Favourites & Worsts List

Favorite Character: Fran/Ashe.
Favorite Male Character: Basch.
Favorite Female Character: Fran/Ashe.
Favorite NPC: Montblanc.
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa.
Favorite Race: Moogles.
Favorite Judge: Gabranth.
Favorite Weapon: Zodiac Spear/Masamune.
Favourite Equipment: Bubble Belt!
Favorite Magic: Bravery and Curaja.
Favorite Technick: Steal.
Favorite Gambit:
Favorite Quickening: Heaven's Wrath/Flame Purge/Pyroclasm.
Favorite Esper: Adrammalech/Hashmal.
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh.
Favorite Monsters: Pumpkin Star.
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh.
Favorite Villain: Gabranth.
Favorite Airship: Strahl.
Favorite Place: Balfonheim.
Favorite Area: Phon Coast/Cerobi Steppe.
Favorite Music: The Salikawood/Pharos Second Ascent/Esper Battle.
Favorite Cutscene: Hmmm... probably the Balthier/Fran scene on top of the Pharos.
Favorite FMV: The end.

Worst Character: Penelo... not the WORST, just my least favorite.
Worst Male Character: Vaan.
Worst Female Character: Penelo.
Worst NPC: Migelo.
Worst Guest Character: Reddas.
Worst Race: Baknamy.
Worst Judge: Zargabaath.
Worst Weapon: Any gun/hand bomb.
Worst Equipment: Mirror mail.
Worst Magic: Confuse.
Worst Technick: Numerology/Gil Toss.
Worst Gambit: Element-vulnerable.
Worst Quickening: Ruin Impendent.
Worst Esper: Cuchulainn.
Worst Hunt: Yiazmat.
Worst Monsters: Reapers... ugh.
Worst Marks: Yiazmat.
Worst Villain: Vayne... didn't really like him.
Worst Airship: The leisure crafts were ugly.
Worst Place: Old Archades.
Worst Area: The Great Crystal.
Worst Music: The Great Crystal music... I'm sick of it by now. ;_;
Worst Cutscene: None.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character:Balthier
Favorite Female Character:Fran
Favorite NPC: Dr. Cid
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favourite Equipment: Dark Mask
Favorite Magic: Scathe
Favorite Technick: telekinesis
Favorite Gambit: Ally -Penelo = Faith
Favorite Quickening: Balthier's 3rd one
Favorite Esper: ... I don't really use them
Favorite Hunt: Danger on the Bridge
Favorite Monsters: Chocobo
Favorite Marks:
Favorite Villain: Dr. Cid
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: Nabrudeas Deadlands
Favorite Music: It's either the Henne or Lhusu Mines music
Favorite Cutscene: Balthier's Brawl in jail
Favorite FMV: End credits

Worst Character: ??
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: I like them all, but plot wise, Penelo
Worst NPC: ??
Worst Guest Character: They're all OK, but if I had to choose, it's between Larsa and Reddas
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Mjrn
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Demonsbane
Favorite Armor: Any of the Genji armor
Favorite Shield: Dragon Shield
Favorite Magic: Scathe
Favorite Technick: 1000 Needles
Favorite Gambit: Ally: Any/(Raise, Arise or Pheonix Down)
Favorite Augment: Swiftness
Favorite Quickening: Element of Treachery
Favorite Esper: Zodiark
Favorite Hunt: Spee
Favorite Monsters:
Favorite Mark: Diabolos
Favorite Elite Mark: Pheonix
Favorite Boss: Firemane
Favorite Villain: Dr. Cid
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area:
Favorite Music:
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite FMV:

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Basch
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Migelo
Worst Guest Character: Reks
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Equipment:
Worst Magic:
Worst Technick:
Worst Gambit:
Worst Quickening:
Worst Esper:
Worst Hunt: Aerieel
Worst Monsters:
Worst Mark: Bloodwing
Worst Elite Mark: Trickster
Worst Villain:
Worst Airship:
Worst Place:
Worst Area:
Worst Music:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:

*Not finished with this, will update when i have the chance...*
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Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Ghis
Favorite Guest Character: Um...
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Ghis
Favorite Weapon: The one that looks best on me
Favourite Equipment: The one that i dont get hit in
Favorite Magic: Explosions!
Favorite Technick: ...wut?
Favorite Gambit: The one where I get healed
Favorite Quickening: ...
Favorite Esper: Belias! Ftw!
Favorite Hunt: The ones I dont do
Favorite Monsters: The 1-hit kills
Favorite Marks: The ones I dont do
Favorite Villain: Judge Ghis!
Favorite Airship: Leviathin???
Favorite Place: Ozmone!
Favorite Area: ..ozmone?
Favorite Music: Esper theme!
Favorite Cutscene: "You wear your saddle well."
Favorite FMV: Balthier & Fran intro :3

