FFx-2 Ruined the series?

SE said they wanted to try something new, something they've never done before, did it ruin the series? hell no! there are way worse FF games than this...

Thank you! I personally think some of you just dislike it due to the lack of male playable characters.
I thought teh battle system was pretty decent, and teh job system could have had a little more depth to it, But im a big fan of ff5's job system. Overall the game wasn't that bad, definately not teh best FF, but i would say that its better then ff2.
haha yeah this game is incredibely corny and a waste of a project. if it could ruin anything it would have been just X and not the whole series, just because instead of people thinking how good X was they'd jsut think about how bad X-2 was. but its all good for me cause i still like X and despise X-2. but i did like its optional ending...the one where tidus swims out of the water and yuna and the crew land their airship and tidus and yuna are reunited.
I think Square-Enix made this game to try and branch out the Final Fantasy audience to more female players. I think it actually did accomplish its goal, as I have seen an increase in interest from people you would never expect to play Final Fantasy. I don't have any legitimate source for this, it's just an idea.
Personally in my opinion this game ruined the series and for gd news there making a spin off game off x-2.... NOT

Ok this game is so bad that ea helped them make it.... EA cannot make anything! all they have gave us is football games *yawn* and the sims :/

Now this game has gotten people calling ppl who play the series f*gs and so on...

First off all Its to girly and secound of all they ruined a perfectly good game with a gd ending...


Here's a point-by-point breakdown for ya...

Okay, to the first point...X-2 ruined the series. If you think that one game you don't like can do that YOU TAKE YOUR FINAL FANTASY WAAAAY TOO SERIOUSLY.

As for EA's part, if I remember correctly, they didn't have anything to do with the development, but rather North American distribution. Settle down.

Well, are you a f*g???

So they ruined a game with a perfectly good ending. Yeah, I remember when the Square-Enix honchos showed up at my door and shoved a gun in my face saying they'd shoot me if I didn't buy the game...

The Fall of Final Fantasy:giggle:. See Point # 1.
I think Square-Enix made this game to try and branch out the Final Fantasy audience to more female players. I think it actually did accomplish its goal, as I have seen an increase in interest from people you would never expect to play Final Fantasy. I don't have any legitimate source for this, it's just an idea.
I'm a female player & this game bores me to tears. I can't get past the silliness of it all.
I enjoyed playing through FFX-2 more than FF12. What I really liked about X and X-2 were that the characters had great interaction with one another. Final Fantasy 12 had the better world but I found majority of the characters to be stagnant and flat. (Not all of them)

Yuna and company at least had varied interaction with one another.
Overall, I thought it was a good game. It wasn't a masterpiece by any means but it was fun to go through once.
Didnt ruin FFX but it made me hate Yuna and the game just seems stupid, slutty.

The gameplay was great but i just hated the yuna, paine and rikku in it. :)
myself, ehh i found it ok. I mean it had a good concept to it the dress sphere and battle system were intresting. Lack of playable character dissapointed me, i was ok with it only being 3 females but still the lack of characters was a let down. It would have been nice of Kimaraii or Wakka could have joined you briefly for the Besiad or Mt.Gagazett missions. Story was good but it could have been better, was nice for yuna remembering but how they went about it with Shyuin and Lenne, it should have been expanded more instead of so narrow. All in all decent game could have been better, but it didnt ruin FF at all was just a slight diapointment.
I don't think that FFX-2 ruined it. I don't think it it need to be made, I see no piont in it. I liked it, but I didn't like the fact that they looked like sluts.

But in all it was okay
Personally, I loved the fact that they all looked like sluts! (Except for Paine... ugh... sorry slightly vomited)

Just started X-2 having finished X. I HATE the combat system, basically I seem to just keep hitting x as everything seems to be hapening at once, would it have killed them to just have a normal ATB system? NO.

I like it though, I never rated X in my top 5 anyway so it could hardly spoil anything. I loved seeing Yuna in the Moogle suit.... so cute.

So yeah, it's fun. Not to be compared with X, its an 'optional' extra, which I like.
the combat system wasnt really that great and i didnt like the dresssphere system. also why they got rid of the traditional victory theme i do not know.
i personally thought it was ok, yeah final fantasy 10 was a wicked game and there was no way any game could beat ffx but i personally thought it was gud and i liked it. I dont understand why people keep slating it.
FFX had already ruined the series. FFX-2 was trying to become a savior. Didn't work. I like both FFX and X-2, but they just didn't save the series.
I never finished playing X-2 because I got bored of it, I don't think the game really ruined the series though. It's not great but I don't believe it is the worst either. A lot of people say II was the worst in the series, I wouldn't know that though, never played it. X-2 should not have been made overall though because I always thought FFX ended perfectly.
OK, its a little later down the line and I hate to admit this but I gave up, oh my god how tedious it got! I have changed my earlier first impressions. It shall collect dust on my shelf as part of the FF series but no way will I ever, ever play it again, terrible.
This game did not ruin the series. I'd rather put it down to FFXI to ruining the series because you have to pay monthly for a damn character, which is why I never bought it. I found FFX-2 not the best game, but certainly not the worst either.