FFVII: The Soap Opera

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Vincent broke his eye contact with Cid once he mentioned her name. Whatever he knew about his beloved Lucrecia, it obviously wasn't enough. Though his gaze was more towards the rubble, there was something that caught his eye. Beneath the rubble was the slightest glimpse a hand resting in the light of the sun beneath the rest of the trashed building.

"...Cid, we should be looking for survivors," he said quickly as he jogged over to the rubble. He stopped in front of the ruined building, trying to figure out where to even begin. Keeping in mind where that hopefully intact hand was, he started trying to move the charred pieces off and over to open ground. Vincent didn't even look to see if Cid was going to help him or not.
*cloud gets fenrir out of his garage and sets off to midgar without waiting for everyone*

sephiroth i shall end you!

*after saying this he feels a sting in his arm but ignores this(geostigma)*

darn sand...
Maybe the idea of mentioning Lucrecia wasn't the best idea, Vincent merely brushed off the mention of her name.
Reluctantly, Cid switched off the Bronco and began to root through the wreckage. There were horrible sights, some people were dead while others were on their way to being the same; that damn Sephiroth.

The flames he began to die down, at least making it marginally easier for them to find survivors. The vision of a destroyed villiage was overwhelming. And to think, it was only a few hours ago they were at the cafe laughing at Rufus and his ridiculous ensemble...Rufus! Where was he?

Cid:(He may be an arrogant little...whatever, but we still need to find him.)

Looking over at Vincent, he was completely devoid of emotion. Even the mention of Lucrecia didn't effect him.

Cid:Vince, I don't suppose you've come across rufus have you? We should really find him...
While sorting through the rubble, Vincent uncovered a rather familiar hat. It was the same one that Rufus was wearing awhile ago. He brushed off the soot and scanned the debris around him. If the hat was here, maybe its wearer was nearby.

And how right he was.

"Cid! Help me get this beam off, would you?"

Vincent had managed to clear most of the manageable junk, but this beam was a bit cumbersome. It was twisted to hell, yes, but it was too long to just lift up and push it aside. It must have been at least twenty feet long as it was.

While still in the air Reno received a call from a shinra soldier...

Shinra Soldier:"Hey Reno we found the president!"

Reno:"Great well let him now that Sephiroth might go after him and that he needs to be somewhere save!"

Knowing that the President was alright was taking a load of Renos back since he was one of his main bodyguards.

At the distance Reno could spot Midgar finally the air got darker as he aproached it.

cloud was now approaching midgar when a red dragon appeared(the monster sephiroth leaves in the temple of the ancients)

cloud:so you wish to die....stand aside or you will be moved my battle is not with you!

when the dragon does not budge cloud readies his sword

cloud:you asked for it!
arriving at midgar he travels straight to the sector seven slumbs and to Aeriths house, but as he stood outside he decided against it so he runs to the train graveyard to find a place to sleep
"were can i crash? im so tired"
he makes himself a bed out of some old curtains and then make a fire next to it casting his trusted fire spell (thats nice and warm ill go to sleep and then in the morning the Sephiroth hunt begins)
the red dragon uses fire breath but cloud jumps off his bike and starts slashing at the dragons head but is knocked back by its claws so he uses ice just as it uses fire breath so the dragon cannot use fire breath and then cloud uses chimhazzard and kills it

After extensively searching for Jenova's genetic material for countless hours, Sephiroth decided to cause some destruction in order to attract the attention of the Turks. Of course, his main objective was Rufus Shinra who was most likely the one to know the exact location of Jenova's genetic material.

After travelling for a few hours, Sephiroth arrived to an abandoned church and noticed a young woman lying unconscious on the floor. Sephiroth was stranged however, the aura that this woman emanated was not entirely human and was slightly familiar to Sephiroth.

Sephiroth: "One of the ancients....but here?...."

Sephiroth unsheathed his blade with the soul purpose to kill her but something inside his head made him think otherwise. Suddenly he sheathed his blade and remained standing in the middle of the church, waiting for her to wake up.