Worst Character: Vayne
Worst Male Character: Vayne
Worst Female Character: Ashe
Worst NPC: Gabranth
Worst Guest Character: I have no clue
Worst Race: Nu Muo? I didn't even see one
Worst Judge: Jeez um...Zargabaath.
Worst Weapon: The ones I sell!
Worst Equipment: The ones where I get hit!
Worst Magic: That magic I called 'cure' that didn't save me! Traitor!
Worst Technick: er...
Worst Gambit: is there even such a thing?
Worst Quickening: er..
Worst Esper: Exodus go sit down, get off your rocket launcher.
Worst Hunt: all of them
Worst Monsters: the ugly ones
Worst Marks: all of them
Worst Villain: jeez, vayne!
Worst Airship: strahl needs a paint job, srsly
Worst Place: the evil forest...place.
Worst Area: evil forest!
Worst Music: judge battle theme needs a fixin
Worst Cutscene: "Nobody knows men like Fran does." (jk jk)
Worst FMV: "Hey penelo! Let's go stalk this guy with awful hair and run through a crowd of people without looking ahead and hope we don't run into anyone or any large objects!"
Favorite Character: Larsa, he was the most interesting character in the game. I liked his personality alot.
Favorite Male Character: Larsa, look above.
Favorite Female Character: Fran, I loved her voice (and the looks of course :)). She was cool anyway.
Favorite NPC: Reks, somehow I liked him. Too bad he was killed.
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa, look above, plus he had infinite Hi-Potions!
Favorite Race: Garif, I liked the 'warrior tribe' kind of thing. They're wise and powerful.
Favorite Judge: Drace, she was brave enough to point at Vayne with a sword and rebel against. I wish there would've been more of her.
Favorite Weapon: Save the Queen, it just looks beautiful.
Favourite Equipment: Ribbon, I don't think I need to explain.
Favorite Magic:
Haste, always nice to see the bar fill up so fast.
Favorite Technick:
Telekinesis, it's the only technick I really used. Useful.
Favorite Gambit:
Ally: Any, you can put many things under that one.
Favorite Quickening:
Basch's Flame Purge, it's just visually stunning and cool.
Favorite Esper:
Zodiark, his backstory was the most interesting and his Deathblow is awesome. I still need to get him in the game, though. :D
Favorite Hunt:
Battle on the Big Bridge. It sorta gave me some Classic-FF vibes. The battle music was great too. And Gilgamesh's voice acting. Even Enkidu returned!
Favorite Monsters:
The behemoth ones mostly. They just looked so cool, they're big and muscular. And they also have those big swords.
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh, he was quite funny and his voice actor was great. I also liked the wyrms like Fafnir.
Favorite Villain: Venat, because of his extraordinary appearance and ambitions. It was sad that there wasn't enough of him/her in the game.
Favorite Airship:
Leviathan, I don't know why. It just looked cool.
Favorite Place:
The Great Crystal in Giruvegan. The concept of walking inside a huge crystal was interesting. The place was quite beautiful and the music was good.
Favorite Area:
This is a hard one, but I'd say Salikawood. I just liked the overall atmosphere of the area.
Favorite Music:
The Esper Battle, it was just damn epic.
Favorite Cutscene:
The one on the top of Pharos. Many things happened and it was epic.
Favorite FMV:
The one before going into Bahamut, it was intense and I just liked it.

