Favourite Party Of Three?

Lightning, she's the main character, and pretty hawt to say the least.

Fang, she. is. a. beast.

Hope, I find higher magic stat means more Ravager damage. More Ravager damage means faster stagger. Faster stagger means happy face.
At the moment, it has to be Lightning, Snow and Vanille.

Lightning just pwns everyone, Snow's incredibly useful and Vanille's good when I need back-up. I haven't got Fang yet, but I want to see how she's a beast when I get her. xD
My team of choice was Lightning, Snow, and Hope. Most of the time I have Light and Snow as commandos and Hope as a ravager/healer.
I beat the game with Lightning, Hope, and Snow so they're automatically my best three. :mokken: Seriously, any other lineup and I just got slaughtered by the end boss.

Light is usually the main ravager and commando, Hope is mainly the medic and the synergist, although he does pop into ravager when I need to boost a chain gauge, and Snow is just really useful as a Sentinel. Get his strength high enough and he can be the third best commando in your party as well. :hmmm:

Hope- I adore this kid too much and I relate to him a lot so I can't resist playing as him. I love being a RAV as well, I am a magic addict! :x3: It is also very useful for me to control the healing. He also got all the -aga's first. The only disappointing thing is that he doesn't have haste yet.

Lightning- She is an extremely powerful character who can also heal and boost chain. She is an extremely useful fighter with cool animation. I can't really say much more past that. I love her as a character and how she is growing, that is what I can say!

Fang- I always have a sentinel in my team and I usually have it in the current paradigm. I find them to be endlessly useful! She is also a COM and a SAB which are both very useful classes for when I go all out of enemies. Her slow skill has probably saved me more times than one.

I feel bad for not playing Vanille much though, I love that girl.
I'll go with Lightning, Vanille and Snow.

Lightning is just the star of the show for me, she is "well ard". Vanille I like for her versatility, and Snow is just very good at the stuff that he does. I'm sure Fang will develop into a more useful character in time, but where I am at the moment, I kinda wish she was a little more malleable.
Faith Crest i love that sig pic with lightning punching snow GJ!

i mostly used Lightning Sazh And Vanille

Lightning - fun party leader with flips

Sazh - gets haste early in the game. and hes my fav character

Vanille- needed a sab and a medic; she fitted the role nicely

at chapter 12 i switched and beat the game with lightning, hope, and fang tho...
never bothered with Snow...
In my Party are almost always:

Lightning- Party Leader, can chain good combos and deal lot of damage

Hope- can chain good combos and heal everyone

Fang- Can deal great damage
I went with the guides suggestion with Lightning, Hope and Fang as my main party.

Lighting: Ravanger (all bout the axisblade! love tha haste)
Hope: Medic (hawkeye)
Fang: Commando (taming pole)

Working great so far.
but whyd they make the black guy have such shity stats!? lol i would have used him in place of Hope. I hear he gets alot better endgame.
I would usually change party's depending on the situation. So there were several combos which I liked. But towards the end of the game I started to favor Lightning, Hope and Fang.

My favourite paradigms for them were.

Lightning (Rav), Hope (Rav), Fang (Com) - Quick chaining.
Lightning (Med), Hope (Med), Fang (Sen) - For quick healing.
Lightning (Com), Hope (Med), Fang (Com) - Only up against staggered bosses though.
Lightning (Rav), Hope (Med), Fang (Com) - For keeping health high while still chaining
Lightning (Medic), Hope (Syn), Fang (Sab) - Good way to start a battle.
Lightning, versatile, makes a good Commando or Ravager, plus she is a decent enough medic too, so she can heal etc while the rest of the party buffs and debuffs.

Fang, the best Commando and a good sentinel as well. Plus she's a sabateur.

Vanille, doesn't have as high a magic stat as Hope, but her weapon means she has an enhanced cure and she has quite a bit more HP than Hope does.

during gameplay it was fang/light/vanille but with maxed out crystal thing I swapped

here's why:
fangs team; -ara synergists. Bad for long drawn out fights. They give a bigger boost but you have to spend more time buffing. For long GUI and mark 64 guy it'd just too much trouble.

