Favourite Party Of Three?

My ideal party is:

Lightning: A jack of all trades, plus I always have the lead character in my party.
Hope: He's fragile but I'm just used to him.
Fang: Best Commando ever
Light, Fang, and Hope.

Lightning is the best ravager, Fang is the best commando, and Hope is awesome with his synergist role. makes my team untouchable, and his ravager skills arent to bad.
For me, I usually go Lightning, Vanille, and either Snow or Sazh for certain situations.

Lightning: Like everyone else says, she's a good all-around member and is usually who I have as a party leader.

Vanille: IMO, a better medic/ravager than Hope, and she is also a decent syn.

Snow/Sazh: I switch between these two for certain situations. I mostly use Sazh for his firestrike attacks, since Snow doesn't have that yet. Snow is more of a powerhouse, which is good for the long fights.
Lightning, Fang & Hope.

Lightning was generally well balanced all round, Fang was the strongest out of the six party members and when fully maxed out Hope was the best medic. I never used Snow or Sazh unless I had to and I only ever used Vanille once and that was for Death on one of the marks, other then that I didn't use her either.
My favourite 3 Lightning,Fang and Vanille

It should be Hope in there as well, as his magic is extremly high,but his HP is low whereas Vanille's HP is high compared to Hope's.

Fang's strength is really high which makes her perfect for the commado role as well as the sentinal and scaboutar which she has maxed out.

Lightining is pretty much high in both areas as her magic and strength s high........but not as high as Hope's magic or Fang's strength. She is the strongest overall character. Her strength is the second highest and magic is 3rd highest. Which makes her perfect for all three medic,commado and ravager role.

Vanille,well all I use her is for healing and even though Hope is a better healer then her.........her HP is high whereas Hope's HP is extremely low.
About half way through the game, I kept my team as Lightning - Vanille - Sazh all the way 'till the end.

I always thought Sazh was the best Synergist as he seemed to gain the best techniques quicker than Hope.

Same with Vanille, I found her the better Healer and Saboteur and gained better techniques faster on her crystarium than Hope.

Lightning was the best character for me and she never left my team throughout the whole game. For me she was the strongest Ravager.
For boss fights it was typically Lightning, Snow, and Sazh because all three had ravager and commando which made boss fights go by fast. However, in the final battle I used Snow, Hope, and Vanille.

For walking around and fighting things, I switched the characters out because in every FF game I play I like to use all the characters equally.
I played with Snow, Fang, and Hope

I think I am the only one with Lightning not in their party. =/. I just thought and assumed everyone would use her so I decided against it. haha.

Snow because of how his HP is pretty high so being a sentinel is good for him.

Fang because of her super kick ass strength. Nuff' Said.

Hope's magic is better than Vanille's IMO. I like him more than I do her.
For walking around and fighting things

? Thats a great way of saying that Rids.........thats exactly what you do but I think there are terms for such things.?

My main Party was Fang.Snow.Vanille.

Fang because of her unique combination of Beauty,strength and Raw kick ass attitude.

Snow because High HP=.......well lots of life and His Fighting combo is great, he uses a double axe handle on the enemy for his Final blow!

Vanille ,she is a lot like Rikku and Selphie and tend to gravitate towards thoase typesof characters.......even Pennelo.

The clincher were for Fang and Vanille, they were remnants of the old world and sought to destroy the new, in a fashion, and they were for all intents and purposes a couple of hot Aussie chicks!.
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My team is: Vanille, Fang, and Hope.

I'm waaay postgame and:
Vanille is my lead. I use Fang as Com mostly, because I have Kain's (Taming Pole) Lance on her, plus with Kaiser Knuckels and Genji Gloves she kicks some major @ss. I think her strength is like 2995 (shes pretty much a beast). Vanille is at an almost maxed out Nirvana (Belladonna)wand, and I've always been fonder of magic users than the com's...so I use her for her death trick and to be able to control her as medic when I take on Long Guis and Shaolong Guis, otherwise she won't heal the party fast enough and everyone will die... Hope I use as Rav/Syn. I just got his Vidofnir upgraded to a Nue...and I think his magic is pretty close to 3000 now as well.

