FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

If the game was underrated then we wouldn't have the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. Why is it the only FF title to get various spin-offs and a film aswell as a short anime on the FFVII? I doubt that is because it is underrated. Underrated would be more like earlier titles, FFVIII and FFIX. You don't see spin offs or movies for them? (Which I am glad as it is ashame to see some good FF titles get ruined by spin offs) People can think it is overrated but I doubt how anyone can percieve the game as underrated when it is probably the most successful out of the lot that SE are trying to milk it for what it has.
First, I want to point out to all the people who are complaining about the fanboys making the game overrated: if you stop and think for a second you would realize that the game has fanboys for a reason. Why bother being a fanboy if you didn't like the game? So, obviously, there are lots of people who actually believe that the game is good, and not just jumping on some sort of bandwagon. And people don't typically like bad games. Typically.

Anyways, I think the game is neither underrated, nor overrated. It is merely rated. Some people love it, others despise it (though usually just because of the ones who love it). Either way, it is what it is.

I think that the spin-offs that have been produced have been a little excessive. Frankly I'm seeing more quantity than quality here. In my opinion, Final Fantasy VII was one of the best games out there due to it's overwhelming ability to draw me into the story, the well thought out and portrayed story itself, the character background and development, even the graphics (for the time of course, which is the only real way to compare graphics fairly). On the other hand the movie, Advent Children just sucked. If you had any difficulties understanding the storyline in the game, say goodbye to understanding the movie in the least. And seeing as how the game's storyline is by far the most complex story ever, I mean give me a break. I would consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but both the game and the movie just threw me through a loop.

I think there are, what, 6 or so games and movies based on FFVII? No game is that good.

(I'm talking about FFVII specifically, not the FF series itself. If you're talking in Zelda terms it would be the equivalent of having a 'Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past II', and lets face it; how many times can Link link to the past before Link can't link no more?)

Let it be already. I'm all for a remake (better graphics, maybe some kind of extra dungeon at the end, or a few new monsters, nothing big or story affecting) on the PS3, but then let it go. I'm a FFVII fanboy from the heart, and until the end. My first tattoo is even going to be FFVII related, but even I think that they are going to far with it. Put away your FFVII designated wallets and let the series rest.

As for underrated, that's just not possible. The game makes the top 10 lists all the time, usually in the top 3, and has a fan basis that is comparable to Oprah's. There may be a group of people out there who under rate it for whatever reason, but as a whole underrated isn't even a feasible term that you could use to rate the game.

And as for overrated, well... that's just not possible. It is one of the best games of all time. <--- That would be my fanboyism showing through. Though, I'm a fanboy because I love the game, not because anyone else does.
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I have to say that a game with so many spin-offs in a Compilation is a bit over-rated, but you have to admit it is a great game. I love it to death, but I don't love it to the point where every single quote or line of script in the game needs it's own separate film or game itself. Sheesh.
Yes, I agree.
We could do without the spin-offs.
The game itself I think deserves all the praise it gets.
It's simply awesome and revolutionary. For the first FF developed under the PS1's yoke, Square did the most perfect job and look what it's done.
^^ Some of thsoe customers aren't too happy to be the owner of it. But sadly some fortunate people who haven't played it dont want it, so I cant give it to anyone, and I cant sell it, because this game isn't worth jack shit.

I stay at overrated. Those fanboys that Aztec was talking about are the only reason this game has so much success.

