
So you just choose to ignore statistics because you can prove times when they are wrong?

Yet there many many...many times they are right... you can't just ignore them... or say they are wrong... they are statics for a reason.... they need the data to help people... now do people use them for their benefit... in this case Feminism, yes... but you can't ignore that people take advanatage if it either... so it is a lose/lose ignoring or not ignoring it.

A statistic that fails to include heavy factors such as what I have presented on the one at hand is only meant to pull people to a bias and mislead. Nobody actually pulls off these 'studies' and yet not have it occur to them these things.

The entire point of a statistic is to present clarity, and if it doesn't do that, then it is by definition the opposite- it is deception.
And frankly, feminism has time and time again failed to hide it's poor bias on many things. The fact that there's even life still breathing in it is a cause for concern as far I'm concerned, to say the least of the actual argumentation and notions within it all.

Feminism needs to be put down and done with. It should have happened 20 years ago.
Yeah, what counts as sexual assault these days? You dress in a way that dares men to hit on you, and all you gotta do is act like a victim if you don't like it.


Sexual assault.

If you honestly think that 20% of all the damn men in the world are raping women, then you seriously need to just throw away those inept statistics and read some good catholic or something.

Okay, but that's part of the problem. And depending on the definition of feminism you go with, it's something that feminists want to stop as well. Screaming "rape!" because a woman regretted what she did or whatever is damaging to men AND women. To men, obviously, because being accused of rape after consensual sex is awful. And to women because the doubt is there. Perhaps she doesn't want to report it due to the trauma of (what I assume) is extensive questioning, especially if the man is well respected in the community.

Also, hitting on someone is one thing. Harassing someone on the street is another. Where the line is drawn varies by situation, but just because someone IS dressing in a way that exposes something doesn't mean they want to be harassed about it.

It's not blaming the victim, because often times there is no damn victim.

May I ask for clarification as to what you mean by there is no victim? I assume you mean that the woman was not raped or harassed and therefore there is no victim. What about cases where someone (man or woman) was raped or harassed? As I understand it, the core of feminism is equality for everyone. Man or woman, no one should be raped and that should be one of everyone's goals, really.

And frankly, feminism has time and time again failed to hide it's poor bias on many things. The fact that there's even life still breathing in it is a cause for concern as far I'm concerned, to say the least of the actual argumentation and notions within it all.

Feminism needs to be put down and done with. It should have happened 20 years ago.

If we consider feminism to be equality, as a good number of people in this thread seem to, do you disagree with that?
If we consider feminism to be equality, as a good number of people in this thread seem to, do you disagree with that?

For one, equality of everybody is egalitarianism. Feminism is not a synonym for that, it is specific to women in contrast to men. I don't know how that has somehow gotten warped, maybe people are just so gone in the abyss of feminism that nothing else avails them, but feminism is a problem to men in that it completely ignores the interests of men.

Feminism in and of itself is just a conflict of interest, even to it's very title. But even more, we have already achieved egalitarianism. If one wants to spread it, then go to the 2nd and 3rd world, it has no more purpose in the 1st then to enact ulterior motives.

And as far as rape, I'm going to state a very real and inevitable truth:

Rape is never going to cease. One can try to reduce the amount or frequency a bit, but the bulk of it is always going to be there. It's not going to go away by any real substantial amount, because it is part of life itself. It's happened since we were dwelling in caves, before we were even homo sapiens. It has happened through ancient history, early history, the medieval and the late, modern and postmodern, and it will continue into the future until we've reached the ends of the universe.

Because of that fact, there is only one purpose that rape arguments serve in feminism, and it's to evoke not an empowerment of women, but a supremacy of women.
That's all the statements on rape serve in the feminist camp. It literally has no other function except maybe to mislead one into taking for granted that it's somehow relevant to women equality. Which is what you and others apparently have been drawn into.
Ultimaja, it's misconceptions like yours that hurt men and understanding in the same way Rebecca Watson hurts women and understanding. Human rights, brah.
But even more, we have already achieved egalitarianism.

That is simply untrue. There are many people who are not treated equally due to simply being who they are. Sexuality, gender, race, these things still matter at this time and they shouldn't. But as long as people are getting hurt for something they have no control over, as long as people don't have equal opportunities and are not being treated equally, then egalitarianism has not been achieved.
For the record, it wasn't my intention to have a shitstorm start.

