway.

Lightning, I think is the best all rounder, and definitely the most fun character to have as the party leader.

Fang, she's just a beast! Her strength stat is insanely high when compared to everyone else. Even without accessories / upgraded weapons, she's easily the strongest character physically in the game.

Vanille, I really love her character and wanted her to be in my party since I didn't want to separate Vanille and Fang. For me, she's got the strongest magic stat, and she's got a good set of roles. I've found that she's a better healer than Hope or Lightning, but that could just be me. She's saved my ass on a lot of occasions xD

So, who do you use?
I got to say, I use the same team, Lightning, Vanille and Fang.

Again the guide suggests Hope... but he's pretty awful and I didn't end up needing the Syngerist ast any point in the game when I had two medics availabe all the time.

Fang is the strongest with great strength and a huge amount of HP when I need a sentinel, which is gettig more and more often as I work my way through the side missions.

Lightning being a total all rounder with equal strength and magic stats amkes a good healer, commando, ravager... well whatever I need her to be at the time to help the situation, and she gets the BEST ravager move in the whole game late on in her Crystarium.

As for Vanille she is by far the best magic user and healer, as well as being a saboteur which makes an amazing addition in later fights, as it allows you to weaken the physical and magical protection of enemies. That and of course the fact that the last ability she learns has allowed me to kill a LOT of adamantoises already :D
For me it's Lightning, Hope and Fang

Lightning is the best all rounder for me, and her skills as a Ravager work well with Fang's Commando

Hope is the best Ravager in the game and is second only to Vanille in the Medic role, his magic stat is arguably the highest in the game too when maxed out. Plus his buffing is vital later on imo.

Fang as Mark stated has the best strength in the game, and while her targets seem to differ from Lightning's she is good for punishing enemies, with insane strength and a combo rate that is only beaten by Sazh she's a monster in the commando role.
I use Lightning, Fang, Hope...

Lightning because.. like you guys said.. she's the best all rounder..

Fang because she has the highest strength.. she is best suited for the commando role..

and finally Hope because he is the best ravager or medic.. he really has a high amount of magic.. but the only problem is his hp.. but still.. he can deliver devastating magical damage..

Lightning, Fang, Vanille.

Everyone else pales in comparison to the first two. Light is the best all rounder, and a great rav. Second highest attacker, and a greta party leader. Fangs strength is scary. All my paradigms just have her commonda almost everytime. I just like her do her thing adn let others worry about healing etc

Vanille because she has a magic stat and is useful for healing, jumping to ravager when needed. And her HP/defence isn't as low as Hope's even though he is actually as good a medic.

I rarely use Snow. In fact, since gaining control over your party.. I don't think I ever have o_O Sazh has poor stats as well. :/
I use Lightning, Fang and Vanille, for most of the reasons identified above. The guide can shove it if it thinks I'm going to use Hope - I can't stand the little brat, and he NEVER heals people quick enough. I usually have to go Combat Clinic and do it myself. He's horrendously frail, as well. If Fang doesn't draw attention away from him fast enough, or kill enough off quick enough, the odds are he'll die, meaning I have to divert my attention and bring him back to life. Its aggravating to say the least.

I did use Sazh for a while, but...well, as good as Haste is, that is pretty much all he can do right now that nobody else can. As a Commando he's underwhelming when compared to Lightning, let alone Fang.

I've also used Snow for a few battles that have given me pause, because he is an awesome wall. Still, Fang does the job pretty well most of the time, and she hits harder than he does when I need it...which is most of the time.
I use Lightning, Fang and Hope. Mainly because they're my favorite characters.

Well, first of all she's the main character. So I feel obliged to use her.
She's also very well balanced and such, so she can pull off just about any role in the party during emergency situations.

I don't think I'll have to explain this one. She's a beast in terms of damage, not to mention I adore her character, so I'm pretty sure I'd use her even if she was pretty much useless.

Now, this. I don't know why, but I always use him. Sure, he's got the best magic stats, but Vanille would work just as well. I'm just too attached to this... Awkward, boomerang wielding crybaby. Plus, he heals my party faster than Vanille does. Probably just my imagination, though.
The official guide pimps Lightning, Hope and Fang, but I really don't like being told who to use so I swapped Hope for Vanille. I would have used Lightning and Fang regardless anyway.

That's the same reason why I didn't use that party. The guide told me to do it so I refused :wacky:

When I finally unlocked the option to change party I chose Lightning, Snow and Vanille, but I quickly realised not including Hope was essentially shooting yourself in the foot.

So I changed to L, Snow and H. Damn imbalanced game :ffs:
Lighting, Snow, Vanille.

Lighting- Even though I moaned about not being able to swap out the lead character in previous Final Fantasies, now that I'm given the choice I actaully prefer to keep her as my leader, force of habbit I guess as plot wise she's probably my least favourite.

Snow- He's proabably my favourite character in the game, he's a friendly guy and optimistic and he has a cool mix of offensive and defesive capabilities.

Vanille- Always a good idea to play it safe with your best healer, plus the way she wiggles that booty is hypnotic .... *drool*

Snow, Lightning, and Vanille.

Snow - I used Fang for along time but I soon discovered that his extremely high HP made him not require being healed as often allowing me to keep him in commando more getting my chain bonus to never drop when when i have to switch up to heal.

Lightning - I cant imagine why she would not be in any party.

Vanille - I like her more then hope and with the right choices and gear her healing is top notch to be sure. plus she has some nice sabotaging going on when you need it.
Snow, Lighting, Vanille/Hope.

