Favourite playable character?

I voted Basch

He's strong, has the best looking Quickenings, and looks mighty cool holding any manly weapon ;D
The big man for me (Basch)

He's like the supporting pillar of FF XII he's cool he's strong and as Judge Rulia said he looks great holding any weapon, i prefer him when he holds a greatsword.
Balthier for me. I love using him with the guns for long range attacks and Gideon Emery did an amazing job with his voice. <3
i like Fran cause she is good with weapons and she is a bitch with Magic
basically she rules
owh...my ashe lose...:holyshit:

i vote ashe,she's have mature character...i love ashe:P
Always liked Vaan, my favourite character is usually always the main character to be honest :/, I always make them my strongest :)
Balthier by far, he is the coolest character in the game by a mile.

Also like Fran too - she is sexy. XD
I voted Fran. Mainly because she's kick-ass.
Balthier is a close second and made it hard to vote ¬_¬

Typical that someone, who is always a rogue on games, would call 2 sky pirates their favourites
My favourite character is Baltheir. I think he is cool and smart.


Please put more effort into your post.

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Balthier just because he was so awesome!
he was funny, and he was the only one in the party with both pure and impure intentions
I vote Ashe she is just the hottets ffxii girl and also one of the hottest ff character also look at that micro skirt. Even though I love Ashe nonetheless.
Fran. I respect her resistance to chafing, and she had a really cool voice.
Balthier without a doubt, he had the look and brains imo, I was always interested in what he had to say opposed to the others.
Favorite Playable Character





Basch -


Reks-cause u know... not a single small pic of him....

Guest Character-


Reddas(cause ya know the only pics of him are fuxing hugacious)-

NOTE: Not including the characters from the Clan Centurino or the random wandering allies.

My favorite character is like Balthier and Basch.... Balthier cause i mean, he is a badass sky pirate...... and Basch because his story was quite good actually, twin brother framed him and killed the king then he was sent to Nalbina.... then blah blah blah... storyline crap.

Fran was amazing, and so was Ashe. Yet i think they both looked a bit to slutty. Penelo was just a nuisance..... and Vaan was just retarded.... as well as kinda gay on many levels.
My favorites would have to be Fran and Larsa. I liked Fran's voice and I also think she was a pretty amazing character. Larsa's my second favorite because...well...this is gonna sound stupid, but he was so cuuute!X3
Lmao, Fran was pretty fun on those occasions when the mist overpowered her and she went all psyhco bitch and kicked everyone's asses. How exactly is Larsa "cute"?
:holyshit:I gotta say, I laughed at the picture where Reks strikes a pretty pose.

Ashe is my fave main playable character because she's dedicated in getting back her kingdom and the plot where she got caught up between getting Dalmasca back and the whole destroying the Empire was pretty interesting. Basch seems to be the most noble character in the whole game, he's my favorite male playable char.

The guest characters are great too, I love all three. Larsa got a ton of X-Potions, I have a thing for seasoned men (Vossler), and I like Reddas' personality (I'm obsessed with all six Judges Magisters, including him).

Fran's voice was gold. The accent is just so exotic!
Except for Vaan, all their stats suck.

With regards to the plot, the only truly necessary main character is Ashe, so, her.