I have many things to say but I'm consciously not addressing Ultimeja because I genuinely can't tell if you're trolling, playing devil's advocate, or truly hold those opinions - in any case, I've not much to say.

The Miley Cyrus situation is a perfect example of why we need feminism. She's castigated and slut-shamed for portraying a sexualized image as a 21 (ish) year old single female. Robin Thicke catches virtually no heat, despite being 35 married. Ostensibly only because he's a man. Hypocrisy.
To be entirely fair, he did take a lot of heat for his song, but Miley was "shamed" basically because taking stabs at Thicke was old news - tearing down a bad feminist, however, was a new challenge for the internet.

It's misused by people, not just women. ;) Let me just point that out there.

This is why the word was created, a women bash fest. So far for equality? :lew: I'm sorry but I'm a firm believer in both sexes having equal rights, and I'm definitely not detached from reality on that.

For those of you who want to say that the word itself is nonsense, you should really read up on it, and know what you're talking about. Because the opinions you're giving here, slamming and bashing the word cause it's negative, you're all misled by people abusing the word, both men and women giving it a bad name.

I thought we all had our own brains, stop being sheep and look the word and it's meaning up. It may open your eyes a little.

And this friends, is why I feel bad for certain groups of men being given a bad name by their own sex. WELCOME TO OUR WORLD OF PMS, etc.
The general argument I originally intended to put across was that, while feminism is still needed in society, there are those who give it a bad name. Feminism has become a dirty word as a direct result of militant, biased, unfair individuals acting under the flag of feminism.

Do you even know what breasts are? Breasts on women are just a show of sexual differentiation, and believe it or not, you have breasts too! That's right you modest male, you! Every time you've gone outside without a shirt you have belittled yourself to the less-modest level that all us nasty women are on! Or is it only less modest when the fatty tissue on your breast region are thick?
Actually, there is an evolutionary benefit to breasts - large breasts, wide hips and a slim waist are all indicators of good physical and reproductive health, which increases the chance of producing offspring. On a very primal level, breasts, while also functioning to nurture offspring, are there as an indicator of reproductive fitness. The same is said for broad shoulders, a strong jaw and muscle mass on a man. Of course, as an intelligent species, we select sexual partners somewhat differently in modern times but if we're going to be technical, boobs are there for show as much as functionality.

1 in 6 men have perpetrated or will perpetrate a sexual assault. Women are nowhere near that number. And the argument is actually to no longer teach women not to be raped, but instead teach men not to rape. It's not zOMG MEN ARE ALL RAPISTS; it's no longer allowing people to blame the victim.

Except it hasn't changed. The idiots get the media attention. The vast majority aren't in the extreme.
I think what causes the frustration for "misandrists" here is that, although this statistic has a lot of backing, and it may be true, feminism only acknowledges rape as a women's issue - that is, only women are the victim of rape. Women can rape men; men can be the victims of rape perpetrated by other men or women. However, under the guise of feminism, male rape/female rapists are ignored. True, the statistics are far lower, but I feel that targeting only men and saying "don't rape", while more progressive than "don't dress slutty", still isn't the right way to go.

Following on from that, one of my biggest bug-bears in my experiences with feminism was when there was a serial rapist at the University of Glasgow, and he was going undetected for weeks. As a result of 3 separate attacks by the same man, the students' union issued information and a warning to all students, and provided free attack alarms, and encouraged all students to take one and carry it with them. It never crossed my mind that anyone would ever find something negative in this course of action, but the feminist society was outraged - how dare we place the onus of protection on women, the victims, when it is the man who is raping? How dare we make women feel as though, if they don't carry an alarm, it's their own fault if they are raped?

My personal take on that response was that, if that man has raped 3 women, he's unlikely to stop just because he knows people in the streets have read an article about it, thus feeling shamed. He was obviously damaged in some way and hoping he would soon see the light if we campaign to "stop rape" was a pretty big risk. I would never say "it's your own fault" for not carrying an alarm but, at the same time, why wouldn't you do everything you could to protect yourself? There's a man out there who has decided to rape, and you're going to condemn our attempts to make you safer because it feels like we're victim blaming? This kind of behaviour in feminism enrages me to no end - not only do I feel like it makes a caricature out of feminism, and damages the whole institution but, in this case, I thought they were potentially creating an unsafe situation for themselves and for others.

