FFXII is the worst FF made


Apr 17, 2007
Basically I think FFXII sucks the most. It has a pretty weak story line and its gameplay is extremely similar to that of Monster Hunt 2. The cut scenes are pretty weak. It's been a battle to stay interested unlike other FF. Considering when I passed FF VIII I virtually didn't sleep for 2 weeks until it was clocked. Squaresoft is better then that.
The worst? Not by a long shot. Granted, it may not be as appealing as some of the others, but it's by no means 'bad.' Just because something is excessively different doesn't mean it's an utter failure of a game. It fits in with the series as a whole quite nicely, I think.

Besides, X-2 is ridiculously bad in comparison to XII. VIII follows too.
Lol..get lost somewhere? Not in the right section, love. Also, if you want to complain about XII, go do it in one of the other threads that exists.

It's not the worst, it's not a failure. No FF is really.
completely disagree with ya kylelehman... you just have to know how to use the battle system thats all... FFX12, i cannot stress enough is great... and whats the deal with people saying FFXII doesnt deserve to be called final fantasy. It was made by the people who made or are associated with Final Fantsy and if they say its final fantasy, then its final fantasy...

in a nutshell FFXII is great
let him be, he just can`t eat the fact that this title is pretty different than the others ff's, in every way ;D
hmmm.. you seem to be pretty harsh. i cant really say too much bc i havent played it, but it was the next FF on my list. i heard 12 was good, adn the worst as X-2. so you just thught it was boring? compare it to another bad game so i can see just how bad you think it is
Worst? I dunno, need to play some of the older ones before I could make that judgement. Definitely nowhere near the top in my list. All I can say is for me it has lost that Final Fantasy feeling that I get when I play the others. Also, FFX-2 is probably with the worst aswell as DoC but they wouldn't be on my list because as I've said somewhere else, I like to pretend any sequel/prequel never happened. :)
Basically I think FFXII sucks the most.

Lol well i think FFVIII Sucks the most.

It has a pretty weak story line

Actually its story is pretty complicated - you've just gotta be able to understand it to get it i think - i <3 the storyline.

and its gameplay is extremely similar to that of Monster Hunt 2.

All games are similar somewhere - FF and a lot of other RPG games use an ATB like battle system.

The cut scenes are pretty weak. It's been a battle to stay interested unlike other FF. Considering when I passed FF VIII I virtually didn't sleep for 2 weeks until it was clocked. Squaresoft is better then that.

:O the cutscenes where fabulous. FFXII kept me hooked - i just wanted to see what happened next and whether Fran was going to speak or not XD

If your trying to compare this game to FFVIII then i have to say that FFVIII loses in every aspect. FFXII is one of the greatest FFs ever made - just because its a little different doesnt make it crap XD
I don't know why so many people hate this game. It was great. I wouldn't say it had a deep story line but it did hold up well with the other FFs. And the battle system is just awesome.
Lol well i think FFVIII Sucks the most.

it's normal since every - um...how to say it .. well can`t find a non-ofensive word ._. - person who is a big fan of ffVII doesn´t love ff VIII.

it's because it shows clearly the love between the two main characters of the game? instead VII who puts Aeris with an idiot for boyfriend instead of Cloud ( well, another idiot. )... so you just have to guess there is a love bond between Aeris and Cloud at least? could be.


FFXII was so fun how could you say you dont like it. I do admit it wasn't the best but come on the graphixs were amazing the battle system gave a new depth and the range of weapons was unbeleviable
Man These Game Isnt Bad It Pretty Good If U Ask Me I Like How The Summons Fight With U And U Can Learn Everything At The Start Of The Game
When you all bought it did you buy the big hardback guide as well it is so cool it looks like an old tome
HOW could you not like FFXII? it's the 2 best game that I had ever play on my PS2
it's normal since every - um...how to say it .. well can`t find a non-ofensive word ._. - person who is a big fan of ffVII doesn´t love ff VIII.

Erm not true - i know people who adore both games - Mitsuki and BeiBei are examples.

And since we're stereotyping here most FFVIII fans Adore FFXII.

it's because it shows clearly the love between the two main characters of the game? instead VII who puts Aeris with an idiot for boyfriend instead of Cloud ( well, another idiot. )... so you just have to guess there is a love bond between Aeris and Cloud at least? could be.

LMAO! God no - I LIKE the fact that CloudxAerith and cloudxTifa are more subtle than squall and rinoa - they were just BAM! in your face.

Plus idiot boyfriend? Um hello? Rinoa got stuck with Squall XD

Thats another reason why i prefer XII to VIII - its alot more subtle and quite in its storyline and plot twists - while VIII was just in your face XD and in XII there IS alove story -you just gotta look hard enough ;) it doesnt distract from the main plot like FFVIII's did.

also License system > junction system



maybe i should make a thread called FFVIII or FFXII :lol:
People keep commenting on how awsome the battle system is, what system, where. The character individualism is gone, how does one seperate the characters apart, especially when the only moves that seperate the characters is their charge abilities which suck when compared to the Trinity moves in FFIX or any other FF where the characters had there own individual abilities. I will admit walking around being able to see the monsters is better then just running into an invisible creature, but if anyone has played summoner 1 on PS2 will tell U they did it allot better. They had chain attacks, individual moves and combinations, the ability to summon kick ass creatures and to roam free as well.
People play to FF to get lost in the story line and un-wrap the mystery behind the game and wait for the moment in the game when the plot twist and turns, not some linear piece of poo (to put it nicely) which I could get my younger brother (whose retarded) to write up. To those who say FFX2 was crap, well what do u expect from a sequal.


The Characters also didn't change clothes when u swapped in between armours.
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I loved FFXII. I liked the storyline, I liked the characters, I liked the fact you could see the enemies before you fought them, and I could go on.

Only thing I agree with is the FMV discussion. The ending FMV's were beautiful, and there were a few in the middle that I really enjoyed. But for the most part I wasn't impressed on some of the things they chose to be in full blown FMV. Vayne's speech was important, but it wasn't something that needed to be that visually impressive. Same thing with choice to make the FMV of when you first get to the sandsea, I found that un-needed as well. Two examples of what I believe to be strange choices for FMV's, and it did irritate me. The music too I found extremely boring, with the exception of Eruyt Village's theme, and 'Kiss Me Goodbye'.

But other than that, I loved it. Bland music and strange FMV choices aren't enough for me to hate it. In fact FFXII is my 3rd favorite FF (behind FFVII & IX respectively). I was glad it was so different from the other FF's cause it surprised me and took me off guard.