Sephiroth: "She may hold most of the answers I seek....I can't allow myself to kill her just yet...."
noce cloud had remounted his bike he continued to midgar and when he entered he immediately headed for the shinra building as this is where he suspected sephiroth would be

Reno landed the chopper at the outskirts of Midgar waiting for Cid and the others to join him Red runned directly inside the city and so did Cloud...

Reno:("Alone they can´t beat him i suppose but it´s their right)"

Reno knew that Sephiroth would not get his hands on Jenovas head as only he and a few others knew of it´s location. He was also relived to know that the President was in a save place and Sephiroth would not get him either.

Reno looked into the horizon to see if he could spot the tiny bronco in the distance but there was still no sine of it...he could see a bit of smoke coming from Midgar and he wondered if Sephiroth was the responsible.

Reno:"I might just as well have to face him alone if these keeps up."
when cloud had reached the top of the shinra building he saw a helicopter in the distance and could just make out rufus in the copter so concluding that he was safe he started walking back and when he was nearing the elevator to go back down he heard a death scream and followed it thinking it was sephiroth he chased the sound and was nearing the target
With a small sigh and a moments hesitation, Cid stood at one end of the beam and helped Vincent to lift it up; just.
Rufus was gasping for air and the sheer relief was portrayed on his face, even though they would never get a thankyou.

Cid:"You know, your little protege left without you; we're all you have now."

Upon saying this, a wide smirk overcame Cid's face. He knew Rufus would absolutely despise the fact that Vincent and Cid helped him.
Most of the flames had been extinguished, leaving the wreckage clearly in view.
Small mounds of dust sat upon Cid's once impressive blue pilot's jacket as he assesed the situation. All they once knew had been incinerated and was no more.

Cid:"Vince, what do you think our next step should be? We can't really stay here any more..."

It pained him to say it, but that was the truth. They couldn't stay there. The villiage had been demolilshed and there was little or no help available to re-build. That over zealous Reno had suffered a rush of blood to the head and decided to chase Sephiroth, clever. And so had Red. By now they had to be in Midgar...
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::Sighing, Rufus sits. Even though his body aches from the recent mishaps, he manages to appear in good health. Groaning, he stands. Raising his arms over his head he stretches. After finally regaining his bearing, he begins to dust himself off while addressing his two new best friends.::

Rufus: "Right, I'd rather be alone than left with an uncultured oaf such as yourself and a brooding, vampire wannabe like your best friend here."

::Rufus counted on his stinging remarks to bring the easily agitated Cid down a notch, however was doubly rewarded with Vince's reaction. Unsure of whether Vince was more mad that he was referred to as "Cid's best bosom buddy" or whether someone had finally called him on his whole "Knock-off vampire" persona and lifestyle, Rufus decides to explore both possibilities further. Turning to the dark haired civilian, he begins.::

Rufus: "Oh it's true, Vinny. Word around town is that you two are connected at the hip. Quite odd for a man who wants everyone to think that he feeds off of the blood of humans, wouldn't you say?"

::Satisfied with the look of clear distress that crosses Vincents' usually stoic face, Rufus focuses his attention once more on Cid. Of course he didn't appreciate being called an uncultured oaf and his face clearly showed it. Just as he would begin a retort, Rufus cuts him off.::

Rufus: "Settle down now, I'm sure you think that the two Gil beers you drink and homemade cologne you wear are the staples of high class living, a luxury afforded only to those who rescued the entire planet from a fate worse than death, however they're not."

::In mock empathy, he places his hand on the ex-pilots' broad shoulder.::

Rufus: "It's sad, but true Cid. As much as you'd like to believe that saving the world has helped you move up in said world from the abusive drunk you were formerly known as, it hasn't."

::To really hit his point home, he even raises his eyebrows and slightly lowers his lips to fake sympathy.::

Rufus: "People still see you as the same cretin you were before!"

::Rufus waits for a few moments, savoring his friends reactions and storing this glorious moment in his mind forever. However, he suddenly becomes most serious.::

Rufus: "All jokes aside, how did all this come to pass? Who is the party responsible for the destruction of the entire town?"

