FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

Underrated Final fantasy 7 is by far the funniest lol arieth dies and how cloud is an emo
i dont think 7 is either over or under-rated, its like marmite, you either love it or you hate it, its a persons own oppinion as to which they choose.
FFVII Underrated? Hah! Best laugh I've had all day! Don't get me wrong I love me some FFVII (the original...not the abominations that followed it) but the fact that it has fans notorious for basically declaring blood feud on you if you point out one or two flaws shows that it is taken too seriously at least. Also the fact that people cannot let this game die, and are happy to see the flawed but charming original get raped to hell so long as they can get MOAR generic pretty FFVII goodness pisses me off. So yeah, overrated as heeeell :whistle2:
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Overrated by far, but that is just my opinion. I only think that because to most of the people i know, this game is reguarded as a god among video games. Yes it was a great game, yes it changed my perspective on the entire series of FF games, but still it was not this perfect piece of artwork that most people regard it as. Like i said, it was great, but it was far from being completely perfect. The game is definitely not underrated, at least to me. When you have people telling you "I have played FFVII" just because they think it will make you like them better, and think they are a real gamer, then whatever it is is much much more then underrated.
I think its in the middle, its not underrated because many people hailed this one as the best. From the old ones that played this since theyre still young, and the new open minded ones that doesnt care about graphics. Web blogs, polls, top lists, FFVII is always there.

And here comes the equal overwhelmingly number of FFVII haters which I am very used to now. They are always trying to find a flaw in the game into which extent I think they are just dissapointed that their favorite ones wasn't the best.

oh yeah and FF7 > ff6 , sephiroth > kefka
I'd say overrated.

I like the game and all, but I don't love it. I don't think it's the best RPG ever made, and I don't even think it's the best PS1 RPG.

Being my first RPG, it does have a special place in my heart (though ironically, I didn't like it at all the first time I picked it up. It took a few years before I actually decided to play through the whole game, but I'm glad I did). I enjoyed it more than Legend of Dragoon (another good, but not amazing game), but not as much as I enjoyed Star Ocean: The Second Story. So, yeah, it's definitely a game worth playing, but in my opinion doesn't live up to the hype. Great storyline, though.
Totally underrated. This game deserves nothing short than being etched into diamond and encased deep within the earth so that future civilizations may enjoy the wonder that is Final Fantasy VII.

Just kidding, it's overrated as hell.
FFvii is definetly over rated it sold to much and it is almost everyone's favorite Final Fantasy Game. FFVii is still even talked about today in the world and there even trying to remake it on ps3 definetly over rated. Well in my opinion XIII is going to be the best title.
I would say... under and over.

Mostly because of how the spinoffs. As a direct result of the 59 FFVII games being released, the people who love it really love it, and the ones who hate it realy hate it. Before the release of FFVII:AC I think it was at just the right rating.
There is absolutly NO WAY this game is UNDERRATED. After the spinoffs and movies there in a 0% chance this game is underrated. I'm not gonna go out and say its overrated, but it does harvest more of the attention than the other games.
I can say its not under rated in our ff world its a master piece. But naturally it is under rated for mario and zeldas gamers who are into adenture games more than rpg they say its boring it seem's their brains dont give that much to get involved in a well detailed storyline and are not well known for inventing strategies for bosses i gues a mario player would never be able to kill one ruby weapon. But you ever wondered why mario rpg was created? Thats right in that year ff was killing their industry.
You can't say it was under-rated because it is raved about. I love it!!! Some people may say it is over-rated because they got to it late and do not like the blocky-ness.
I strongly believe that the entirety of FFVII Compilation became extremely overrated after all the fanservice crapshot spinoffs were released.

Before then, I still believe it was a little overhyped, but nowhere near as much as it is now.
It's like a pet dog. If you raised the dog as a puppy you know it and you love it forever, even after it dies - People who got it when it first came out. But, for the people who get to the game now it is like babysitting someones dog for 3 weeks while they're on holiday. It's just the same as any other dog for a while, and then you grow to like it a bit, but you don't see why the owners love it so much.

(I love dogs :) )
Terms like overrated are entirely subjective, and are therefore meaningless. In my experience anyone calling something "overrated" is actually saying "more popular than my favorite."

FF VII is rated as it is rated. Because everyone has a different opinion on it and none of these opinions are wrong, it can't be liked too much or too little, it is just liked as much as people like it.
i don't think it's either. I think all the other final fantasies besides 1-6 (sry i hate them) just don't get enough credit. they should definitely make a movie for 8 to teach all us how to pronounce the characters' names =)
God damn it is over-rated. Half the characters had no right to even be in that shit party in the first place - they only managed to get in because the rest of the party didn't get a fucking choice, or simply didn't care. The storyline is convolted and contridictory (was Hojo still employed by Shinra or not by the time the party reaches Costa del Sol?)

Materia was okay, but was obsoleted by enemy skills, made all the worse by the fact that the best ones can be collected by the middle of Disk 1. The music isn't bad, but it's not the best one in the world, and so of the tracks can get very repetitive.