LOLOLOL wow are you kidding me? Have you even been to ebay.com? Have you ever even heard of sites such as that, or amazon.com? This game definetly sells, and people still have it high on demand to buy. And for right reasons. Now I have never played 1-6, however when I was little I saw my uncle playing the demo and I tried it and instantly loved the game. I would always stay over at his house and he'd play it all night and I'd stay up and watch him play. Is this game overrated? No I dont feel it is, but it does get more attention than the others and for right reasons. I feel it has the best storyline, better characters. FFX was terrible IMHO the only cool thing to do was play blitzball. It was far too easy to play. FFIX I never really could get into I just wasn't feeling it. FFVIII would be a strong 2nd place IMO for best FF game of the series. It just seems after FFVIII that the games just lost quality for me and they didnt grab my attention as much as say 7 or 8. But underrated? Far from being underrated. People still have it in their top 5 games of all time as others have said on here. And no I don't just like the game due to other people liking it and it being popular. I actually played this game and actually get a feel for it. And I felt this was the best game I have ever played. But after the remake for PS3 if they do make it, I hope they let it go and leave it at that.
Uh, does both count? Sometimes it seems like it majorly overshadows the greatness of the other FF games and FFVII lovers sometimes hate the other games just because it's not the exact same. So that tends to be extremely annoying. But as far as the video game world, it's under-rated. It should be higher on the list of best games by various magazines. And yeah, Nintendo games can be really boring. I mean, the classic, original ones are cool, but they need to stop remaking Zelda and Mario. Nintendo is over-rated much.
it's under rated. anybody who gives it a negative comment forget that's it one of the breakthroughs of FF: it's the first ever final fantasy game to go in 3D.
It's a little overrated, I'd say. Out of the entire compilation, I think that the original game was the most deserving of praise. Advent Children was purely fanservice, and since fanservice can't stand alone, I can say it was definitely overrated, but it honestly depends. I haven't played Crisis Core, so I'm not really sure. DoC sucked major ballz, and since most people agree with that, I feel that it is neither.
It's a little overrated, I'd say. Out of the entire compilation, I think that the original game was the most deserving of praise. Advent Children was purely fanservice, and since fanservice can't stand alone, I can say it was definitely overrated, but it honestly depends. I haven't played Crisis Core, so I'm not really sure. DoC sucked major ballz, and since most people agree with that, I feel that it is neither.

I feel the same way, except for Crisis Core. Crisis Core was a breath of fresh air for the FF7 Compilation, because it was actually a great, quality game. I completely agree that Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus was utter crap.

Honestly, all I ever wanted was a remake, that's all. =/

As for FF7 itself, it's overrated, and no one can really dispute that. No other game in the Final Fantasy series has ever garnered as much attention from both the fans, and the heads of Square Enix itself. There isn't a single FF fan who doesn't know about FF7, yet there are plenty who aren't at all familiar with the earlier titles. All of the spin-offs really answer the question in this thread the most. For it's time, FF7 was an incredible game...but after ten years of fanboyism and Square Enix continuing to bank on the FF7-cash-cow...it's really lost it's charm.

Final Fantasy 7 is a good game but it is definitely not the best so I'm going to go ahead and say that there is another more worthy Final Fantasy title.
Just because it's a breakthrough for FF in terms of 3D imagery, doesn't mean people cannot stop calling it overrated.

Aye, I think it's overrated. There's other RPG titles and FF games far better then this one.
Well, I do love it, but the way the fan boys go on definaetly makes it scream over rated :wacky:

And then there are all the spin offs and what not...

It's definaetly not under rated :monster:
I believe the original game is not overrated what so ever it's a great game but there are some who just don't like it just because the graphics are crappy, however Advent Children is quite overrated and DoC well I don't think it's a great game really, I liked the original game where you play with all of the party.
I thought it was over-rated until I played it. But it is pretty awesome. And I wouldn't call it over-rated now.
I say under-rated if i'm talking about how people feel about it. I hate any negative critisism this game gets because it's Square's best game, and imo the best game ever made. I hate the way Nintendo fans (mostly Nintendo fans anyway..) say Zelda is better than Final Fantasy 7.

I think it is under-rated and I agree with that statement.
They're both reasonable playable games. It depends on the type of player. Different gamers have different tastes. You can't badmouth a game just because you don't like it.

Except the Bratz/Barbie Doll video games sitting on the shelves, but anywho, don't judge a game from what other people like about it instead of you.
It all depends on if you're asking a fan or not.

But I think it's just fine. With the technology then, the game was impressively done and the storyline is enough to keep playing playing it into the 21st century. If it seems pretty damn popular, it has its reasons. Underrated would only be because people sucked at it or played it too late.
I think its neither. If you ask me final fantasy VII is very correctly rated:)

Edit: 50th post people!! This means i can see what the whole RPG thing is! I wonder if its a flash game online?