FFIX: Love it or Hate it?

Love it or hate it?

  • Love it

    Votes: 365 81.7%
  • Like it

    Votes: 37 8.3%
  • It's alright

    Votes: 26 5.8%
  • I hate it

    Votes: 10 2.2%
  • I've never even played it

    Votes: 9 2.0%

  • Total voters
I love this game, it has one of my favorite story in a game. I think the reason so many hate it is because that it is more unrealistic and goofy. I believe this is how a Final Fantasy game should be. Key word in the name Fantasy NOT Reality.
I just finished this game a month or so ago. I LOVED IT. The story was extremely epic. All the characters were really likable. (With the exception of Amarant.) The ending was a little bittersweet but I immensely enjoyed every minute of the game. But seriously, what was the deal with Necron? It's like they made Trance Kuja too easy so they brought in Necron for good measure. Still, very good game.
lets say i liked it not loved because there was to much wacky humor going on but once you got past that it had a pretty solid story
Been replaying it recently, just left Madain Sari on disc 2.
I love it, don't know why it's taken so long for me to play it again. I loved it first time round too btw. Some of the things could've been done better but overall it's a decent enough game.
FFIX is an awesome game, I don't think the storyline is as good as VII, but it is my 2nd my favorite in the series. The cutscenes were slick and the characters were very unique. I liked how there was alotta destruction and the storyline did seem to have quite a few twists and turns
Like with FFVIII, IX's a game I just can't help but love. The story is, in a word, "epic". Considering the attempt to make tributes to the older FF games, Square did an amazing job of still coming up with an original and indepth story that can really grab you.

The designs of the settings are incredible. as were the FMVs. I'll never forget the first time I saw the FMV of entering Lindblum... Or indeed the airship fight with Black Waltz 3.

The only thing that let it down for me at the time was that there was no multi-hit move like Lionheart or Omnislash. However, at that time I'd only played VII and VIII (and no other RPGs at all). Since expanding my knowledge and enjoy of the genre, I've come to respect not having multi-hit overkill moves, as it can make the game more strategic.
I have it, just...never played it. I'm one of the 5 people who voted that never really played it lol This is because of two reasons: Ps2 can't hook up to my tv's format and, my memory cards are full of FFVI, IV and V games, oh and Chrono Trigger. Who knows, I might start playing it.

Judging by whatever one is saying, I take it as a epic game I must play...?
Well, you have to consider that these are just people's opinions, but in mine; yes, its a epic game. As stated previously, the FMVs are very exciting, the plot is details and attention grabing, and for its time, the graphics were austounding.
Sounds fun. I have epic files of the games I mentioned and I wasn't sure of I should delete them for FFIX.

Yeah, the graphics were very good, especially for the time it came out on. I listen to the tracks a lot, the music sounds perfect as well ^^

I'll still say I love it, because there isn't a FF game I don't...well, I didn't like XI, but that doesn't count lol
(Should I play it this Saturday?)
I'm gonna tell you why I loved this game. Because every single character in it stood for something, and it's pretty much the only FF game that had a happy ending when it came to love. Love is the most important thing in this universe, and I thought it was a great idea to finally end a FF game with the concept of love. Finally a REAL happy ending.

Though that's not the only reason I liked it, I also thought the story between Zidane and Kuja was awesome, they way that they were almost "east and west" kind of. Complete opposites, and the Kuja finally realizes at the end that Zidane was right and is trying to help. Plus it was about time that Square finally went back to an old school "Knights in Armor" type setting...although I did like the whole futuristic thing with the guns and all.

Loved it very much. The story and the characters were all great. And most of all, it's the only FF game with a real happy ending. A happy love ending that is. Almost every other FF game ends with a broken love or something like that. I was happy to see Zidane and Garnet end up together in the end.
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i love it!!! tis the best final fantasy game ever made, and i love
the storyline and charecters!! (cept vivi he annoys me alot :P)
I thought it was amazing, and I loved the ending
And how can you say Vivi was annoying he was alright really

Also the graphics were outstanding for the time the game came out and I really liked a lot of the music from the game.
I also quite liked the story and thought that some of the characters were quite interesting
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I have to say that it is not my all time favourite and not my second either. But come to think of it it is definitily in my top three FF. On number three than you already guessed right.
I loved the oldschool FF not only in chracter and world design. But also in storyline hardcore oldschool RPG. It had this whole unique atmoshpere about it.
Mmm Maybe I have to replay it sometime....
On my first playthrough it bothered me how much the game resembled a disney cartoon. Plus I played it directly after FFVIII, so i guess I expected something almost exactly like it. Then eventually I got drawn into the plot, which is possibly the most complex and crammed out of all Final Fantasies I've played. Soon enough, I began to like it a lot.
Final Fantasy IX is great. It has great characters, story and side quests. I like the style of Final Fantasy IX. Limit Breaks are great.
I love IX so fucking much <33 VII and IX are tied for my absolute favorites <333 I loved nearly everything about it. The characters, the music, the plot, the atmosphere, the summons, the locations, everything.

I want to go back and play it again so bad xD Plus I kick ass at Tetra Master >:D
There was nothing in this game that fell short of the mark for artistic and emotional perfection.
The characters were deep, interesting and funny at times and you grew to love them and hate them. Even NPCs such as Regent Cid and Black Mage No.288 you grew heavily attatched to. The music score was once again a stroke of genious on Uematsu's part. The environments were lush and yet traditional and fair. It had a great variation of themes and ideas and it's length was perfect. Not to mention it served as a homage to the former titles but still managed to remain it's own unique form.

7 fanboys aside, I can't think of many who could draw too many valid critical points at this game as it was a masterpiece in my eyes.

And if you wish to know my stance on 7, it was good in itself but no better than any of the other titles and CERTAINLY not as good as it is hyped to be.
Final Fantasy IX is, and has been a classic in the Final Fantasy series. Definitley one of the retors. I like the game, I feel it was alright. Some characters were solid (Zidane, Garnet) and some, not so much (Vivi, Qu). The story was alright, but the emotion portrayed in the game (especially near the end) was awesome. I'd compare it to Final Fantasy VIII's ending or FFX's ending.

It was alright
in my opinion this ff is the best one i played, i remember every thing in this game since i completed it, it's ending was the best one!