FFX-2 Love it or Hate it

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Temporarily re-designed. You're referring to the mainstream systems which stuck out more than the originals because they were shoved in our faces.

Referring back to the original design with X-2 was one of the few good things the game accomplished. I'm not keen on the three characters having the same stats, but the system works pretty well. The visuals for the change were great for some of the jobs, particularly Dark Knight and the 'special' dresspheres.
this is not sexist or nothing but having a female character as the leading role spoils the action basis of the game
Why I loved this game?

The thing I love to do the most in any Final Fantasy are side quests and this game seemed to be one large side quest expansion pack to the original. Also, I loved the fact that
Yuna gets Tidus back in the end
, she deserved a break. :)
Hey, speaking of yuna and tidus....i was only allowed to view the GOOD version.......did anyone see the PERFECT ending....if so, can someone spoil it for me...
Good Point Sapphire....Im a guy...and i like it when the girl takes a leading role, it reminds me of someone you look down on, then all of sudden, they are way more important than you......
I liked this game except for the fact that it didn't have anymore overdrives. I didn't really like the special job changes. I just used my dark knights and dominated everyone.
Dislike or Like?

Presonally I really didn't like FFX2 because it wasn't really my version of a decent final fantasy game not only that the actual gameplay wasn't that great either.
I'm responding anyway.

I disliked FFX-2. It didn't offer much. The story was lacking (for a Final Fantasy game), the sidequests were a bother, and I didn't dig that dress sphere garbage.
I merged this thread with an old thread that was basically members saying that they either liked it or disliked it. Thread has been renamed to FFX-2 Love it or Hate it, also it has been sticked. :neomon:
i like 10 better then 10-2. To me 10-2 was a game more for females then males.
I thought the gameplay was okay, but I HATED the story, Spira seemed to have lost its magic after this.
I hate it, it's the worst game I've ever played in my whole entire life. Characters - changed in a bad way. Spira - planet of weirdos, hovers - What the Hell?? Macalania - nooo! Blitzball - meh, Paine - cool, Leblanc - omfg, Shuyin&Lenne - some freaks that were connected to Tidus and Yuna somehow.

I give it 2/10 :oy:
Liked it, but still it's only a shadow of X. the character development was done wrong, Yuna and Rikku I expected would be more mature, despite their appearance.
i like the game. i love the job system. i really like games with job systems like ff:tactics and ff:3. of course, like everyone said, it will never compare to ff:X, but what the hell? its still a good game.
I nether loved or hated this game. There were some exceptionally cheesy parts though. The singing just made me cringe. I remember when I first put the game on and I got ''Y R P in position'' then the singing....I just thought dear god NO

On the whole it's quite enjoyable and quite a laid back game, it probably gets compared to the numbered series too much so it's seen as not serious/long enough etc but yeah, it's not great but then it's not crap either

I quite liked being able to chain my attacks and throw a cure in even though the battle had finished, saved my lazy arse from going into the menu and doing it that way :monster:

I liked the dress spheres aswel, the grids kinda confused me like...wll they confused me alot actualkly I still don't like them....

But meh, the games alright :neomon:
X-2 is exactly why I never wanna see another sequel to a FF game ever again.

I remembered the cheesy lines in the game, the first time I played it. And when I thought about it, the only reason why I bought it was because I liked FFX.

So I also thought that Yuna and Rikku would be more mature, then in FFX. Instead they seem to be both 14 years old. Yuna went from an airhead into a bimbo and Rikku was turned into a slut by appearance. Pain seemed mature, and somewhat normal.

It had its good part also (Few, but still).

The job system was back, and brought more fun to it. The fights was somewhat entertaining, and you got to see a more modern Spira. But the story was weak at best, and the others characters in it were easily forgotten.

This was the game that never begged to be made, which is kind of sad, as it had potential to be something better.
I loved X-2. I loved the whole job system! and all the missions always giving you a lil extra to do.
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