FFVII: The Soap Opera

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Reno got up as fast as he could seeing that he was not alone to fight Sephiroth gave him a new rush of energy, he too saw Sephiroth motionless stading there but then he understood what was really going on...Sephiroth was probably preparing to deal one of his devastating atacks.

Reno:"Well i for one will not wait for him to hit me!"

Reno took advantage of his speed and runned behind Sephiroth this was the chance he needed to get Sephiroth.


As Reno said this his rod was covered in electricity which dealt a powerful electric charge to anything that it touched. Catching Sephiroth off guard Reno tryed to connet with his staff on Sephiroths back!

Reno 5/5
Sephiroth 5/5
thats it sephiroth!

cloud raised his sword and jumped above sephiroth and launched his sword at sephiroth so as to slice him in half
Taking advantage of sephiroth gathering energy for one of his devastating attacks he runs at Sephiroth and bites his Knee, and the casts Ice 3 on one of the burning buildings to extinguish the flames.
Sephiroth who was bitten by Nanaki was completely fueled by rage. After avoiding Reno's quick attack towards his back, Sephiroth furiously swung his sword slicing through the walls which ended up knocking Nanaki of balance. While Nanaki was still falling, Sephiroth rushed towards his opponent and dealt a devastating right punch towards Nanaki's jaw. The attack pushed Nanaki a few meters away giving enough time to Sephiroth to recover.

Suddenly Sephiroth noticed Cloud jumping high into the air. While in mid air, Cloud hurled his Buster Sword towards Sephiroth. Sephiroth, who was still standing on the center of the battlefield, took his sword and witha powerful left to right slash he sent blocked Cloud's Buster Sword sending it flying away. The sword was sent spinning away and ended up piercing one of the walls remaining stuck among the piles of rubble.

Sephiroth: "It is futile, but here I have nothing left to do. It appears that 'mother' is not here. I have more importants business to attend, farewell."

Sephiroth sheathed his sword and turned around walking away from them and walked towards the flames. Before entering the blazing inferno, Sephiroth turned his head around and stared at both Reno and Cloud. His emerald green evil sight pierced through the minds of both Reno and Cloud leaving a clear message; Sephiroth was back and this time there was no end to this nightmare.

After that, a huge explosion took place among the flames and Sephiroth disappeared leaving an evil laughter behind filling the air which was overrun with both smoke and dust.
damn! he got away

cloud picks up the buster sword and puts it away

well we may as well douse all the fires

After seeing Sephiroth leave Reno felt like someone had taken a load of his back and breathing heavily he said:

Reno:"Ahhh! I sure showed him!!!!!!!!!(actually i´m just glad i´m still alive)"

But he knew Sephiroth would return to collect Jenova who was actually in Midgar hidden...he contacted Tseng telling him to remove Jenovas head from Midgar and take it to the secret location.

Looking around Reno saw a shadow of the former Nibelheim he decided to go and help the civilians who were still alive.
((OOC: Nice finish to the battle people :)))

His heart was pounding and his palms were sweaty, Cid had forgotten the thrill of battle. It was exhillerating, but this time is was frightening. The power this man possesed and the carnage he brought along with him; was all astonishing.

Cid:Let's just hope there's some survivors. (I'm glad I'm one of them...)

There was a good chance that all the residents had been wiped out, even if no one wanted to say it; they knew everyone was thinking it.
The smoke had began to subside and finally the sky became partially visible again. The piercing blue sky seemed to restore the normality of the villiage, even if only for a second.

Before walking off, Cid approached Reno and took stead next him. Reluctantly, he raised a hand and left it hovering above Reno's left shoulder.

Cid:(Just do it!)

After fighting himself in his own head, Cid patted Reno and walked away. Without him, and the others, Sephiroth never would have left and they would all be dead.
Slowly scanning the wreckage, Cid entwined his fingers and placed his hands upon his head, puffing out his cheeks in the process.
Look at the devastation...
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The village of Nibelheim, burned in a blink of an eye by a single man. Sure Sephiroth was human, but his behavior and the way he ruthlessly killed many innocent people made people see him as a monster and for ShinRa as the perfect soldier.

A few hours after Sephiroth's disappearance, new were heard of nearby attacks and a trail of destruction left behind my "a man with silver hair and a huge katana". Clearly no doubts remained, it was Sephiroth.

He moved fast from town to town searching for Jenova's head, killing and destrying everything and anything that stood before him and yet he found nothing. Finally his search lead him to Midgar, to the monument to the great accident at the center of the city.

Sephiroth: "Finally, the time has come...."

After searching extensively for a few moments and destroying the statue in the process, Sephiroth realized that Jenova's Head was taken elsewhere, so he decided to launch an assaulto to the new Shinra Copr Facilities. His next target; President Rufus Shinra.

Sephiroth: "Soon our time will be close at hand. The revenge we have longed for so much time will be ours at last. 'Mother'!! Together we shall purify this world and rid it of all this infidels!!"
OOC: Rufus is in Nibelheim unless Lonely Wullfe ran away or something.