Soon after the rape drama was resolved, I took a back-road to my boyfriend's flat - it was pitch black, and was late at night, but it was faster. The main road was only a slight way out, and I'd only reduce my travelling time by 5 minutes, but I risked it. While there, I saw two women on the path. One was walking down the path in a skirt, heels and had her earphones in. The other, 100 metres or so in front, was carrying a torch and visibly held an alarm. While I'm not suggesting we should all assume we're always going to be attacked, one of them was more sensible than the other. I'm not saying the woman in the skirt was "asking for it" but why on Earth would you take a risk like that? To be defiant? To empower yourself? Or...were you asking for it?

Furthermore, in that situation, I felt disgusting. I consciously tried to make noise so that I knew she knew I was around. I was terrified in case she was startled, or in case she thought I was a dangerous man. I don't like that feminism has done this - I felt like the woman would assume I was going to attack her. I didn't want to stop in case she thought I was hiding, I didn't want to speed up in case she was startled - and I hated myself for being in a position where I felt like I had to reassure a stranger I wasn't going to attack her. The point I want to round off with is that it upset me to no end that the girl with her headphones in took such a risk, putting herself in such a position, and putting ME in that position, when the main, well-lit, busy road was but a few feet in the other direction.

Other things that have pissed me off are:

1) A movement to "ban" Blurred Lines from being played on Campus because it "promotes rape culture"
2) "Ban page 3 (British newspaper tradition: contains topless models)/Lads' Mags"
3) Positive discrimination: 50% of the student council must be female; if not enough females run, nominations must be reopened until a female runs for the position

And many others. Any further discussion on these specific points?
That is simply untrue. There are many people who are not treated equally due to simply being who they are. Sexuality, gender, race, these things still matter at this time and they shouldn't. But as long as people are getting hurt for something they have no control over, as long as people don't have equal opportunities and are not being treated equally, then egalitarianism has not been achieved.

No, it has been achieved in the best way it can.
What you are trying to aim for is a fantasy that can never be achieved.

Those like you simply forget that we don't live in a place of perfection. Go read some good catholic and stop dwelling on impossibilities.
No, it has been achieved in the best way it can.
What you are trying to aim for is a fantasy that can never be achieved.

Those like you simply forget that we don't live in a place of perfection. Go read some good catholic and stop dwelling on impossibilities.

Haha, what? I mean, I know we're meant to make larger posts, but a statement like this is just...What? :wacky:
For the record, it wasn't my intention to have a shitstorm start.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Drama queen. :wacky:
I think what causes the frustration for "misandrists" here is that, although this statistic has a lot of backing, and it may be true, feminism only acknowledges rape as a women's issue - that is, only women are the victim of rape. Women can rape men; men can be the victims of rape perpetrated by other men or women. However, under the guise of feminism, male rape/female rapists are ignored. True, the statistics are far lower, but I feel that targeting only men and saying "don't rape", while more progressive than "don't dress slutty", still isn't the right way to go.

If that were the only aspect of the concept, I'd agree. But the larger sentiment is not just telling men not to rape. It's changing the entire culture by starting with teaching boys that women are not objects simply to be used for their sexual satisfaction, and to teach them from a young age not to rape, not to get sucked into the "women as bastions of purity" Madonna/Whore complex, and the whole nine.

And as far as the statistics, the overwhelming... no, OVERWHELMING majority of sexual assaults are perpetrated by men (whether it's against men or women), and it's not even close. 99% of sexual assaults are committed by men, according to the US Department of Justice's stats in 1997. So if we start by getting men to stop committing rape, we'll take care of virtually the entire problem.

Following on from that, one of my biggest bug-bears in my experiences with feminism was when there was a serial rapist at the University of Glasgow, and he was going undetected for weeks. As a result of 3 separate attacks by the same man, the students' union issued information and a warning to all students, and provided free attack alarms, and encouraged all students to take one and carry it with them. It never crossed my mind that anyone would ever find something negative in this course of action, but the feminist society was outraged - how dare we place the onus of protection on women, the victims, when it is the man who is raping? How dare we make women feel as though, if they don't carry an alarm, it's their own fault if they are raped?