Worst Character:
Penelo... urgh. She was useless and annoying.
Worst Male Character:
Gabranth, his actions just seemed illogical. He just shouted and finally died.
Worst Female Character:
Penelo, look above.
Worst NPC:
Jules in Archades. He took my money. :(
Worst Guest Character:
Vossler, I didn't like him and he didn't have anything special.
Worst Race:
Baknamy, they steal your loot and are annoying overall.
Worst Judge:
Bergan, he didn't have anything to do, he was just killed.
Worst Weapon:
There are many bad ones so there isn't much of a point to answer to this one.
Worst Equipment:
Dawn Shard, no MP.
Worst Magic:
Umm... I seriously don't know. Maybe the Lvl 1 Black Magic spells, never used them.
Worst Technick:
There are so many bad ones so I'll just skip this.
Worst Gambit:
Look above.
Worst Quickening:
Fran's Whip Kick. It just looked a bit laggy and was stupid overall.
Worst Esper:
Shemhazai, she looked pretty ridiculous.
Worst Hunt:
Too many to count. :dry:
Worst Monsters:
The wolves at the early areas that you can kill with one hit. They're just annoying.
Worst Marks: ... I'll just say there are a lot.
Worst Villain: Vayne. He was just boring. He should have been shown more.
Worst Airship:
All of them are awesome so I'll skip this.
Worst Place:
I seriously don't know.
Worst Area:
The Feywood, it was just so... depressing and boring.
Worst Music:
Almost all of the tracks sucked.
Worst Cutscene:
I don't have complaints about them, I just wished there would've been more.
Worst FMV:
They were all good, except some of them were just useless.
Need to do this myself

Favorite Character:

Ghis - handsome, sly, best judge.
Bergan - cruel, awesome voice.
Dr. Cid - Insane, incredibly sexy.
Reddas - Pink pants. Instand win.
Vayne - Seductive hair, his handling of situations.
Basch - Very kind man, loyal to Ashe.
Vossler - Strong, always wanting to free Dalmasca.

Favorite Male Character: All of the above

Favorite Female Character: Mjrn, and I think it's Chit, the cockatrice you speak to.

Favorite NPC: Favourite characters - ones you had in your party.

Favorite Guest Character: Vossler - what a tank.

Favorite Race: Tie between Bangaa and Humes.

Favorite Judge: Ghis. He could have posed serious problems for Vayne if he remained alive.

Favorite Weapon: Ninja swords

Favourite Equipment: Bubble belt.

Favorite Magic: Arise, Curaja

Favorite Technick: Charge, Libra

Favorite Gambit: N/A

Favorite Quickening: Basch's Flame Purge overall

Favorite Esper: Adrammalech and Cuchulainn

Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh, Belito, Cluckatrice, Deathgaze ( so far)

Favorite Monsters: Behemoth, Bunnies, Mandragora species, cactuars

Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh.

Favorite Villain: Ghis.

Favorite Airship: Leviathan

Favorite Place: Rabanastre

Favorite Area: Dalmasca Estersand

Favorite Music: White Room, Speechless Battle, Boss Fight, Empires Theme

Favorite Cutscene: Pharos/Leviathan explosion. Or anything with judges.

Favorite FMV: Not sure

Worst Character: Balthier. Friggin Prick
Worst Male Character: Balthier
Worst Female Character: Ashe
Worst NPC: Stuck up Archadians
Worst Guest Character: I liked them all
Worst Race: Viera. Have a shitty attitude, most, to the outside world.
Worst Judge: They're all good.
Worst Weapon: Beginner ones
Worst Equipment: NA.
Worst Magic: N/A
Worst Technick: N/A
Worst Gambit: N/A
Worst Quickening: Most of Ashes were dull
Worst Esper: N/A
Worst Hunt: Don't have one
Worst Monsters: Entites are scary
Worst Marks: They're all good
Worst Villain: *Vayne was not boring haha* Er..erm..Venat?
Worst Airship: Atomos
Worst Place: Giruvegan - it hated me
Worst Area: Feywood. Stupid fog
Worst Music: The music was VERY good
Worst Cutscene: Not sure
Worst FMV: They were all good, except some of them were just useless.

iv not completred it yet so im going with what i know.....

Favorite Character:Balthier
Favorite Male Character:balthier
Favorite Female Character:penelo
Favorite NPC:dr cid
Favorite Guest Character:reddas
Favorite Race:seeq
Favorite Judge:gabranth
Favorite Weapon:erm....any big sword
Favourite Equipment:bubble belt - id say ribbon but i dont have it haha
Favorite Magic:curaja
Favorite Technick:steal
Favorite Gambit:foe's weak against whatever element
Favorite Quickening: teh one where penelo twirls around
Favorite Esper: the one from barheim is pretty cool
Favorite Hunt:gilgamesh (altho he sounds annoying & iv still not beat him on the 2nd encounter)
Favorite Monsters:the reabbits are just too cute
Favorite Marks:
Favorite Villain:dr cid
Favorite Airship:the strahl i spose
Favorite Place:archades
Favorite Area:giruvegan
Favorite Music:teh one at mt bur omisace i think - when your on your way to the stillshrine of miriam
Favorite Cutscene:something with balthier
Favorite FMV:dunno

