FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

Well, I don't think X was as big as VII because I think it wasn't as massive a leap. VII amazed fans because it was such a drastic change; not just to 3D, but because Square changed the majority of the previous games iconography. Kingdoms were gone, kings (the whole medievil style) and it was a big adjustment; but an adjustment that was met with open arms. X never had that; however being the first on a new console will attract more attention. XIII/Versus XIII seem like they're going to make a very large leap so I think it will be more reminisent of VIIs release.

@Lahl: Great minds think alike. :P
rules (so does VII).
i dont think it was overrated or underrated, these days people dont really talk about ff7 so yea D:
I'm not sure if I've already posted in this but oh well. I think the game is neither tbh, I would say there is an equal amount of people who find it over-rated and under-rated making the average somewhere in the middle. It's an awesome game with an awesome story so I have no idea why people would think that its over-rated or under-rated
You definitely can't call it under-rated because it gets enough praise as it is. not even certain how that can be an option.

I don't really think it's over-rated though. It's a good/great game that deserves the accolades it receives. It's all down to personal preference. You like it. You don't. It's all a matter of opinion.
truthfully, I believe it's overrated and I'm saying that from a general gamer's point of view. I play all types of games- RPG, S-RPG (love Fire emblem), Adventure(Zelda is great), platform, FPS, etc. I don't really care what type games are as long as they serve their purpose-entertainment. And even within the RPG genre, I won't say it's the best RPG I've ever played (I did take into account that this is a game that was created a decade ago). Typically, I always liked Bioware games more because their plots are usually better. I'll admit Final Fantasy may at times be deeper in the plot (like FF7) and characters, but the general story by Square Enix isn't quite up at Bioware's standards (at least not yet. We'll see how FF 13 does). Therefore, when I see FF7 in the top 25 all time, I'm surprised because I know there are better games out there. For example, one game that I personally consider better and wrote a detailed review on gamefaq is Fire Emblem 4. And normally, FE4 is not even in the top 50 all time. Personally, this game gets around a 9 on a 10 scale and is therefore a great game, but not one of those OMG it's a grand masterpiece that must be played or else you'll regret it all your life. Well, that is at least my impression from a general gamer's point of view.
Hmm...well...I don't think FF7 is the best FF...but it is a good game. I mean, I believe it's the first time that the heroine died so early on in the game. It was such a plot twist. (And I love those.) Gameplay wise, it introduced the limit break, which was a real breath of fresh air, if you ask me. Also, you had the extra stuff like Golden Saucer, where you could play all those minigames. So, I guess people found that there was more to do in FF7 then in the previous FFs, so they go WOW over it. And because FF7 left such a lasting impression, FF8 and FF9 didn't get as much love as they should. Well, FF9, for me, at least.

I know there are better RPGs than FF7, and I've played a few, but FF7 was an excellent game, in my opinion, like some of those old SNES games.
definately not under-rated if you put all the fan boys and girls of FF7 in one place they could probably fill up New York City i would say taht the game altogether may be a little over-rated but it is still good but the movie is quite another matter which i think is dangerously over-rated
definately not under-rated if you put all the fan boys and girls of FF7 in one place they could probably fill up New York City i would say taht the game altogether may be a little over-rated but it is still good but the movie is quite another matter which i think is dangerously over-rated
The movie itself is another matter and I agree it's very overrated if you don't have the game's background supplementing it. In my opinion, it's just a sequel done in a movie form; however, if you liked FF7, then it would be a great movie to know more about. It's like one of those games where you have to be a fan of the original to be able to truly enjoy it or else you'll be left clueless and think WTF?
Final Fantasy VII the Game was not overrated, anyone who says so, really does not appreciate what this game did for the Rpg Genre, and especially the Final Fantasy Series itself, let me explain.

Final Fantasy VII the game pushed Square on the map as the #1 company back in 1997. This game pushed the genre of rpg's to the forefront of all other genres back in 1997. Why do you think we had such a huge flood of rpg's in 1998 and especially 1999...due to the success of FFVII.

People may not realize this, but back from 1991-97, fighting games, where the single most popular and demanded genre back then. Street Fighter II dominated with an Iron Fist, King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat, Tekken...all of these dominated the forefront of gaming magazines, and the gaming media.

You'd get like 1-2 pages involving rpg's and then 10+ pages talking about Street Fighter, or strats to Toshinden, etc, etc.

In fact, Capcom was the #1 ranking company during this time (due largely obviously because back in 1991 a game called Street Fighter II World Warriors put them as the #1 gaming company, and easily in the Top 3 Best Video Games of All Time, not just within the fighting game genre, but All Video Games Ever Created), however they obviously lost their crown, once Final Fantasy VII debuted. This game is not overrated, because it did one of the most important things that only a few select video games ever do.

It catered to not just rpg fanatics, but also drew in masses of the general public that where largely outside of rpg's, or had no clue what it was. During VII's debut, at my highschool at the time, we had numerous people who rarely or ever even heard of an Rpg, or what or how it played like...however they definitely knew about FFVII.

Heck, you know you've scored a winner, when you have your own teacher talking about how great this game is. Yet, the simple fact is, that FFVII reached out to all generations when it was first released, thus was the reason of it's huge success. Also take into account, that it's popularity was so high, it even reached News Television's talking about it, and even had it's CGI scenes being shown as a movie trailer back in 1997 in theatres during those preview trailers.

So I always ask...how can Final Fantasy VII...seriously...be overrated? It made SE the #1 and most dominant company for years to come, and pushed it's genre to knock off the fighting game genre as the king of the hill (Sad for me, since I was a and forever will be a fighting gamer before an rpg gamer).