They're right. Why is the burden of not being raped more necessary than committing more resources to preventing the man from being able to commit rape? If there were a string of robberies on your campus, would they give people an I'm Being Robbed Whistle and say "Hey, don't get mugged?" Or would they increase foot patrols around the areas where the robberies were known to be committed?

My personal take on that response was that, if that man has raped 3 women, he's unlikely to stop just because he knows people in the streets have read an article about it, thus feeling shamed. He was obviously damaged in some way and hoping he would soon see the light if we campaign to "stop rape" was a pretty big risk. I would never say "it's your own fault" for not carrying an alarm but, at the same time, why wouldn't you do everything you could to protect yourself? There's a man out there who has decided to rape, and you're going to condemn our attempts to make you safer because it feels like we're victim blaming? This kind of behaviour in feminism enrages me to no end - not only do I feel like it makes a caricature out of feminism, and damages the whole institution but, in this case, I thought they were potentially creating an unsafe situation for themselves and for others.

Because the women are probably tired of having to constantly be on guard against being raped.

"Women have it ingrained in them so much that it becomes unconscious – don’t walk down that street, don’t wear earphones in your ears, lock your car doors, walk with your keys in your hand, don’t drink, don’t do drugs, stay in groups. Most of us live our lives in fear of rape. It’s not always a paralysing of-the-moment fear, but there’s this constant, low-grade anxiety whenever we venture outside of the house, hell, even inside our own homes for some women. Every man we meet is a potential predator. We’re still taught to protect ourselves and the people who commit these crimes are taught … what? The people who make rape jokes and laugh about them are taught … what?" -http://lipmag.com/opinion/how-women-are-taught-to-fear-rape/comment-page-1/

Also, the whole concept of rape culture is that it's not just about the physical act of rape. It's also about exerting control over the female population through the fear of being raped. Because of the perpetuation of that fear, women have to dress a certain way, act a certain way, walk (or not) in certain places at certain times. By simply giving them an alarm and telling them "good luck," it's a furtherance of the concept that women are being controlled by the possibility of being raped. It feeds into the culture.

Soon after the rape drama was resolved, I took a back-road to my boyfriend's flat - it was pitch black, and was late at night, but it was faster. The main road was only a slight way out, and I'd only reduce my travelling time by 5 minutes, but I risked it. While there, I saw two women on the path. One was walking down the path in a skirt, heels and had her earphones in. The other, 100 metres or so in front, was carrying a torch and visibly held an alarm. While I'm not suggesting we should all assume we're always going to be attacked, one of them was more sensible than the other. I'm not saying the woman in the skirt was "asking for it" but why on Earth would you take a risk like that? To be defiant? To empower yourself? Or...were you asking for it?

Because she should be able to dress however she wants without having to worry about being raped.

Furthermore, in that situation, I felt disgusting. I consciously tried to make noise so that I knew she knew I was around. I was terrified in case she was startled, or in case she thought I was a dangerous man. I don't like that feminism has done this - I felt like the woman would assume I was going to attack her. I didn't want to stop in case she thought I was hiding, I didn't want to speed up in case she was startled - and I hated myself for being in a position where I felt like I had to reassure a stranger I wasn't going to attack her. The point I want to round off with is that it upset me to no end that the girl with her headphones in took such a risk, putting herself in such a position, and putting ME in that position, when the main, well-lit, busy road was but a few feet in the other direction.

How dare that woman have the metaphorical balls not to live in fear of being raped.

Other things that have pissed me off are:

1) A movement to "ban" Blurred Lines from being played on Campus because it "promotes rape culture"
2) "Ban page 3 (British newspaper tradition: contains topless models)/Lads' Mags"
3) Positive discrimination: 50% of the student council must be female; if not enough females run, nominations must be reopened until a female runs for the position

And many others. Any further discussion on these specific points?

1) I'll agree with you there. I'm as much a feminist as a man can be, but dammit that song is catchy. And banning things we disagree with doesn't serve any purpose.

2) Eh. As long as the possibility of "lasses' mags," or whatever the equivalent is, exists, whatever.