Worst Character:ashe
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:ashe
Worst NPC:marquis ondore
Worst Guest Character:larsa
Worst Race:
Worst Judge:ghis because i couldnt kill him
Worst Weapon:measures
Worst Equipment:estanguished sheild
Worst Magic:
Worst Technick:arise or whatever it is sacrifise your hp to raise an ally
Worst Gambit:that AMT one cause ivno idea what its for
Worst Quickening:ashes only cause of the crsap she spouts
Worst Esper:dunno
Worst Hunt:roblon
Worst Monsters:
Worst Marks:
Worst Villain:vayne
Worst Airship:leviathan
Worst Place:bhujerba i always get lost
Worst Area:prob lhusu mines after you get the site 11 key grrrr
Worst Music: dunno
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
[FONT=&quot]Favorite Character: Ondore, Larsa[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Male Character: Ondore, Larsa[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Female Character: Mjrn, Jote[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite NPC: Ondore, Al-Cid[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Race: Garif[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Judge: Ghis, Gabranth, Bergan
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Favorite Weapon: Any Greatsword
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Favourite Equipment: the thing that gives you double exp
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Favorite Magic: Arise, Curaja, Berserk[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Technick: Telekenesis[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Gambit: --[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Quickening: --[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Esper: Famfrit (so far)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Favorite Monsters: alraune (and the like)
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh, Fafnir
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Favorite Villain: Vayne, Dr. Cid, Ghis[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Airship: Leviathan[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Place: Bhujerba[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Area: Necrohol of Nabudis, Feywood, Nabreus Deadlands, Sochen Cave Palace[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Music: Final Fantasy, Esper Battle, Clash on the Big Bridge[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite Cutscene: Vaan attempting to attack Basch (for the lulz); Bergan’s speech; before the party battles Judge Ghis[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Favorite FMV: boarding/aboard the Bahamut[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

Worst Character: Vaan, Ashe[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Male Character: Vaan[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Female Character: Ashe[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst NPC: Migelo, Most Viera[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Guest Character: Reddas[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Race: Viera (excepting Mjrn and Jote)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Judge: none[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Weapon: Hand Bombs[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Equipment: Dawn Shard[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Magic: Vanish/Vanishga (didn’t seem to do anything)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Technick: Most of them[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Gambit: --[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Quickening: didn’t really use them[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Esper: Belias[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Hunt: --[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Monsters: All teleporting horse creatures
Worst Marks: --
Worst Villain: I didn’t really dislike any of them[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Airship: Bahamut (meh)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Place: Archades[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Area: Garamsythe Waterway[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Music: I don’t remember any I particularly disliked [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Worst Cutscene/FMV: Any that involved Ashe yammering on about Nethicite or showed a closeup of Vaan’s nasty abs and plastic face[/FONT]
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Favorite Character: Ashe
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran/Ashe.
Favorite NPC: Montblanc.
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Moogles.
Favorite Judge: Gabranth.
Favorite Weapon: Zodiac Spear
Favourite Equipment: Bubble Belt!
Favorite Magic: Traveller
Favorite Technick: Steal.
Favorite Gambit:
Favorite Quickening: Heaven's Wrath
Favorite Esper: Adrammalech
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh.
Favorite Monsters: Mimic
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh.
Favorite Villain: Gabranth.
Favorite Airship: Leviathan
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: East exit...
Favorite Music: Pharos Second Ascent
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite FMV: The beggining

Worst Character: Vaan (whimpy)
Worst Male Character: Vaan.
Worst Female Character: Penelo.
Worst NPC: Migelo.
Worst Guest Character: Reddas.
Worst Race: Baknamy.
Worst Judge:
Worst Weapon: Hand bomb.
Worst Equipment:
Worst Magic: Confuse.
Worst Technick: Gil Toss.
Worst Gambit: Element-vulnerable.
Worst Quickening: Ruin Impendent.
Worst Esper: Cuchulainn.
Worst Hunt: Yiazmat.
Worst Monsters: can't remeber name but looks like a dinosaur
Worst Marks: Yiazmat.
Worst Villain: Ghis...
Worst Airship:
Worst Place: Old Archades.
Worst Area:
Worst Music: Great Crystal
Worst Cutscene: None.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character:Ashe
Favorite Male Character:Basch
Favorite Female Character:Ashe
Favorite NPC:Montblanc
Favorite Guest Character:Lamont
Favorite Race:Viera
Favorite Judge:Gabranth
Favorite Weapon:Whale Wisker (the only cool weapon i have)
Favourite Equipment:...
Favorite Magic:Scathe
Favorite Technick:Telekinesis
Favorite Gambit:...
Favorite Quickening: Pyroclasm
Favorite Esper:Zodiark
Favorite Hunt:Gilgamesh Hunt
Favorite Monsters: wyrdhare
Favorite Marks:Fury (it's so cute & strong)
Favorite Villain:Cid
Favorite Airship:Leviathan
Favorite Place:Nabudis
Favorite Area: Overwhelming Eternity(where you fight Roblon)
Favorite Music:...
Favorite Cutscene:...
Favorite FMV:...

