FFXII is the worst FF made

^ I'm sorry, but that's an outrageous statement to make. A good FF fan is one who appreciates most games, and sees flaws and pros.

I would actually change my opinion and agree with you more. Whenever people say that a game is the best ever in something despite it being about average to me makes me dislike it even more. That is why I probably don't like this game, FFX and even non FF games like Halo although my comment was stupid.
this personally was one of my least favourite final fantasy games but.........at the end of the day sum adore it others dont. we all like different final fantasies for different reasons. so it duznt matter if i dislike it cuz thers others oot there who love it soo...
well as long as you realise, then it's all good.

Well, quite simply, everyone has there own opinion, some people dont like this game and some do. Thats it. We should just leave it at that.
Julia, are you saying that a true fan or FF ( or it could be something else ) is one that can see the good and bad stuff of it... but it seems that if someone mentions some bad stuff about the old man Ghis, you get pretty angry =x
Julia, are you saying that a true fan or FF ( or it could be something else ) is one that can see the good and bad stuff of it... but it seems that if someone mentions some bad stuff about the old man Ghis, you get pretty angry =x

Because half the time people don't give a half decent explanation or opinion as to why he sucks. =[ It's like..I have hardly seen anyone anywhere say why they think Ghis is the worst judge and such.
I can see where the guys coming from i frankly traded mine in for bf2142 :s thts not saying i wont be buying it again ... i have to admit its a bit of a dissapointment as its too repetitve ( like kh2 ) i think square enix is going to get worse after such title dissapointments eg dirge of cerberus... gd news for all you is tht if this does happen they will be forced to release a Final fantasy 7 remake :D
Basically I think FFXII sucks the most. It has a pretty weak story line and its gameplay is extremely similar to that of Monster Hunt 2. The cut scenes are pretty weak. It's been a battle to stay interested unlike other FF. Considering when I passed FF VIII I virtually didn't sleep for 2 weeks until it was clocked. Squaresoft is better then that.

I was disappointed with the character interaction/development in this game, but I still loved it. As for the story, I though it was great, However it left a lot to be desired, like the Occuria, certain cultures and histories of some of the people and races are some examples without going into to many details or spoilers.

As for the the cut scenes, I have no real complaints except that I wish most where rendered as ture FMV's.

In short, great game, good story that does have it flaws, but I still loved it.
i think square enix is going to get worse after such title dissapointments
lol I agree that Dirge wasn't exactly what you'd call a fantastic game (understatement, I know), but I don't think Square would consider FFXII a disappointment by any means. There are plenty of people that love FFXII (myself included), and god knows how many good reviews there have been.
I can see where the guys coming from i frankly traded mine in for bf2142 :s thts not saying i wont be buying it again ... i have to admit its a bit of a dissapointment as its too repetitve ( like kh2 ) i think square enix is going to get worse after such title dissapointments eg dirge of cerberus... gd news for all you is tht if this does happen they will be forced to release a Final fantasy 7 remake :D

lol, be forced to release a FFVII remake? They won't. They're doing quite well with the new games so..
Not the worst

yeah I would not say it's the best FF but it can't be the worst i am only part way through playing it and I think it's got good&bad point's depending on your personal opinion.
Sure the Storyline is not very good with very few plot twists and elements but I have to say this game had some major sparks that made me keep playing
Omg how can you say that if you do not like this you are not a final fantasy fan... tbh this game was a let down with its crppy battle and repetitiveness , the music was annoying as Hell and i cant stand tht star wars crap ... Now the best final fantasy is 7 everyone knows that i would say this is better thn fft and ffx-2 but comon dont be talkin crp
I honestly think, cause it isn't like VII, or a clone of every other FF game everyone instantly think it fails.

All the children want to be spoon fed the same things over and over.
the music was annoying as Hell
Annoying? I've heard quite a few complaints against the 12 soundtrack and to be honest I can understand some of them, Uematsu's style was something they'd become used to and for it to no longer be there may be seen as a downer. But annoying? If anything the soundtrack for this game serves it purpose much better as background music than previous' games scores. It plays away in the background without being intrusive, it's a bit surprising to hear someone call it annoying.
I honestly think, cause it isn't like VII, or a clone of every other FF game everyone instantly think it fails.

All the children want to be spoon fed the same things over and over.
I'm quoting this for truth.

I liked the magic graphics, though.
Omg how can you say that if you do not like this you are not a final fantasy fan... tbh this game was a let down with its crppy battle and repetitiveness , the music was annoying as Hell and i cant stand tht star wars crap ... Now the best final fantasy is 7 everyone knows that i would say this is better thn fft and ffx-2 but comon dont be talkin crp

FFVII is not the best FF for everyone. Alright? I know I can be forceful in what I say, but I don't go around saying everyone should know XII is the best. I don't think I do anyway.
I honestly don't see how anyone can say this is the worst gave ever. If you are saying this, my best guess is that you can't stand the game for one of the two reasons below:

1. Characters. They did not have enough "explanation". You go through thge whole game and all you find out about Penelo is that she was orphaned after her parents died in the war 2 years ago. You see no real backstory for any of them except for some on Basch, Balthier, and Ashe, but the other 3 are sort of Twighlight Zone characters.

2. The story was too mature for your understanding. It's not a dry plot-line; it's an advanced one. It's not a "someone bad tries to blow up de planet" sorta deal...it's much more involved. It includes so many outside and inside influences from the Judges/Senate, to the occuria, to the Kings of the past, to the Espers who revolted against the Occuria. Then it all encompasses for a while around the Sun-Cryst as things start to come into the light.

It's a mature game in the sense that you need to actually think about the plot in order to attempt to fully comprehend it. If you are basing the game solely on it's soundtrack as someone previously stated, I pity your lack of horrible discretionary judgment on good games in the long-run.
I think some of the major let downs in FF XII was the lack of variety 1 Vieri and a few humes there was a slight racial discrimination if you ask me i mean all the different races the world had and they didnt include any of them in the party it was just sad i would have liked to see variety even a moogle for god sakes that would have made me happy just something to spice it up a bit the storyline i thought was rather interesting but the depth of the characters was very shabby and dull they could have had more background and potential excitement about them but it was just second grade stuff but saying that i really enjoyed the battle sequence it was one of the best i have played. But i did wait for a very long time the last FF i played before XII was X2 and that was ages ago so i was deprived of FF for a long time