3) Good idea, poor execution.
Male feminist :D

A guy who thinks women have more problems then men, and wonders why so many men don't like feminism.
It's really not something to be proud of, as the obvious deduction is that one is just trying to please women. You know, the same as what we see every day, redundantly- all the time, except with feminism it's political so one gets a 'moral' bonus.
No, it has been achieved in the best way it can.
What you are trying to aim for is a fantasy that can never be achieved.

Those like you simply forget that we don't live in a place of perfection. Go read some good catholic and stop dwelling on impossibilities.

Really? So gay marriage isn't slowly being allowed in many different countries? So racially-base hate crime hasn't been steadily decreasing over the years? Egalitarianism has certainly not achieved all it can, not yet. If it was impossible we wouldn't be managing to make changes and give more people equal rights and equal opportunities more and more.
Male feminist :D

A guy who thinks women have more problems then men, and wonders why so many men don't like feminism.
It's really not something to be proud of, as the obvious deduction is that one is just trying to please women. You know, the same as what we see every day, redundantly- all the time, except with feminism it's political so one gets a 'moral' bonus.

Nah, I can just see outside of my white, middle-aged, male, Christian, conservative, everythingaboutmescreamsentitlement bubble. And I only have to worry about pleasing one woman, and she doesn't visit this site. :monster:
I haven't read the full thread... screw 8 pages :wacky: but a couple of things.

Other things that have pissed me off are:

1) A movement to "ban" Blurred Lines from being played on Campus because it "promotes rape culture"
2) "Ban page 3 (British newspaper tradition: contains topless models)/Lads' Mags"
3) Positive discrimination: 50% of the student council must be female; if not enough females run, nominations must be reopened until a female runs for the position

And many others. Any further discussion on these specific points?

My uni did the same. My uni union actually did ban both Blurred Lines and the Sun newspaper which I think is ridiculous. Not least because my view on page 3 is that if women want to make money by getting their boobs out for men to look at then they should be allowed to. Nobody's forcing them to do it. If you dont support it... don't buy the newspaper.
We dont have a rule like the student council thing however - that sounds insane. 'Workplace equality' as a whole really bugs me - if someone is better than the other candidates for a job/role, they should get it, regardless of what colour/race/gender they are, and if the people who lose out are minorities there shouldn't be a fuss kicked up about it. I'm an engineering student and if i went for a job interview for a position and lost out to a man I wouldn't think 'oh its because i'm a woman' i'd think 'oh it's because he's better than me then'

Feminism in practice bothers me, it really does. The feminism society at my uni recently got a club shut down in Leeds because it ran a controversial night renowned for being a bit dirty, and said that it made women objectified because some of them got their clothes off in the club. But those girls knew what they were doing and chose to do it, and I think that if you dont like stuff like that, you should just avoid it and not attend, rather than trying to make other women's minds up for them.
Campaigning for equality in things is all well and good, but its sort of gone past equality and tilts towards trying to get things to favour women over men. Also with the page 3 ban thing and the club night shutting down, I think all that does is suggest that the feminists believe all women have the same opinions as said feminists and are incapable of making their own decisions. God forbid someone wants to model without clothes on for money... a man MUST have forced her to do it.
Obvious deduction =/= Correct deduction. "Observation: Can't see a thing. Conclusion: Dinosaurs."

I can support women without doing it to get into their pants. I can also draw the line between putting women on a pedestal and human equality. I'm all for third wave feminism, but I'm not for women getting extra days off for their period; see the difference?

I agree there are slants against men in the current set up, I don't deny you that; but it goes both ways and you're only accounting for the downsides of being male.

I also only have one woman to please, and she DOES visit the forum. @Jesse

Sorry, Jesse. The member with the handle Jesse, not CC.
Nah, I can just see outside of my white, middle-aged, male, Christian, conservative, everythingaboutmescreamsentitlement bubble.

That's not it at all. Sure, those like yourself try to make it out to be that way, but feminism is neither synonymous to universal equality, liberalism, or anything. Your statement is just an attack on 'white conservatives'.

You try to throw some idea that "I've never been a female". So what do I know?
Well, has anyone ever proposed the idea that women "have never been a male", so what do they know?
Of course not, because that's 'sexist'.

The irony brims; men are actively trivialized and yet nothing really justifies it other then women having to wear a bra or that it's not fair that they get raped for wearing revealing clothes in a world full of rapists and murderers.
It's not fair that I should be jumped or worse walking through Compton for wearing red, but that's just reality.

