FFx-2 Ruined the series?

You could say that FFX-2 was the turning point in FF...I mean FFXI was released immediately after, as well as FFXII which has accumulated a lot of controversy...

I think that FFX-2 did more or less a better job of obliterating the perfect finale of FFX.
I just felt that FFX couldn't end like that because the ending was partly sad and all Final Fantasises are supposed to be happy, right? That's why I was happy with FFX-2 being released and I felt because it did have a happy ending, it didn't ruin the series. And FFXI looks like it isn't the same as the other games, but I won't delve into that topic since I never bought it and never will as long as I pay monthly for it over the internet.
Difficult isn't it Rhea? As I didn't feel very much emotional attachment to X I judged X-2 as a game rather than a story, (which IMHO the is what FF is all about, the story) as a game, it was rubbish.

A lot of people argue that the VII spin-offs have ruined the game, I feel strongly opposed to them.

At the end of the day we take our fondness of the games with us. FFX-2 was rubbish but that doesnt spoil X for me.

By the way, nice Moogle.
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<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt"><FONT face=Calibri color=#000000 size=3>You should play it. I remember when I first played, oh how I was disappointed. I wonder if there is a thread addressing whether there should be an ffx-3</FONT></P>
No, I don’t think it ruined the series at all…

You either liked or disliked this game as a whole, but to say it ruined the entire series as a whole is a bit extreme… Personally, I enjoyed it… it’s not one of my favorites, but it’s still a decent sequel and game, in my opinion.
it didn't ruin th ff series, not at all.
it's just, a load of crap to buy time till 11 >_>
the only thing it really did was offer back story for the people that wanted to know what happened after x.
it wasn't that bad of a game by itself, i only really hated two things about it, too many stupid minigames, and pain, i hate pain, i hate her and want to see her die, in fact i tend to kill her off every other battle...
>_> but that's just me ^_^
I wouldn't go as far as to say that it ruined the series. I can enjoy still the other games. One FF game can't kill the entire franchise especially a sequel. ;) XI does however, kind of mess up the numbering system.

Maybe it did ruin X, although I just pretend that this game doesn't even exist.