I use

Leader :Fang, and then Lighting and Sazh.

I refuse to have anyone other than Fang lead the party, and the other two characters are pretty useful, the kids annoy the heck out of me, and I'd have snow in if he had medic abilities but he doesnt....yet
I would use.....

Lightning-main character, good dmgs and stats-commando
The strongest party for me as been: Fang (leader), Vanille and Hope.

I was having problems with some bosses by using Lighting instead of Vanille but then i switched them around and it worked great. Hope might be weak in terms of HP but he comes in handy to cast protect, shell and haste while Vanille and Fang use curse and so on to weaken my target.
Lighting Fang and Vanille
Lighting because shes a good com and rav
Fang is a good com
Vanille is a good rav and medic
On my first run I found myself sticking with the pre set Light/Fang/Hope party for a lot of the game and really enjoyed that setup.

Now, however I find myself using Fang/Vanille/Light.
I normally switch the leader depending on how i'm going to tackle a particular fight or if I just feel like it. For some reason I don't like the all male party at all, I'm not the biggest fan of Sazh battle wise (which is why I don't really like his and Vanille's chapters) and Snow's a bit too slow compared to Light and Fang attacking wise for me. So I end up sticking with the three girls, Vanille tends to be my leader when i'm doing casual runs, Light and Fang are the ones who can really deal more damage when used right though, the AI doesn't seem to control the two as best as you can in situations with the more powerful enemies since they need constant switching half the time. Vanille can normally hold her own. :hmmm:
Who do you use in your main party?

Oh, and how are they set up or whatev'.

I haven't found a thread about this, but if there is one, please merge the threads or whatever.

1st Play through:

Lightning (Leader)
- Both Strength and Magic. Mainly a Commando or Ravager. Medic only in emergencies.

- Magic user. Used all of her main roles equally.

- Main attacker. Mainly a Commando. Became Sentinel if I needed it. (Mainly Post-game). Rarely a Saboteur.
2nd Play through:

Vanille (Leader)
- Magic User. Mainly a Ravager/Commando/Saboteur. Also backed up as a Medic is most cases that I needed one.

- Mainly an attacker. Mainly a Commando/Synergist/Ravager. Second as a Sentinel and a Medic.

Fang - Main attacker. Mainly used Commando/Saboteur/Sentinel. Also used Ravager/Medic if I ever felt I needed three of either.
3rd Play through (I'm playing through this one right now):

Sazh (Leader)
- Mainly an attacker. I'll probably have him mainly be a Commando(for Blitz), a Synergist, a Ravager (if I feel I need a second) and a Sentinel. He'll also switch in as a Medic if I need two (we'll see). xP

- Magic User. She'll mainly be a Ravager (Because I need to build chain gauges obviously), a Saboteur (I love this role. <3), a Medic, and a Commando (For more damage.)

Fang - Main attacker. I'm going to try to get her to stay a Commando as much as possible, Switching in as a Saboteur when I need Slow and Curse. I want to use her strength as much as I can, so she'll only be a Ravager when I need another one(I know she has strikes but ravagers are weaker then Commando's) and she'll probably only be a Sentinel when Sazh is a Synergist.

(In regards to my 3rd Play Through) I haven't gotten to where you can use who you want yet, so this is mainly speculation. But I think it looks good.

Lightning, vanille and hope. As much as I hate having kids in my party o_O
Mine always seems to be Lightning, Hope and Fang

I use Lightning for her Army of One ability to get the staggers up and Fang for her high attack strength so she can kill enemy's quicker while they are staggered and Hope for his healing power and magic to help stagger the opponent quicker.

I am more of an offensive player so Snow and Sazh aren't use because Sazh has weak magic compared to Hope and Snow is way better for defending than attacking so Fang beats him and I just like using Lightning.

The only other person I use is Vanille for her Death spell so when she's in Hope's out