If there were to be true equality, women wouldn't like it much. So long as they have the assets of a woman in all social and personal affairs, of course having all the perks of men sounds great. Treat them like men, and that's a different story.
That's not it at all. Sure, those like yourself try to make it out to be that way, but feminism is neither synonymous to universal equality, liberalism, or anything. Your statement is just an attack on 'white conservatives'.

Patronizing; persecuted majority.

You try to throw some idea that "I've never been a female". So what do I know?
Well, has anyone ever proposed the idea that women "have never been a male", so what do they know?
Of course not, because that's 'sexist'.

Persecuted majority. (Also, of course women have never been a male. They've never been allowed that chance at equality. That's the whole point.)

The irony brims; men are actively trivialized and yet nothing really justifies it other then women having to wear a bra or that it's not fair that they get raped for wearing revealing clothes in a world full of rapists and murderers.
It's not fair that I should be jumped or worse walking through Compton for wearing red, but that's just reality.

Victim blaming.

If there were to be true equality, women wouldn't like it much. So long as they have the assets of a woman in all social and personal affairs, of course having all the perks of men sounds great. Treat them like men, and that's a different story.

Blind obeisance.

I love when people make my points for me. Saves me a lot of work.
Patronizing; persecuted majority.

Because female conservatives don't exist, and aren't enjoying all the fruits of freedom and equality that somehow doesn't exist for the liberal female.

Persecuted majority. (Also, of course women have never been a male. They've never been allowed that chance at equality. That's the whole point.)

So, with the people on this site, the males have a better experience in life then the females?
It's easy to go and make some blanket statement to *all* collectively, but when you actually put it to the test, it's just trumpet blowing nonsense.

Victim blaming.

If you wear revealing clothes and get raped, it's because you were wearing revealing clothes while a rapist was around.
I don't know how much clearer that can be.

What is to be done about it? Castrate males?
It's just a fruitless and worthless sentiment to spam an idea that people 'blame victims'.

Blind obeisance.

Bullshit. Treat women like men and they'll be screaming to revert back to the way things were.

*Feminism= detachment from reality*
Because female conservatives don't exist, and aren't enjoying all the fruits of freedom and equality that somehow doesn't exist for the liberal female.

They're paid 77 cents to the dollar men are paid for equal work.

So, with the people on this site, the males have a better experience in life then the females?
It's easy to go and make some blanket statement to *all* collectively, but when you actually put it to the test, it's just trumpet blowing nonsense.

Small sample size. And we work to create an environment that is equal here.

If you wear revealing clothes and get raped, it's because you were wearing revealing clothes while a rapist was around.
I don't know how much clearer that can be.

Boom goes the dynamite. It's your fault when you get raped, ladies. May as well not even prosecute. OH WAIT. WE ALMOST NEVER PROSECUTE RAPISTS.

What is to be done about it? Castrate males?

Expect us to keep our dick in our pants?

It's just a fruitless and worthless sentiment to spam an idea that people 'blame victims'.

Except you kinda just did right there, so there's that.

Bullshit. Treat women like men and they'll be screaming to revert back to the way things were.

*Feminism= detachment from reality*

Yeah, keep 'em barefoot and pregnant where they belong. Please. 1950 called, they want their you back.
If you wear revealing clothes and get raped, it's because you were wearing revealing clothes while a rapist was around.
I don't know how much clearer that can be.

I don't quite get it... are you saying women deserve to be raped if they wear revealing clothing...?
I've heard that argument before :hmmm:

Where I live there's a really dodgy park thats notorious for attacks/rapes if people walk across it alone, or even in small groups. If you walk across that alone at night then yeah... you're putting yourself in unnecessary danger, and if you are attacked then obviously it shouldn't have happened but there is an element of 'well you WERE warned...' But if you're just walking down a street and wearing revealing clothing I don't think it contributes much to rape... pretty sure if there's a rapist waiting for a woman to grab they're gonna do it regardless of how short her skirt is. And no matter how dodgy an area the woman is in, or how drunk she is, or what she's wearing... its never her fault. She's not doing the raping.
By saying 'women are going to get raped if they wear revealing clothing' you're kind of saying that men are monsters that can't control themselves if they see some boobs or legs.