Snows team: normal synergists. Good for the long fights. The triple length buffs are fantastic and are overall better (even though there a 1/3 of the buff)

fang and light are terrible healers. Simple as that. Without access to asa/aja heals 25000 health takes a long time to heal.

Snow/sazh/hope all have acess to asa spells, from almost-dead they can be fully healed in 1 move.

Finally the damage issue. Yes, fang is stronger (by about 400 if I'm not mistaken) but sovereign fist still takes put a long gui leg in 1 hit. Granted there's a decent gap when the guage is filling/emptying on en enemy but give sazh stagger maintenance or chain boost and the difference is hardly worth mentioning.

So, to conclude, if you need to burst something down the girls are the way to go. But if there's a whole lot if damage flying in both directions you can't go past the boys.
Lightning, Hope and Fang. But before I got Haste for Hope, I used Fang(or Lightning?), Vanille and Sazh for boss fights.
Right now I'm going with Vanille (Medic), Snow(Ravenger), and Lightning(Commando), and have Light as my party lead right now.

I really want to use Fang eventually because I like her character as much as I do Vanille's, but Vanille is much more advanced right now as a Medic than Fang so I'm going to keep her out for a while until her Medic abilities get up there.
Lightning, Vanille and Fang. I'll usually have Light or Fang as lead.

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Lightning, she is basically a jack-of-all-trades. Being a Commando, Ravager and Medic can really help.

Fang, a beast. A total beast. Highest strength and makes quick work out of staggered enemies. I found Fang to be better than Snow after comparing the two's strength.

Hope, mainly for the reason he has the highest magic stat in the entire game. I actually didn't want to use him at first, but his character development flew through the roof and that's when he ended up in my final three.

Yeah, I don't have the guide but I ended up doing what the guide said. >_>
I use Fang/Light/Snow mostly.

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Fang (Leader), Lightning, and Hope.

Fang has excellent Strength, highest of any of the characters, and she has the second most HP, so she can survive well on top of dishing out big damage with her Commando role which she is awesome with. :awesome: Also, I like having her as leader so I can Summon Bahamut if I wish... xD

Lightning seems pretty well balanced for Strength and Magic, though she could stand to have a bit more HP...but she seems pretty flexible and is good as Commando or Ravager, but Commando is best for Fang, absolutely, so the only roles Lightning every really takes on is Ravager, Medic and Synergist (Rapid Growth after Dazing tough enemy).

Hope has the best Magic stat, thus he is an excellent Ravager and Medic, recovering HP to the party quickly and effectively, and dealing big magic damage as a Ravager, racing the Stagger gauge up, which is always nice. :cloud:
Snow: contrarty to popular opinion i found him to be a freaking MONSTER as a commando, and even more so as a sentinel. Hes my party leader and favorite character. His hp is through the roof and so is his str when you gear him right. one drawback i would say is he makes a terrible ravager. Even as a sentinel his hp is so high i dont always need to guard, betoween nimbletoe boots, evade/counter, entrench, and vendetta, even when my party needs mass heals he can still keep the chain gague at the very least stagnant while in combat clinic
Hope: by far best medic in the game, comparable only by vinille, his small hp dosnt realy bother me so much because things tend to die before they can get him hurt. as a synergist, any high damaging monster gets a slap in the face when hes stacking his buffs, it more then makes up for his low health. and then as a ravager hes just a machine, staggering hordes of monsters was never a bad thing
Vinille/light: i switch these two out depending on the situation, light makes great use of the strike abilities and is a great all rounder as previously said, or i can stick her as a comando to keep damage/chain climbing when im using a sentinel. Vinille is undisputably the best sabotaur in the game and when i combine her with the other two, massive damage happens, switching from com/rav/sab to com/rav/rav finds giants crumbling in seconds