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character:Vaan
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC:almost all of 'em
Worst Guest Character:Reddas
Worst Race:Bangaa's
Worst Judge:Ghis
Worst Weapon: Handbombs
Worst Equipment:...
Worst Magic:ardour(takes to long to use it!!!)
Worst Technick:all of 'em (not libra , charge , telekinesis..)
Worst Gambit:...
Worst Quickening:Ruin Impendent
Worst Esper:Belias
Worst Hunt:...
Worst Monsters:...
Worst Marks:...
Worst Villain:?
Worst Airship:The one Vaan has at the ending
Worst Place:Rabanstre
Worst Area:Great Crystal(so confusing...)
Worst Music:...
Worst Cutscene:...
Worst FMV:...
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Favorite Character: Gabranth
Favorite Male Character: Gabranth
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Montblanc
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Bangaa
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Excalibur
Favourite Equipment: Genji
Favorite Magic: Scourge
Favorite Technick: Libra
Favorite Gambit: No idea
Favorite Quickening: Pyroclasm
Favorite Esper: Adrammelech
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: Wyrms
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh, Ixion, Yiazmat
Favorite Villain: Gabranth
Favorite Airship: Ifrit, Strahl
Favorite Place: Phon Coast
Favorite Area: Phon Coast Hunters' Camp
Favorite Music: No idea
Favorite Cutscene: Gabranth's arrival at Pharos
Favorite FMV: The attack on Bahamut

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Basch
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Migelo
Worst Guest Character: Reddas
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon: Maces, Hand-Bombs, etc
Worst Equipment:
Worst Magic:
Worst Technick:
Worst Gambit:
Worst Quickening: Whip Kick
Worst Esper: Cuchulainn
Worst Hunt: Behemoth King
Worst Monsters: The ones in the Henne Mines secret area. :(
Worst Marks:
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Nabreus Deadlands
Worst Area: All in the above place
Worst Music:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Basch
Favorite Male Character: Basch
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Al-Cid
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favourite Equipment: Genji
Favorite Magic: Haste
Favorite Technick: Expose
Favorite Gambit: Steal if Enemy HP > 50%
Favorite Quickening: Flame Purge
Favorite Esper: Zalera
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: Wyrms
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh and Ixion
Favorite Villain: Gabranth
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Lhusu Mines
Favorite Area: Lhusu...Mines...
Favorite Music: Arcades Music
Favorite Cutscene: Judge Drace getting pwned.
Favorite FMV: Fran and Balthier arrive in Rabanastre.

Worst Character: Marquis Ondore
Worst Male Character: ....Ondore.
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Migelo
Worst Guest Character: Reddas
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon: Maces, Hand-Bombs, Rods.
Worst Equipment: Reflect armor. God. So. Bad.
Worst Magic: Reflect
Worst Technick: Gil Toss
Worst Gambit: None in particular.
Worst Quickening: Resplendence
Worst Esper: Cuchulainn
Worst Hunt: Behemoth King
Worst Monsters: Those insta-kill bats. Ow.
Worst Marks: Deathgaze
Worst Villain: Dr. Cid
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Necrohol of Nabudis
Worst Area: ^ Right there.
Worst Music: ...A lot of the soundtrack. =/
Worst Cutscene: Cid's death. Melodramatic to the extreme.
Worst FMV: Those Yenta-star-wars rip-off looking things.
Favorite Character: Vossler
Favorite Male Character: Vossler
Favorite Female Character: Drace
Favorite NPC: Erm, Vossler, but Gabranth is a close 2nd
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Hume (Would be Viera if there were males)
Favorite Judge: Gabranth,
Favorite Weapon: Mythril Blade, Gabranth's Spear-like Dual Swords
Favourite Equipment: Genji
Favorite Magic: Hastega, Scathe
Favorite Technick: Telekenesis, Libra
Favorite Gambit: Foe: Character Status = HP Critical -- Balance
Favorite Quickening: Vaan's 3rd, Basch's 1st
Favorite Esper: Belias
Favorite Hunt: Yiazmat
Favorite Monsters: Behemoth, Catoblepas
Favorite Marks: See hunt.
Favorite Villain: Gabranth?
Favorite Airship: Strahl
Favorite Place: Pharos Subterra
Favorite Area: Erm, Ivalice...?
Favorite Music: Boss Battle, Pharos 1st Ascent
Favorite Cutscene: Just after you free Basch (lol)
Favorite FMV: N/A

