Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

The characters placed into my story will be exagerated versions. They will be over the top.

I did base that 3rd idea on Friends, as you may of guessed, but I might cancel that one out, because I have more ideas for the other three.

I think that Big Brother may be my best bet due to the point that the readers will have some interactivity, (The power to vote to evict) But I'm still opening up to ideas.

As for including other members in my stories, I dunno, it's just something we've been doing for who knows how long. It just becomes like, an unavoidable habits. We've been doing it since last year, something me, Rene, and Faith used to do on FFH that stuck with us here lol.

Anyway, I think a more comedic story may be in call for. People may find it more appealing.
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Bahamut's Heir: Seems to me, that if you do a, how would you call it, "friends insert" fic, then you should really only expect for whoever you're inserting to be reading it. Which limits your reading base to however many FFF Members you insert.

Sadly, I have to disagree with this. Currently I'm writing a story called Darkness Of Destruction which features many FFF members and it has received quite a lot of good comments.

We've been doing it since last year, something me, Rene, and Faith used to do on FFH that stuck with us here lol.

Rene, Faithy and Filden for the win! Best buddies for life! :D
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Of course, I didn't mean it as hard set rule. If the story is genuinely good, then you can expect to have success in attracting new readers. It just depends on how the story goes.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, about voting people off. I feel it's a bad idea for comedies, because you mess up the character interactions, and if you get rid of characters. Material for that character becomes wasted. Think of it. Why don't we vote characters off of The Simpsons, Family Guy, Sienfeld, Guilligan's Island. Because, once a character leaves, that messes up the dynamic of the show.

Drawn together was supposed to be a reality show, Big Brother type, too. But no one got voted off, because that would mess with the dynamic.
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Of course, I didn't mean it as hard set rule. If the story is genuinely good, then you can expect to have success in attracting new readers. It just depends on how the story goes.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, about voting people off. I feel it's a bad idea for comedies, because you mess up the character interactions, and if you get rid of characters. Material for that character becomes wasted. Think of it. Why don't we vote characters off of The Simpsons, Family Guy, Sienfeld, Guilligan's Island. Because, once a character leaves, that messes up the dynamic of the show.

Drawn together was supposed to be a reality show, Big Brother type, too. But no one got voted off, because that would mess with the dynamic.

FYI, people DO get voted out of Big Brother though, it's doesn;t mess up the dynamic if people are MEANT to be voted out as it is a competition game
As Rene says, that's the idea behind Big Brother. And hopefully, The FFF community will be smarter than the viewing public of the real Big brother and decide to get rid of the boring people before getting rid of the instigators. Besides, I could always chuck more in :P , Or I could put old housemates back in like they did on BB7
Hm, a chatting place for writers? That could be the place to ask something.
I've been writing fantasy stories so far. And nobody in my family wants to read them. (They all don't like fantasy <<") So I decided to write a "murder story" for my mother. It also has to be a murderer who has psychological diseases.
Now that sounds easier than it is, because I have NO IDEA where to start. '-'
So my question is: Has anyone written a thriller or a "short murder story" (that sounds stupid, but someone has to die XD) yet and could help me a bit?

Oh my goodness, I love writing horror. I'm actually writing a story about a fifteen year old boy who is a serial killer in his small town (circa 1500 C.E.) and he hasn't been caught because they always assume the suspect has to be someone brutal enough to do the things this boy has done. He's insanely intelligent, by far a genius, but nobody listens to anything he says because of his age. He's schizophrenic would be legally insane by today's standards, but most people ignore him and so he sneaks around during his schizophrenic moments and kills people, covers up the evidence, leaves clues, but knows nobody is going to catch him because they're all so ignorant.

So, if you don't know where to start, then first think of why someone would kill someone else. Something simple. Say, it's the boyfriend of murderer's ex girlfriend who he still loves. Now, how could that become complex? How could this lead to multiple murders? How can this whole thing be resolved by people who were either already in the situation or dragged in via story? There are plenty of ways to go with this.
FYI, people DO get voted out of Big Brother though, it's doesn;t mess up the dynamic if people are MEANT to be voted out as it is a competition game

Except that BB is a Reality Show, and what BH is undertaking is scripted comedy.

Reality Shows are about watching these, almost, cartoon characters, scream, argue, have sex with each other. It's like watching animals at the zoo, you laugh at these "people" and think, "If they're faking it, it's hilarious. If they're not, its so sad. I might be bitchy, but I'm not as bad as horrible as these people."

Scripted comedy, on the other hand, is based on situations, timing, and the characters.

You say you'll vote off the boring characters, but a funny man is not as funny without a Straight man to play off of. By getting rid of the straight man, all you'll end up with is a bunch of screaming drama queens.

Kramer was the most popular character on Sienfeld, but The Michael Richards Show just didn't work. Bart was the most popular character when the Simpsons started out, now, he's taken a back seat to Homer. If Curly was the most popular Stooge, why did the skits continue after he died?