::As he speaks, he scans the once beautiful town which now lies in ruins.::

Rufus: "This is most worrisome..."
"...you're welcome," was Vincent's response to Rufus's relentless jabbering. Quite frankly, he was glad that they found the young president last among the survivors. Otherwise, this would have went on during the entire search and one of them would have snapped. Cid more likely than Vincent, of course.

With his arms crossed again, Vincent peered over the ruins of Nibelheim and gazed in the direction of Midgar. It was rather difficult for him to believe that Rufus didn't see the returned fiend. However, since he was hiding instead of fighting or watching, it was a little understandable. It's even more difficult to watch something outside of a building that you are trapped under.

"Cid," he began aloud to bring his attention away from Rufus, "how many passengers can the Bronco hold? We should be heading for Midgar before long."
Rufus' speech really did not have it's desired effect, it simply made Cid thirsty for one of those 2 gil beers. Cid always took Rufus with a pinch of salt, he makes a point of making these impressive speeches so that no one realises how normal he is.

Rufus seemed lost. No plans for what to do next, no henchmen and no morale. Granted, he could be one of the most annoying people ever to exist, but inside he was just like everyone else.

Cid:"The bronco would probably hold 4 people, tops. It's called 'Tiny Bronco' for a reason. So, that means it can hold myself, you, Rufus and your favourite fangirl..."

Cid looked Rufus square in the eyes, knowing he would need convincing. There was no way he would willingly set foot in the dank, orange abomination that was the Bronco. Unfortunately for Rufus, he had little choice, and no alternative.

Tired of waiting for backup and knowing that Rufus and the others might be in trouble Reno entered Midgar with two fellow shinra soldiers who looked like little scared girls...

Reno:"(Tsh...if this is my crew then i clearly have a problem.)"

Not knowing if Cloud or Nanaki had already engaged Sephiroth Reno moved first into the Shinra HQ to see if his friends were still alive...
After getting awoke by the landing of the chopper he walk to the outskirts to meet them
"oh great its only reno"
he turns around and starts walking back to the train graveyard but on the way he changes his mind and decides to go to the shinra building instead. he runs towards the shinra building...
when he arrives he runs up the stairs heading for the floor of the research laboritory, when he arrives he notices a researcher and decides to watch him. (what is he doing?) the reasercher wandered from project to project until he stopped at a test tube that had a strand of hair in it, the hair was long and silver.
Researcher"hmmmm... with this strand of hair i will be able to clone the ultimate soldier Sephiroth and he will obey my every comand hahahahahahahaha"
Nanaki leaps out from behind the box he was hiding behind and shouts "i can't let you do that one sephiroth is bad enought" in a blind rage Nanaki casts his trusty fire2 spell killing the researcher and desintagrating the hair but the lab cought on fire (great now there will be loads of shinra guys commin to put out the fire)
nanaki runs out of the lab and back down the stairs to the exit, he leaves the shinra building and goes to the seventh heaven inn for a drink.
cloud approaches the noise and he sees 5 research specimens that must have escaped and a researcher was being terrorised so cloud ran at them and quickly dispatched them but after this they combined into one big specimen so cloud looked around for some kind of instrument and found a needle and without thinking he lunges it into the specimen and it rots away then the researcher thanks cloud and flees the building
There was a silence between the three that seemed to last forever. A silence that Cid could bare no longer. Instead of staying, staring into oblivion, he decided to part and head towards the Bronco.
With no one to save and no one else to protect, Cid could take the time to reflect on the events just passed. It had been an eventful day to say the least.

Once back, Cid expected to see the Bronco in ruins. It was just his luck that his expectation would be granted, but he was wrong. There it was, in all it's glory. The sight of the Bronco filled Cid with a feeling of warmth and happyness; although he felt guilty for feeling it.
He hopped in and placed his hands on the controls. Fond memories flooded back from his piloting days as a huge grin spead across his rough face.

No one knew the feeling of enjoyment and happyness around here any more. Even before today. It seemed as if happyness lay elsewhere for the residents of Nimbeheim, although it seemed as if certain people were reluctant to leave.
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