FFx-2 Ruined the series?

no male playable characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...so women have no business saving the world?

Yes, it wasn't the BEST FF ever. No, it definitely wasn't the worst. I liked the concept of three main female characters. I didn't necessarily love the J-pop angle they went with. (I didn't hate it either, but that's just me) So, if that's the girly-ness that's ticking some players off, I get that. If it's the fact that the main characters are female, what the heck?? They're GIRLS!!

I didn't have a problem with the dress spheres. They were simply changing their "Job" as they do in other FF's. So that argument can go out the window. Now the Grids - I wasn't in love with them. But I loved the fact that after you beat the game, you could restart with what you had.
Some of you are using girliness and female characters as the reason why the game is bad! You sexist bunch of pigs, time to open your eyes and see that there can be strong lead female characters, HELLO? Lara Croft anyone? Are those games crappy because the lead character is a female?
Some of you are using girliness and female characters as the reason why the game is bad! You sexist bunch of pigs, time to open your eyes and see that there can be strong lead female characters
Well to tell you the truth......who is the person who saved the world in ff 10? Why it was Yuna.......just like she saved the world in ff x-2 with her friends.........so yeah there are many games out there with strong female lead characters, and Yuna was one of the best....Wild arms 3 also had a lead female character who was a gunslinger and that game ended up awesome so i have no quarrels with a female being the lead character.

Not really, i think ffx-2 is more for an older crowd type of game as their seems to be a lot of reminising which i dont think a lot of younger gamers would care to go through...but older gamers who have been through more life such as i have can relate to these characters and their looking back period, which is why i loved ffx-2 personally.
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Its not the fact that the 3 lead characters are Girls which make it bad,what makes it bad is god awful characters them 3 are for instance,things they say :

Yuna: Oh, poopie!
Rikku: Yuna! Don't talk like that!
Yuna: I'm just copying you!

Horrible dialouge!,it completely destorys yunas character too,it makes her seem weak and dependant.ugh + people like that piss me off.

Things they do...i felt most of the game was a waste of time,the prpoer ending is the only thign worth while

as for the gameplay i hated the way you change clothes during battle it was just tedious + i rarely did it i kept Warrior on most the time and attacked.

The game doesnt last long sure you can do all them sidequests but to be honest i didnt really want to i didnt enjoy the game much at all.

As for the game Ruining the series.No, the other FF games are deffinatly still playable,even FFX but its deffinatly a downhill moment not that its risen FFXII was a struggle of dullness to play i liked the ending battles though it doesnt make up for 80 hours of a dull game.

I plan to get a DS now for FFIII and see how thats gone. (and becuase of the news theres going to be FFIV on there aswell)
...so women have no business saving the world?

Yes, it wasn't the BEST FF ever. No, it definitely wasn't the worst. I liked the concept of three main female characters. I didn't necessarily love the J-pop angle they went with. (I didn't hate it either, but that's just me) So, if that's the girly-ness that's ticking some players off, I get that. If it's the fact that the main characters are female, what the heck?? They're GIRLS!!

I didn't have a problem with the dress spheres. They were simply changing their "Job" as they do in other FF's. So that argument can go out the window. Now the Grids - I wasn't in love with them. But I loved the fact that after you beat the game, you could restart with what you had.

what i meant is that the game had no action part and to achieve that with a female character is difficult and was obviusly not achieved in x2

if you have a male character there is more fun to be had i have no problem with a female lead character it is just when all the males are incompetent and the females are running the show and dressing like tarts it makes the game really boring (unless you are into that kind of thing or are female)in my opinion
I love my bitches but it did get a little old...with the random costumes and all.

I can understand how people can't connect with the game as much as the others. The girls can be a little thick at times. Paine has the most resonance as a character, hence my username.

But you can't blame average boys that fail to see the reason of this game. As it's a FF series, it'll never be a flop for me.
i usually like ff games but this was a let-down even by ff standards and my own i dont see what square were hoping to accomplish with this game but it clearly wasnt a bestseller
i personally didnt like the game but i dont really regard it as part of the series its kinda like an add on to me the original ff10 was good i left it at that.
didnt like the fact youd seen almost everything before .. not really anynew places to explore and theres not much depth to it, seemed kinda childish
Well making a comment like that you are truely blind.just becuase it has the FF name doesnt make it a good game.take FFVII: DoC for another example.

But i said it wasn't a 'Flop', like it didn't completly kill me. My experiences with FF haven't yet left me dissappointed, maybe i'm just easy to please but that's me.

DoC...you mean Dirge? Well i only played that for 30 minutes and i hardly bothered with it so i wont comment.
well thats not what you said but now youve said you like the game for being the game and not just a apart of the series so it must be good fair enough ,as for DoC it was the story which i hated much more than the gameplay it was horribly put together,i found the gameplay tolerable
It did not "ruin" the FF genre. It did put a dent in it though. Now people will think twice about an FF game. I liked how they tried with their first sequel and everything, but the effort could've been much better.

Having more characters to choose from could be a start. heh. I loved the battle system.
....... I really don't know how to respond to this thread.... I really liked the game and I loved the way it ended!!! (that is, if you got 100% completion)...... that's one thing that I hated about it though!!!! the completion!!!! Another thing that I didn't like about the game is that it wasn't challenging like final fantasy games should be....... Other than that ....... I didn't really like having the garmet grids but I thought that it was a good change of pace for final fantasy, other than traditional find your weapons learn your abilities type.

Mostly I just played it for the story..... and I like what they did with it.
FFX-2 was a realy realy bad remake of X and the story made almost no sence at all.

How on earth is it a remake? Did you see Tidus donning hot pants and pistols in the previous game? Did you see the job changing battlesystem? No, so how is this a remake? Its a sequel. And if X2 made no sense to you, how the heck did X?
This game DID let the series down. Many people didn't buy the whole Charlie's Angels type story. It was a rip-off if you ask me...
Even FFVII: DoC isn't as bad as FFTA, FFX-2 was just different that's all, SE said they wanted to try something new, something they've never done before, did it ruin the series? hell no! there are way worse FF games than this...