Favourite Party Of Three?

Lightning, Vanille, and Fang. Their skills were better than all of the guys' skills.

Lightning > Sazh
Fang > Snow
Vanille > Hope
I went through he game once and used Lightning, Fang an Hope. I don't really like Hope's personality but he's a good healer. The only disadvantage with him is that as a synergist, he learn haste later than Sazh in the game.
mine was fang because of her summon when i wanted it great for commando and when i get her sapetour skills up great for weakening enemy sentinal when it was an emergency

light main character good damaage com and rav medic if need be

vanille although her accent was annoying and when she got hurt sounded like an orgasm or something like that but she was good at magic so she was mostly rav and med but sometimes sab when i needed fang to attack with a lot more damage and much faster
Fang, Lightning, Vanille.

Ruthless makes these girls amazing. Lightning with the axis blade wont stop her from attacking, Vanille is good healer and an amazing Sabby + Fang gets Haste, Bravera, and Faithra, a total beast, downed a Adamantoise (Edenhall) in 1:18
I used Lightning, Fang, and Vanille.

Lightning because she's good at pretty much everything.

Fang because she's really strong and helps the stagger stay up.

Vanille because she is great at magic and her healing isn't much behind Hope and she has more HP then Hope. Plus I think the moans she makes are pretty funny.
Lightning Fang and Sazh
Lighting cause she just owns at whatever she does
Fang is a commando beast
Sazh kinda heals me and gives that extra boost i need-gotta have that Afroman in the party at all costs
Hmmm, mine varied through the game. I started with Light, Sazh, Vanille. Then Light, Sazh, Hope. Then Light, Hope, Vanille. By the end of the game I had Fang, Light, Hope.

Light was always in my party. Simply because she was the best all-rounder and by the end of the game I had both her strength and magic in the 1000s

Sazh was good at the beginning of the game, but I realised that while his HP grew, his strength and Magic didn't, that annoyed me, but he is a top synergist.

Ok, I'm Australian. don't hate me, but I absolutely LOVE Vanille! She is my favourite character and probably the one I can relate the most to...not that I've made anyone a l'cie before or anything >.> Vanille turned out to be a better Sabotuer than Fang in my opinion, and she was hell cool as a rav and med =)

Hope is my favourite character. From the minute snow killed his mum I was like "GO HOPE! KILL THAT BASTARD!!!" And then when he confronted him, I was like "YAY!!!" :D Anyway, I love Hope, he has really good magic even though his HP was never that high...He was my best ravager, and a good synergist and medic

And then there's Fang. Honest to god I don't know why ppl liked her so much. Her HP was above average, and her strength was AWESOME!!!! but she kinda sucked as a Sab. The thing I liked most about Fang was that she looked out for everyone, especially Vanille =D

oh shit off topic

anyways, was it just me or did the Sentinel role kinda suck? Like I understood the purpose of it and all but it was kinda bleh
For me,

Lightning/Hope/Fang (Com/Syn/Sen switch to Rav/Rav/Com)


Lightning/Vanille/Fang (Rav/Rav/Com switch to Rav/Med/Sab)

I use Lighting cause she's the most well rounded and with the Ultima Weapon with ATB Charge II she becomes a weapon of mass chaining destruction though it has horrid stats.

Hope because he has the Highest Magic stat all around. The only reason Vanille can become a better healer imo is because she gets a weapon with 'Improved Cure II' and it's a nice boost, but at the loss of a lot of magic.

Fang... well her attack is insane, give her a Taming Pole 3rd Tier and 3 Kaiser knuckles + a Genji Glove and watch the damage hit max pretty quickly.
Lightning, Snow, and Vanille.

Vanille's definitely my favorite character from FFXIII and a great healer. Lightning's just.. awesome. Snow's good offensively and defensively.