Look, to bring the point home, you don't have to agree with me. In the end, BH is just going to do whatever the hell she feels like. I'm suggesting that if you give yourself complete control over your own characters, instead of relying on the whim of the audience, you can build a stronger base (of characters) that will last longer.
Scripted or not, it will be written in a style that's similar to a reality show (don't worry, I won't be including them boring moments where they are talking in the lounge which make you feel like cutting your wrist with a spoon)

I'm combining improvisation with story writting, I will write the first thing that comes to my mind of how a character will respond to a situation.

So what if it's scripted, rumours go around of many reality shows being scripted, but you wouldn't guess if you watch them, I will write it almost as if it's reality.

You may know this, but I am a GCSE drama student, and the whole idea of drama is putting myself in someone elses shoes, so I can respond as another character.

I have also got excellent marks on improvisation, I have came up with good lines thinking on my feet in front of the audience, so relying on the audience like that will not prove much of a problem to me. It'll only make things funner.

You say you'll vote off the boring characters, but a funny man is not as funny without a Straight man to play off of. By getting rid of the straight man, all you'll end up with is a bunch of screaming drama queens.

You act as if a screaming bunch of drama queens is not funny :monster:

(FYI, she is a he -__-)
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You mistaking Sonny for a "she" is making me lol. :P

Srsly, though! Loving the idea of an Final Fantasy Big Brother. Or ... FFBB for short. I like that. Wonder what it'd be like with FFBB? I know what one character would be saying.

:holyshit: and that would be Sephiroth!
Lol, I think it's FFBB it is, and I'm going for the FF characters due to more funnier situations coming to mind, I'll need certain people on call for assistance, also, if anyone wants to see certain housemates inside the house, PM me. (Sephiroth, Cloud and Aerith have already been decided)
Hello, It's me Cherri, and I have come to plunder you all with my amazing story. :neomon:
I do write, of course, but I never tell others about it. I am currently writing a book called "Burden."
I'll give you my e-mail so I can send it to you ASAP.
Email :
I will tell what the story is about, though.
Burden Storyline : The story, the journey, part everything was set in the mystical planet Charme. Humans ruled the land, as the Elder Beings watched over them with their sharp eyes. Monsters roamed the land, but they never plundered any city or village.
Vampires were in charge of the mountains, looking for fresh blood. Above them all, was their supreme ruler, Ides. Part of them Vampires were evil, the other half were saintlike, no matter if their culture despises the Elder Beings.
Now, as the Mist Age approached and began, a legend began to spread : the Behemoth was rising, and off to possess a total of four people. The Behemoth catches 3 other people, but one is very important to Behemoth...
The one to hold the Burden for all.

Hope you liked it. :P
You could put Quina in the FFBB story, and thus know at least one character who'd quickly be voted off!

Hello, folks. I'm going to lurk for a bit. I have a major Final Fantasy X fanfiction sequel that's eating my brain when I should be doing work these days, but it seems rude to start posting fic, especially a serial, before you know me from a chocobo egg.
Auronlu said:
You could put Quina in the FFBB story, and thus know at least one character who'd quickly be voted off!

Quina will be the house fridge raider! :P

That's actually a good makes 4 characters so far :/
Might as well say this here ...

Sorry to my readers who've been wondering where the hell I've been. Our computer at home broke down two weeks ago and I've only been able to use my dad's computer to get on. Have no fear though, because FFF Crisis II will be updated once or twice this week, tomorrow at the least.

As for FFF Heroes, well, that's going to take a little bit longer.

And now speaking of writing, is anyone going to enter the writing competition? I sure am, although it's only a week left to get your entries in. For more information, just look at the "Competitions and Events" section.
I tried to start something out for that contest, and then when I am doing nothing just continue on, but I had complete Writer's Block. I need to be in the mood, and I wasn't at that moment. D: Haven't tried again.
The same here. I keep on getting writer's block for some reason, it can stay with me for days, possibly up to a week. It bugs me really, but no writer can go through his or her life without suffering from it.
I'm actually doin' pretty well. :D Just I've either been posting in the RP I"m in or else expressing myself some other way. I drew Yasyamon, from Digimon yesterday, but it turned out really badly. I only had a 3-D image of him and I tried to convert it to 2-D and it was very shitty. I suppose I'll have to keep working.
Oo. I ought to take a look.

I'd been on sabbatical for surgery and buying a house, and lo and behold, while I had writer's block through most of that stretch, as soon as it was time to get back to work, my fanfic disease had a relapse! So now I have the best piece of fanfic I've written to date growing at an alarming rate, but I've had to slam the brakes on and change gears. Frustrating. By the time I get done my research each day, I'm so tired that the Muse is in a stupor.

A contest sounds tempting.

HOWEVER, please help out a fuzzy-brained fogey. I have glanced all up and down this forum and several others, and I'm quite sure it's staring me in the face, but I am not seeing anything listed as "Competitions and Events." Unless it's Clan Competitions? But I don't see a writing contest there.
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There actually IS a writing competition. There's a small announcement in the shoutbox as well. It could be something wrong with your computer.

Also, I have a new story called Crimson Eyes. See it at your own pleasure. :monster: