Favourite playable character?

penelo and basch I used penelo for white magic and basch to hit people..... and hit them he did they were my most useful Fran too. I intended to use her for black magic but i ended up using her for white magic too XD and Larsa was my favorite guest because of this x potions and cause i like him
FRAN, all day! I like Viera, and Fran is one cool Viera. Her accent is nice, and I really like her banter with Balthier. (Balthier is probably my second favorite character.) She had some good costume design, too. And I can't say no to a black magic-wielding archer.
Balthier & Fran (and Larsa)! They were the greatest characters in the game I loved playing them. I think its obvious why I played as Balthier. (but when I saw Larsa, I fell in love with the character. His weapons were so badass, I always wanted them...)
My fvorite playable character in Final Fantasy XII is Ashe B'nargin Dalmasca. Sure lots of people hate her and think shes is a whore cause of her super short skirt but I on the other hand like her. Imo she is very beautiful and is a fun character to use. Her voice makes her look like she leads the party somehow and she is very brave. I also like how she used a fake name at first. I also like Balthier. Balthier is a really sick character.
Fran and Balthier, especially when they are talking together. I really love the way that they bounce off each other, and even though each of them seems too "cool" to need anyone, they both seem like rebels, but I think that they really care about each other. I think Fran is my ultimate fave, just because she's such an icycool character!
my fave characters are Ashe and Fran. I think Ashe is a wise person and she knew what to do as a Royal Princess and future Queen of Dalmasca. Fran has many MP, that way i can cast more magick. And she's good at archery.
Shirona said:
Sure lots of people hate her and think shes is a whore cause of her super short skirt

Who said that? Don't they know mini-skirts are a fashion staple?! Haha.

.:fairydust:. said:
I think Fran is my ultimate fave, just because she's such an icycool character!

*nods* I think the only time Fran was in serious distress was when
Mjrn was infected by mist.
I have to go with Basch :)
I find him as a character extremely AWESOME. xD
I love his background story, and I just like him in general.
I remember when I first played, Basch was my ultimate weapon, I was at the beginning where I recently got him... I got him far in his gambits, and I gave him an extremely strong axe (at that time). I flew by fast. xDD

Although, Fran or Balthier are in a very close 2nd place for me. C'mon, who doesn't love these two? Best duo in my opinion! :P

But I like Larsa too, with his endless supply of High potions, ha. xDD
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Camiex said:
Although, Fran or Balthier are in a very close 2nd place for me. C'mon, who doesn't love these two? Best duo in my opinion!
I completely agree. I like both characters, but Fran by herself or Balthier by himself wouldn't be as interesting as they are together. They have some of the funniest dialogue in the game.
Lmao, Fran was pretty fun on those occasions when the mist overpowered her and she went all psyhco bitch and kicked everyone's asses. How exactly is Larsa "cute"?

Lol. I thought Larsa was cute because he had an innocent look to him. Idk, I just thought he was cute.XD
Funny. i didn't like the game or relate to any of them much on the first play-through, but now I've grown fond enough of the story that I'm having trouble picking a favorite.

My favorite is still Fran. As Cecily says, what's not to love about a black magic wielding archer? (Although the problem with job-style characters: it's harder to pigeonhole her as that, since she actually fights better with other weapons). I love her accent, her oddness, her Zen-ness, her tragic exiled-from-her-own-kind backstory, and her tendency to go psycho bitch. The Xena bondage outfit also panders to my lizard brain. Mmm, buns.

Balthier is probably the best new character in this game. He's a ton of fun, a lot more complex than the surface would indicate, decent and roguish and witty and foppish and with a voice talent behind him that just ROCKS. (Scan YouTube sometime for the Balthier BMW Commercial, then look up his actor Gideon Emery's YouTube channel for a great deal of hilarity).

Finally, there is noble, stoic and put-upon Basch. Another excellent strong silent failed samurai from Squeenix. They made his backstory and personality different enough from Auron to make him much more vulnerable, yet he's still got some of that mystique. Cross Auron with an abandoned laborador retriever...
Threads Merged, we already have a topic on this


And whyyyy has the poll closed :ffs:

Oh well
Fran! aww i love her to bits. Ashe annoys me I have to say. and I <3 Balthier too. way to go him, stealing an airship like that. woo hoo!
Honestly I really enjoy using all of them for different benefits.

But Basch and Vaan are my favorites. Balthier rocks though, I agree. I would love to be a Sky Pirate.
Baltheir or Larsa, if Larsa can count then definitely him, But if he doesn't then Blathier I loved him <3 What a ladies man he was and the way he saved the day at the end of the game :awesome: Where would the group be without him...?
Balthier is cool and all, but my favorite character is Fran. I think most people kept her using a bow, but I changed that fact right quick. I gave her a katana instead and she really knows how to kick some serious ass with it. XD Plus, she is soooo sexy wielding that katana~! =3