After Cids caring moment Reno thought to himself that someone should have taken a picture so he could go and pick on Cid later on.
He was tired and needed to sleep but a TURK cannot rest until his job is done and Reno knew that Sephiroth would go to Midgar and probably face Rude and the others.

Reno:"(I wonder if they got out in time...)

After helping the few remaining survivors Reno prepared to take a chopper to Midgar along with a couple of shinra soldiers.
He knew he could not defeat Sephiroth but he also knew that he would not allow him to destroy Midgar and his teammates.
Vincent was standing over by a pile of rubble, staring down at it in disbelief. The ShinRa mansion was still standing tall and barley had a scratch on it, yet Vincent was clearly shocked by the events that had taken place.
Cid decided to approach him, knowing full well the vampire would let no emotion escape. The flames were still burning and the building in front of them had no chance of survival; neither did the people inhabiting it.

Vincent stood up and looked at Cid in his usual cold manner.

Cid:"You look a mess Vince, what the hell happened to you?"

He then remembered the mob of fan girls that escorted him to wherever it was, and decided to shut up. Jealousy was kicking in again and Cid didn't want to remind himself of his lack of success with the ladies.
Rather disgruntled, he walked away towards his house to check on the Bronco. It was extremely unlikely that the fiesty little Bronco had made it through the inferno; Cid had high hopes still.

Before leaving, he was taken over by worry and curiousity. Turning to the rest of the group, their faces portrayed the same feelings.

Cid:I've got the horrible feeling that he's gonna come back...Part of me think's we should stop him while we can.
((Vince isn't a vampire. :P He would've turned to ash by walking out in the sun if he was.))

Vincent stared up at the mansion, unsure why it, out of all the buildings here, was the one that was standing. He gave a sigh and, despite what was left of the inferno earlier, he walked into the mansion without a word.

Lucrecia...if only you hadn't...we wouldn't have to face his wrath again...

Once Vincent cleaned up a bit, he stared at his reflection in the cracked mirror above the sink. The circles beneath his bloodshot crimson eyes were darker than usual, obscuring the puffiness of his eyes. He was more worried than usual, but who could blame him? The only thing that had instilled fear in him had returned. He imagined that the others were rather unnerved. Even Cloud looked shocked when he first saw him.

Vincent caught an odd-looking object from the corner of his eye. When he glanced over, he spotted the part that Cid needed. Oddly enough, it was tucked behind the toilet of all places. Vincent yanked the thing out and tucked it under one arm. Might as well give it to Cid, right?

Before long, Vincent was out trekking across the rubble. He spotted old man Cid checking up on the Tiny Bronco. Did it actually survive the flames?

"Cid!" Vincent called out as he approached him. "You were looking for this?"
((I wasn't sure about it when I worte that part, Shen XD Dammit, you've found my inability to identify vampires; NOOOOO!))

Unbelieveably the Bronco made it through all the flames and carnage. Unlike Cid's house. It had gone up in smoke and left a pile of ash as a reminder to Cid, a reminder as to what he once had.

Cid:(All gone. All of it. I suppose I still have the Bronco.)

The pain showed in Cid's face, he couldn't hide it. His tough exterior didn't fool anyone, he was human too after all.
Behind him approached Vincent, with something under his arm. The part of the engine Cid needed for the Bronco!

Cid:Your timing couldn't be any better, Vince. This is where my house used to be if you hadn't noticed.

Sephiroth had destroyed so many lives. While Cid was greatful he still had his own, he could not help but feel agrieved. Cid didn't have much more than his house, and the one thing he did have, the Bronco, didn't work yet.

With an appreciative nod, Cid took the part from Vincent and took it to the Bronco. Popping the hood up, he clipped the small mechanical piece in and gave it an almighty strike with the base of his spear.
With no expectation or hope, he switched the ignition on. Nothing.

Cid:(Why do I even bother?)

He felt dejected. His pride and joy seemed gone. More out of frustration than anything, he violently turned the key once more and kicked the engine. To his and Vincents amazement, the was a splutter and the sound of grinding cranks and cogs could be heard. The Bronco was alive after all.

Cid:"Bronco! I can't believe it."

He started to do a little jig around the plane, before realising that Vincent was still there.

Cid:(Damn, serious cool point lost there.)

He didn't even care much any more. The next step was to see if it worked. Reno wanted to go to Midgar, maybe they could all get the revenge they were after. Reno had no chance by himself and had already ordered a chopped to escort him to the city with no sun.
Maybe it was time for the Bronco to be tested.
stumbling to his feet (that hurt loads)
"is he gone?" (i gotta go to midgar)
nanaki sets out on his journey to Midgar, without the ability to ride a motor bike or having a choper to fly in he had to run.
((Lawl, Damo. And I've no idea about Soul Reaver, for it is a game I have not played.))

Although Vincent had his arms crossed and managed to keep a straight face, he found the idea of beating a machine into submission a little silly. What surprised him was the fact that the final kick brought the plane to life. Maybe taking your anger out on machine does make it work.