So to conclude, I do not see how FFVII should be overrated, because without this game, we potentially would not have all of the Final Fantasy goodness we have today, so give this game it's credit.
Final Fantasy VII the Game was not overrated, anyone who says so, really does not appreciate what this game did for the Rpg Genre, and especially the Final Fantasy Series itself, let me explain.

Final Fantasy VII the game pushed Square on the map as the #1 company back in 1997. This game pushed the genre of rpg's to the forefront of all other genres back in 1997. Why do you think we had such a huge flood of rpg's in 1998 and especially 1999...due to the success of FFVII.

People may not realize this, but back from 1991-97, fighting games, where the single most popular and demanded genre back then. Street Fighter II dominated with an Iron Fist, King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat, Tekken...all of these dominated the forefront of gaming magazines, and the gaming media.

You'd get like 1-2 pages involving rpg's and then 10+ pages talking about Street Fighter, or strats to Toshinden, etc, etc.

In fact, Capcom was the #1 ranking company during this time (due largely obviously because back in 1991 a game called Street Fighter II World Warriors put them as the #1 gaming company, and easily in the Top 3 Best Video Games of All Time, not just within the fighting game genre, but All Video Games Ever Created), however they obviously lost their crown, once Final Fantasy VII debuted. This game is not overrated, because it did one of the most important things that only a few select video games ever do.

It catered to not just rpg fanatics, but also drew in masses of the general public that where largely outside of rpg's, or had no clue what it was. During VII's debut, at my highschool at the time, we had numerous people who rarely or ever even heard of an Rpg, or what or how it played like...however they definitely knew about FFVII.

Heck, you know you've scored a winner, when you have your own teacher talking about how great this game is. Yet, the simple fact is, that FFVII reached out to all generations when it was first released, thus was the reason of it's huge success. Also take into account, that it's popularity was so high, it even reached News Television's talking about it, and even had it's CGI scenes being shown as a movie trailer back in 1997 in theatres during those preview trailers.

So I always ask...how can Final Fantasy VII...seriously...be overrated? It made SE the #1 and most dominant company for years to come, and pushed it's genre to knock off the fighting game genre as the king of the hill (Sad for me, since I was a and forever will be a fighting gamer before an rpg gamer).

So to conclude, I do not see how FFVII should be overrated, because without this game, we potentially would not have all of the Final Fantasy goodness we have today, so give this game it's credit.

A game may be revolutionary to some degree, but still not be a masterpiece. I'll admit a lot of the masterpieces are like that, but I didn't feel FF7 was one that was able to touch that. It lacks that same feeling I received when I first played Mario on the N64 (revolutionary in its own right).

As for the credit, I don't think the problem is not enough credit, but rather too much... I look at the general gaming community (since I'm a general gamer rather than a single RPG or platform hardcore) and just feel it's overrated. Great yes, but not OMG, it's a piece that will never be seen again. As for my impression WITHIN the FF community, I feel that it's relatively balanced between the FF7 fans (believes it's underrated, which I still don't know why) and general FF fans (believes its overrated). In the end, I'm inclined to believe that it's overrated. Anyway, that's just my belief.
I think this game is easily the best instalment of the FF series, I always end up coming back to it.

Final fantasy 7 is really overrated. The plot was a rehash of final fantasy 6 and the characters sucked. Especially Aerith she deserved to die.:mad:
I don't think it's either. I reckon it's rated fairly. Deserves all the praise it gets, one of the greatest games ever created.
I'm with everyone who said it is rated just as it should be. The characters were great, the storyline was fantastic, the graphics were amazing, not so much anymore, and the materia system is still my favorite skill system of all time. Oh, of course there is the music, just with any FF.
I really wouldn't say it was either. I think it is rated rather well. Tons of people love the game, it is one of Squar's most famous titles and best titles. From what Ive seen Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 6 seem to be very popular.
Myself I love FF6.
Ive also noticed ((and this is not true for everyone I know this)) that there where a lot of gamers that age wise got their gaming start on the Play Station. So it is natural that their favorite FF game would be 7. For two reasons, ONE: It is the first one they played which always leaves a sentimental value imprinted on you. TWO: Because it turned out to actually be one Hell of a great game. One of the best of all time.

But Ive seen polls where FF6 and 7 are always One and Two, which tells me that it seems to be rated pretty much right.

I always thought FF9 was underrated because I just love the look and feel of the game plus I love the old school feel of it. Im not into these newer FFs as much with their Surfer Boy heros.
I like the look and feel of 6-7-9 much better.
I think FFVII has ran it's course long enough. It's getting to be too overrated for me. It's was the only Final Fantasy game to get a prequel and a sequel game plus it's had 2 movies that led to the events of FFVII (Last Order and Advent Children). Don't get me wrong... it was a great game 11 years ago when I actually enjoyed the series but now it's just bores me to death hearing about FFVII still.
FFVII was neither overrated nor underrated in my opinion, the unpalatable truth of the matter is, that FFVII is a work of staggering genius and it deserves every ounce of hype that many people have consistently given it over the years. Let’s start with the story, shall we? FFVII’s story was genuinely heart-touching; furthermore, the characters were great; Sephiroth particularly was such an awesome villain. Furthermore, the scale of the game was mind boggling too. Also, the number of combinations you could use with Materia was virtually unlimited. FFVII still holds up as arguably the greatest games ever made and it thoroughly deserves all the hype it has received.
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Not Overrated.
I think any time I've seen a poll of GREATEST FF GAME. It is FFVI and FFVII usually battling it out.
Considering that it has it's own franchise and very minor characters now have their own games... I'd say it's overrated. :P The game on it's own was very good. But it's recently just become a sellout.

FF7 before AC was neither over or underrated

FF7 after AC is very overrated.

But perhaps overrated isn't the right word. Maybe annoying is more like it.