Worst Character: Any Gariff
Worst Male Character: Judge Zargabaath
Worst Female Character: Jote
Worst NPC: See Male.
Worst Guest Character: Ashe
Worst Race: Gariff (They are boring)
Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon: Zodiac Spear o_O;
Worst Equipment: Light Armor 1 D=
Worst Technick: 1,000 Needles
Worst Gambit: Foe: any -- Cure <_<;
Worst Quickening: Penelo (All)
Worst Esper: Zeromus (Ugly)
Worst Hunt: Flowering Cactoid
Worst Monsters: Wolves (All Shapes and Sizes)
Worst Marks: See Hunt.
Worst Villain: Venar
Worst Airship: Leviathon
Worst Place: Feywood (Gate Crystal Much?)
Worst Area: Erm, not sure.. o_O
Worst Music: Jahara
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Last edited:
Well, I haven't finished the game yet, but I'll finish as much as I can. :D

Favorite Character: Fran.

Favorite Male Character: Larsa.
Favorite Female Character: Fran.
Favorite NPC: Mijrn
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa. <3
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Drace. ;___; I mourn her loss.
Favorite Weapon: None, as of yet.
Favourite Equipment: Golden Amulet
Favorite Magic: Raise. X__o
Favorite Technick: Steal.
Favorite Gambit: None.
Favorite Quickening: Tie between Shatterheart, and all of Ashe's. <333
Favorite Esper: I only have one so far.x.x
Favorite Hunt: None.
Favorite Monsters: NONE. DIE, MONSTERS, DIE!
Favorite Marks: None.
Favorite Villain: Vayne. Can he GET any sexier? Damn.
Favorite Airship: None.
Favorite Place: Eruyt Village
Favorite Area: See above. XD
Favorite Music: Paramina Rift.
Favorite Cutscene: Ashe's first appearance in the Waterways. ^.^
Favorite FMV: So far it's been the opening FMV.

Worst Character: Penelo.
Worst Male Character: Balthier.
Worst Female Character: Penelo.
Worst NPC: Migello.x.x
Worst Guest Character: None.
Worst Race: Seeq.
Worst Judge: Ghis.. what a crazyman.
Worst Weapon: All of the lvl 1 weapons.x.x
Worst Equipment: None.
Worst Magic: Confuse.
Worst Technick: First Aid. It's NEVER HELPED ME.
Worst Gambit: None.
Worst Quickening: Penelo's first.
Worst Esper: None.
Worst Hunt: None.
Worst Monsters: ALL.
Worst Marks: None.
Worst Villain: Ghis.
Worst Airship: None.
Worst Place: Nam-Yensa and the Ogir-Yensa Sandseas.. I thought I'd NEVER get out of there.><
Worst Area: See above.
Worst Music: See above again.
Worst Cutscene: None.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Montblanc
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Moogle!
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favourite Equipment: Magepower Shiashak
Favorite Magic: Ardor
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit: N/A
Favorite Quickening: Tides of Fate
Favorite Esper: Mateus
Favorite Hunt: Bahemoth
Favorite Monsters: Wyrms
Favorite Marks: N/A
Favorite Villain: Vayne
Favorite Airship: Ifrit, Strahl
Favorite Place: Mt. Bur Omisase
Favorite Area: Nabreus Deadlands
Favorite Music: No idea
Favorite Cutscene: N/A
Favorite FMV: The attack on Bahamut

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Migelo
Worst Guest Character: Reddas
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon: Maces, Hand-Bombs, Hammers, etc...
Worst Equipment: Light Armour
Worst Magic: Bio
Worst Technick: 1000 Needles
Worst Gambit: N/A
Worst Quickening: Evenescense
Worst Esper: Cuchulainn
Worst Hunt: N/A
Worst Monsters: The ones in the Henne Mines secret area.
Worst Marks: N/A
Worst Villain: Ba'Gammon (sp?)
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Sandsea (Both of them)
Worst Area: All in the above place
Worst Music: Not Sure...
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Omg Lilyane Rufia! LARSA!! [ok onto mine...]