"Think it'll fly straight?" Vincent asked, keeping a few feet away from the wings. He didn't like how the sound of the engine couldn't make up its mind whether to work fast or slow. "I know we won't have guns firing at us during take-off, but you remember what happened last time we tried to fly this thing..."

Of course he should. Most everyone knows what happened: they were forced to use the Tiny Bronco as a boat instead of a plane. Vince certainly wasn't going to do that again (though mostly because he knows Cid probably doesn't need him granting a third favor of pushing the damned thing again).

Before preparing to depart Reno saw Nanaki preparing to go to Midgar on foot, Reno remembered that is was Nanaki who first came to assist him when Sephiroth atacked and decided to ask him if he wanted a lift.

Reno:"Yo Red...why go on foot man? I might as well need your help like before come on jump in! Now there is just one more thing you need to be cool enough to walk with me!"

Reno took a pair of sunglasses and putted them on Nanaki..

Reno:"Whooooo...now you look cool turk style baby!"

Seeing Cid ready to depart as well Reno walked in to make a proposal.

Reno:"Hey man when you reach Midgar land on the outskirts of town if Sephiroth is in there...i don´t want him to spot us before time is necessary!"

The team was assembled and ready to depart Midgar was their destination, Reno started piloting the chopper.

Reno:"( Bet i can get there first than Cid ehehehehe...)"
Ooc - in the first thread Damo said we could make certain modifications to the character so mine is a telekinetic Aerith :D ill work it into my Aerith's soap opera story. and im starting in midgar ^_^ and Jimmy told me that Sephiroths already in midgar so im basing my post on that, so please tell me if im wrong so i can edit it :D


She was praying in her church again, using her magic to water the flowers and going about her life as normal, just like she always did, since she was a cetra and saved the world, the planet had been gracious enough to restore life to her body,so she led a quiet happy life,

Then it all changed.

She started to recieve frantic messages in her head from the planet, all of them coming from different people all of them coming alt once, she couldn't understand what the planet was trying to tell her

"Please! Stop! i can't understand you!" Aerith cried, clutching her head in pain, sinking to her knees on the floor,

Images flashed past in Aeriths mind, she couldn't interperate them, she was so confused

"please..slow down" she begged her mind frantically.

there was a flash of light and she fell to the floor, but before losing her consciousness completly Aerith knew

"Sephiroth....He's....In Midgar..." She gasped before blacking out completely.
::As the world goes on around him, the sleeping form of Rufus lies forgotten buried under the debris. Although he was knocked on his head and rendered
unconscious he remains otherwise unscathed. Slowly, he beings to stir.::

Rufus: "Wha- Where?"

::Wincing he opens his eyes. The small shafts of light burn slithering, as his pupils had adjusted to the total darkness. Finally, it all comes back to him. His memories return in a flash and he curses his fate.::

Rufus: (That's right... Sephiroth.)

::With a sigh of disgust he tries to move his body, only to find that he's pinned down. With a jolt of pain he realizes that theres a steel beam resting directly on his back. With a frown he considers his present predicament.::

Rufus: "That can't be all too good for my spine."

Rufus: (That Sephiroth. What a total douchebag. I can't believe he still walks around dressed like a gimp. And talk about being lazy, that guy hasn't had a haircut in ages.)

::Slowly, Rufus slides his hand along the dirt palm facing down until it rests under the sunlight. He feels the warmth from the rays of the sun and decides to wait.::

Rufus: (There's nothing I can do until someone finds me...)
((OOC: Nicew to have you back AG ;)))

Cid knew in his mind that there was barley anything left in Nimbelheim, for anybody. They couldn't even rebuild, due to lack of resources; maybe going to Midgar was the best option.
Off in the misty distance, Reno and RedXIII were taking off in the chopper, no doubt they were heading to Midgar also.

Cid:Charming! They didn't even offer to take us.

Cid wasn't a fan of being by himself, despite being that way for a majority of his life. He did however, have his friends and people like Reno. Vincent was one of these friends; even though neither would ever admit it. There was always a mutual respect between the two.

Cid:"Look, Vince, I don't think we can stay here. It's a lost cause now. They seem to be heading to Midgar, no doubt looking for Sephiroth. What do you think? Should we follow them?"

During the conversation, Cid was making gestures towards the Bronco. The ex-pilot was desperate to get rid of the ex part of his status, he just wanted to be a pilot again.
There was an enthusiastic glint in his eye now the option to travel was back on the table, he just couldn't face doing it alone.
If he were to go, he wanted some companionship, and it was Vincent that needed to be convinced.

While Cid may have the careless, stupid exterior; he had a trick or two up his sleeve.

Cid:"Come on Vince, I could do with a buddy on the trip...It's what Lucrecia would have wanted..."
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While on the air Reno noticed someone was missing...

Reno:"What happened to the president!? He was hiding when Sephiroth appeared..."

Reno called some soldiers via cellphone and told them to look for the President in the now destroyed Nibelheim and to help him hide of Sephiroth because he was also going after him.

Reno was already crossing the ocean into the new continent a rush of adrenaline started running in his body.

Reno:"Gotta love this moments! Don´t you think so Red?"
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