Snow because he's just a tank. His HP is way higher than any other character of mine at the minute and that makes it easy to heal when I need to do so quickly, Combat Clinic being my most used healing Paradigm. xD (he's also my main characters :mokken:)

Lightning. Mainly because the alternate would be Sazh and whilst he has well balanced stats and is a great character, he just doesn't shine through as much as Light does to me. She's also the char with the highest strength at the moment for me.

Vanille/Hope. I keep switching between these two. If I'm CP grinding, Hope is great as a Ravager for a quick battle. If I know there's a boss coming up, I switch in Vanille to make use of her healing. I use Hope more than Vanille at the moment, however.

Having said that, none of the characters are awful. I'll probably switch them around as I'm training up. I just prefer Snow/Light/Hope or Vanille for the time being.
I didint get to were i get to choose my party yet but when i do....
Vanille will be the leader cuz shes beautiful and will be the medic and commando once i unlock that for her
lightning will be the whatchamacallit that makes her use debuffs and stuff like that
and snow will be a medic too
Well, i'd probably say:

Lightning, Hope & Fang.

She has high strength and magic. I mainly use her for COM, RAV, and MED


He has high magic. Hes good for doing magic related things xD I use him to heal (MED) Black magic (RAV) and to enchance my party (SYN)

She's probably the better SEN out of her and Snow tbh. I have her equipped to some accesory making her HP 250+ so, she has higher HP then him
She also is good in COM because she has high strength as well.

I also make her be in SAB lowering my enemies HP/defense etc.

I use these three mainly because they have everything together. (covers all Paradigms and together, they make a great team)
Kind of hard to say as I was changing very ofren. A noteable combination was Light, Hope and Fang. There was that time during which the player is forced to play with this team. I found it pretty good as it has all the roles and it has mainly good COM, SEN and RAV.

Though at the final boss (after losing once. heck, I was prepared well enough) I used Hope, Vanile and Snow. I didn't expect much of the team at first, but I beat the final boss withn 4 minute so it was actually pretty amazing and I like this team. Snow is an insane SEN with tons of HP and a not too shabby COM, he has his obvious uses in this team. Vanile's SAB and Hope's SYN combined into one Paradigm was awfully useful. And well, they are both great healers so double medic Paradigm is very useful as well.
I'm liking Lightning, Fang and Sazh at the moment, mostly because he is the only dude with haste at the moment, I wish Fang had better de-buffs as well, but for the time being, this set up is working really well for me. Haste makes my life so much easier, and the women just hack away with attacks. Suits me just grand

For now at least
Lightning, Snow and Hope.

Mainly all three of them are my favorite story wise as well.

Lightning, she's mainly good for offense, occaisionally meds if needed. Out of all of my characters she hits the hardest.

Snow, he is another strong one and proper helpful as a sen. His HP is higher than everyone else's which is a bonus for him.

Hope, out of him and vanille, he's the best med (at least for me) and I usually just use him for buffering and healing and of course attacking when needed.

I tend to switch Lightning from time to time which is usually just to use Bahamut.
Lightning - What can I say? As the game progressed, I actually grew to like her personality. She's tough and protective. She can rely on herself, yet still knows when she needs to rely on her friends. As a fighter, she can really hold her own when the other two are busy healing or whatever. She's very devastating though when the others are attacking with her and in the right situations, an all-out assault with her in the lead is great. ^ ^

Hope - How could I keep Lightning's little boyfriend away, right?? I couldn't stand him at first, but he also became a very likeable character. His magic is unmatched; even Vanille can't come close. Of course, that may be because of my Crystarium navigation, but Hope is still stronger. Though he is usually first to die with his low HP, he has the ability to heal my party in seconds which is absolutely necessary in some tough battles. When healing with Lightning, I'd say a fraction of a second and the party is fully healed. X3 He's a great help.

Fang - I love Fang. Her devotion to Vanille is so touching, yet she's so fierce that her kindness isn't made evident to all. She's also quite witty, and that's something I really love about her. She can joke in the most serious of situations, yet still appear to be serious herself. She's complex. Her strength is much higher than Lightning's, and when in Relentless Attack paradigm, she really slaughters the foes. Otherwise, she stays Sentinel and takes lots and lots of hits with her high HP. And even when she goes critical, Hope and Lightning will have her back up to full in no time.

It's a great team overall, and it hasn't failed me since I decided upon it. =3
My favorites are Fang, Lighting, and Hope/Vanille.

I've worked really hard to level up Fang's commando crystal-gen, so she's a real hard-hitter. I like her look and personality as well, so she'll probably always have a spot reserved in my party.

Lighting is just bad-ass and a pretty powerful fighter as well. She has a high magic skill, so I use her as one of my ravagers most of the time. She's a decent back-up medic when I need one as well.

As for Hope, I like that he has the protect ability. That comes in handy pretty often, so I use him a good bit simply for that reason. He's also great as a ravager, so I normally have him and Lighting on magic duty while Fang pounds away on enemies. Vanille, on the other hand, is good whenever I need a saboteur, so I switch Hope out for her occasionally.

I'm trying to branch out and use a different party set-up though, since I found that Sazh is a pretty powerful character as well. I have yet to use Snow much at all, even though he looks like he has the potential to be stronger than both Fang and Lighting.
I use Fang, Vanille and Sazh a lot. Fang is by far the best commando and she has the best moves (IMO) Vanille is a great healer and more importantly she knows how to heal unlike Hope. Sazh is well-rounded and is a synergist more importantly.

If Hope didn't die after every hit and knew how to heal right I'm sure I'd use him over Sazh.