Favorite Character: Fran [clearly]

Favorite Male Character: Larsa/Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Montblanc <22
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa. <3 [ehehee <333]
Favorite Race: Viera
Favorite Judge: Gabranth.
Favorite Weapon: Not specific, Bows. xD
Favourite Equipment: Golden Amulet. <3 [so handy!]
Favorite Magic: Aero...
Favorite Technick: Charge.
Favorite Gambit: Foe: Status = Oil -> Fira/Firaga [iuno why but you asked ;] ]
Favorite Quickening: All Fran's and Balthiers.
Favorite Esper: Only got the one but it's not Belias.
Favorite Hunt: The Dead Ought Sleep Forever.
Favorite Monsters: Alraune. [at the moment. 318 chain: was bored eheeh]
Favorite Marks: Ixtab.
Favorite Villain: Gabranth..
Favorite Airship: The Strahl. [Don't ask]
Favorite Place: Eruyt Village. <3
Favorite Area: Paramina Rift.
Favorite Music: Paramina Rift.
Favorite Cutscene: Fran going berserk upon The Shiva. Jote's Appearance is a close second.
Favorite FMV: Fran and Balthier escaping the castle with Vaan hanging onto them and the Hover spaces out. I'm sure you all know which one I mean.

Worst Character: Vaan.
Worst Male Character: Vaan.
Worst Female Character: Ashe. [It certainly ain't Penelo!! O_O]
Worst NPC: Migelo. [Something about him irritates me]
Worst Guest Character: ... N/A
Worst Race: Seeq.
Worst Judge: Ghis. [Wasn't around fer long by the looks of things..]
Worst Weapon: Again, not specific, Guns.
Worst Equipment: Dawn Shard T_T [damn thing taking away MP ¬.¬]
Worst Magic: Berserk.
Worst Technick: Libra. [Doesn't seem to want to work fer me... =\]
Worst Gambit: Fore: Status = Sleep -> Attack [pointless, ne?]
Worst Quickening: Red Spiral.
Worst Esper: Belias.
Worst Hunt: Rogue Tomato.
Worst Monsters: Wild Saurien.
Worst Marks: Rigue Tomato and Thextera [sp?].
Worst Villain: Vayne. [What a camp man he is]
Worst Airship: The Shiva [Barely got to see anything... o.o;]
Worst Place: Stilshrine of Miriam.
Worst Area: Stilshrine of Miriam.
Worst Music: Stilshrine of Miriam [hate that place so bad... still on it xD]
Worst Cutscene: First Appearance of Ashe
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Fran/Penelo.
Favorite Male Character: Balthier.
Favorite Female Character: Fran/Penelo.
Favorite NPC: Vayne.
Favorite Guest Character: Lady Ashe! Bwahaha. Or Vossler.
Favorite Race: Garif.
Favorite Judge: Gabranth.
Favorite Weapon: Zodiac Spear.
Favourite Equipment: Ribbon.
Favorite Magic: Curaja.
Favorite Technick: Charge.
Favorite Gambit: Foe: HP = 100% -- Steal. Or Self: Libra.
Favorite Quickening: Heaven's Wrath (Ashe).
Favorite Esper: Ultima.
Favorite Hunt: Ba'Gamman.
Favorite Monsters: those Giza rabbits. = ^ ^ =
Favorite Marks: Trickster.
Favorite Villain: Gabranth.
Favorite Airship: Strahl.
Favorite Place: Rabanastre.
Favorite Area: Necrohol of Nabudis.
Favorite Music: None, it all sucked. :O
Favorite Cutscene: The dungeons before you meet Basch.
Favorite FMV: Fran and Balthier escaping the castle with Vaan. Or the ending FMV. :]

Worst Character: Vaan.
Worst Male Character: Vaan.
Worst Female Character: Ashe.
Worst NPC: Marquis of Bhujerba.
Worst Guest Character: Larsa.
Worst Race: Seeq.
Worst Judge: That one old lady.
Worst Weapon: Bombs.
Worst Equipment: Anything that was magicite.
Worst Magic: Berserk.
Worst Technick: Poach.
Worst Gambit: Foe: Status = Sleep -> Attack.
Worst Quickening: Who cares.
Worst Esper: Belias.
Worst Hunt: Meh.
Worst Monsters: Cockatrice.
Worst Marks: Rogue Tomato.
Worst Villain: Vayne's final form.
Worst Airship: Wee!
Worst Place: Giza Plains.
Worst Area: ---
Worst Music: all of it.
Worst Cutscene: anything in Bhujerba.
Worst FMV: Vayne's speech.
Favorite Character: Fran
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Fran
Favorite NPC: Montblanc
Favorite Guest Character: Larsa
Favorite Race: Bangaa
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Excalibur
Favourite Equipment: Ribbon
Favorite Magic: Scourge
Favorite Technick: Telekinesis
Favorite Gambit: Foe: Nearest

Favorite Quickening: Pyroclasm
Favorite Esper: Chaos
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: Wyrms
Favorite Marks: Yiazmat, Marilith
Favorite Villain: Gabranth
Favorite Airship: Ifrit

Favorite Place: Felwood
Favorite Area: Phon Coast Hunters' Camp
Favorite Music: Golmore Jungle

Favorite Cutscene: The Dungeons (before Basch)
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Basch
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Vayne
Worst Guest Character: Vossler
Worst Race: Seeq

Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon: Bombs

Worst Equipment: Bombs!
Worst Magic: Blizzard
Worst Technick: First Aid
Worst Gambit: Foe: Status = Sleep -> Attack
Worst Quickening: Whip Kick
Worst Esper: None
Worst Hunt: Behemoth King
Worst Monsters:

Worst Marks: Croakadile
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship: Bahamut
Worst Place: Dalmascan Westersand

Worst Area: Stillshrine of Miriam
Worst Music: Dalmascan Westersand

Worst Cutscene: Cid's Death
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Montblanc
Favorite Guest Character: Reddas
Favorite Race: Moogles
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Masumune
Favourite Equipment: Nihopalaoa

Favorite Magic: Haste
Favorite Technick: Steal
Favorite Gambit:

Favorite Quickening: Flame Purge
Favorite Esper: Zalera
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: don't have any, thats why I killed so many
Favorite Marks: Gilgamesh
Favorite Villain: Gabranth
Favorite Airship: Shiva

Favorite Place: Stillshrine of Miriam
Favorite Area: Rabanastre
Favorite Music: Lowtown

Favorite Cutscene: the scene after defeating Gilgamesh when he
steals the sword
Favorite FMV: the one shortly after Balthier and Fran meet Vaan

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Vayne
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: Vayne
Worst Guest Character:
Worst Race: I don't discriminate lol

Worst Judge: Zargabaath
Worst Weapon:

Worst Equipment:
Worst Magic: Vanish
Worst Technick: First aid
Worst Gambit: Ally: Any -> Remedy (with a Nihopalaoa equipped)
Worst Quickening: Fulminating Darkness
Worst Esper:
Worst Hunt: Marilith
Worst Monsters: Bats

Worst Marks: Diablos
Worst Villain: Vayne
Worst Airship:
Worst Place: Giza Plains

Worst Area: Old Archades
Worst Music:

Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Balthier
Favorite Male Character: Balthier
Favorite Female Character: Ashe
Favorite NPC: Mjrn
Favorite Guest Character: Vossler
Favorite Race: Banga
Favorite Judge: Gabranth
Favorite Weapon: Ragnorak
Favourite Equipment:Brave Armour
Favorite Magic: Faith
Favorite Technick: Charge
Favorite Gambit: Foe: Nearest Possible
Favorite Quickening: Shatterheart
Favorite Esper: Ultima
Favorite Hunt: Gilgamesh
Favorite Monsters: None
Favorite Marks:None
Favorite Villain: Cid
Favorite Airship:Ifrit
Favorite Place: Rabanastre
Favorite Area: Feywood
Favorite Music:Battle Music
Favorite Cutscene: Fran and Balthier on Pharos
Favorite FMV:

Worst Character: Penelo
Worst Male Character: Vaan
Worst Female Character: Penelo
Worst NPC: none
Worst Guest Character: Larsa
Worst Race: Viera
Worst Judge: Bergan
Worst Weapon: Hammers
Worst Equipment: Mirror Mail
Worst Magic: Confuse
Worst Technick: None
Worst Gambit: None
Worst Quickening: Ashe's first Quickening
Worst Esper: Belias
Worst Hunt: Tomato head
Worst Monsters: None
Worst Marks: None
Worst Villain: none
Worst Airship: Shiva
Worst Place: Sandsea
Worst Area: Sandsea
Worst Music: Ranbanastre
Worst Cutscene: none
Worst FMV:none