FFXII is the worst FF made

Okay, I do understand what your saying and because the characters and story were'nt really great it doesn't feel much like a trye FF (I have said this before). The story to me doesn't feel like a story you would find in any FF in fact; and the characters didn't help with the lack of depth or much personality (plus there over use of formailities, which was just like mad). It wasn't a whole-hearted FF and was more half-hearted, a side-story before the next big thing. Although it was a quite a meaty experience that had loads to see and do (I didn't get that from X-2). It was a bit more like a full game under the mythology (or watever) of tactics. If you get my meaning, lol.
Okay, I do understand what your saying and because the characters and story were'nt really great it doesn't feel much like a trye FF (I have said this before). The story to me doesn't feel like a story you would find in any FF in fact; and the characters didn't help with the lack of depth or much personality (plus there over use of formailities, which was just like mad). It wasn't a whole-hearted FF and was more half-hearted, a side-story before the next big thing. Although it was a quite a meaty experience that had loads to see and do (I didn't get that from X-2). It was a bit more like a full game under the mythology (or watever) of tactics. If you get my meaning, lol.
Exactly... I don't even get what the creator of Tactics is doing... He's not making any of his Ivalice stories merge AT ALL. If that sort of depth came into play, I'd say all the Ivalice games deserve recognition in the main series as a single game. However, the lack of connections in the Ivalice continuity is too large to connect any of the 'Ivalice' Worlds. In one, it's this entirely medieval setting taking place during a 'Lion War', in another, it's a child's Dreamworld, and finally, it's yet another Semi-medieval setting with Airships, Guns, and Obviously more advanced technology. NONE of which worlds have references to characters in the other Ivalice worlds.
The story wouldn't fit in an FF? How so? It has the elements of a Final Fantasy story. So, it's a little bit different. Doesn't mean that it should not belong in a FF game.

If anything, it has the elements necessary - a wide range of different characters with different personalities, an epic storyline, where you take on a mighty Empire to restore the Princess' homeland, and you get to take on interesting villains/mini villains/tragic characters along the way. You meet important characters along the way, they join you for a while etc.
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Exactly... I don't even get what the creator of Tactics is doing... He's not making any of his Ivalice stories merge AT ALL. If that sort of depth came into play, I'd say all the Ivalice games deserve recognition in the main series as a single game. However, the lack of connections in the Ivalice continuity is too large to connect any of the 'Ivalice' Worlds. In one, it's this entirely medieval setting taking place during a 'Lion War', in another, it's a child's Dreamworld, and finally, it's yet another Semi-medieval setting with Airships, Guns, and Obviously more advanced technology. NONE of which worlds have references to characters in the other Ivalice worlds.

The only connections I know of are the Espers. Montblanc and Nono as they where in FFTA and I have read that Balthier has a big role in FFT:TLW.
Yer, it has elements of FF; but I don't think you can stick a few elements of FF and then say it is a story you'd find in FF. It had the bare minimun of Final Fantasy in the story. It was more like SE's twist on the Lord of the Rings. It lacks that something that propels you into the experience. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like I disliked the story, it's nice and epic. However, it just seemed like something from another game dipped with a little FF flavour. I don't know if I'm explaining myself right but it just seems that it wasn't recognisable. I did end up putting it down for a over a month, tat's saying something isn't it. I'm an undying FF fan and I just didn't feel the vibe from the this story.
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The story wouldn't fit in an FF? How so? It has the elements of a Final Fantasy story. So, it's a little bit different. Doesn't mean that it should not belong in a FF game.
I'm not saying it shouldn't be an FF. I'm saying not enough detail was put into it, in my opinion to merit it being a numbered title. As I said with the Ivaclice games in general, if they merely made a game that tied all the Ivalice worlds together, I would consider all titles together combined into a collection and titled as one game as being a fair method of placing it in the main series (though who'd have the patience to play ALL the Ivalice games as a single title?).
I was kinda referring to the other guy posting, sorry I didn't make that clearer XD

Eh, we all see differently in the end :/ I'm a diehard fan of course, however, some stories, like VII's feel a bit heavy, kinda drags what with the dialogue sometimes, where in XII I feel a bit more freedom - I have the necessary dialogue to listen to, and I have more time to play instead of getting bored while watching cutscenes. :)
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i say only worse thing in the FFXII is the story. everything else is good example the marks its best to search the marks and kill them and also the sidequests it's my heaven to do them i love them. and the ADB is good for a change cuz sometimes i got bored about breaking glasses and pow! you are in some kind of "battle arena". The bosses are also one bad thing in the game they are no challenge at all : (.

Licence Board and Gambits are very good cuz now you have to buy licence's for the weapons, magik's and armors so you could use them. Gambits are nice and you dont have to worry much about what your companions are doing in the fight
i thought the license board was absolutely horrible. it limits the skill development of your characters so much, i don't think its even possible to get 9999 hp. plus its not hard at all to get to level 99 and finish the license board, so after a certain point you cant even build your characters up anymore. and gambits were stupid because i like to be able to be in control of all my party members not just one. and sometimes the gambits didnt even work.
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But you did control your characters, you gave them moves, and if you didn't use Gambits, and were in the middle of executing a wrong move, you could always cancel it and get your character to do something else.
i thought the license board was absolutely horrible. it limits the skill development of your characters so much, i don't think its even possible to get 9999 hp. plus its not hard at all to get to level 99 and finish the license board, so after a certain point you cant even build your characters up anymore. and gambits were stupid because i like to be able to be in control of all my party members not just one. and sometimes the gambits didnt even work.
The liscense board was alright... but what I hated was, your characters weren't very original. They all used the same board. And, if you find one awesome thing, of course you'd rather get it on the next charaqcter rather than have them search for another awesome ability and possibly never find it. Because of the liscense board, despite the weapons/armors your characters fit personality-wise, they could all have the same abilities, which, once again, doesn't help characterization at all if they can't even keep a solid role in the team.

Also, the liscense board was stupid... You need liscense points to know how to wear a freaking HAT?!? God you game-people are stupid... *face-palms*
i thought the license board was absolutely horrible. it limits the skill development of your characters so much, i don't think its even possible to get 9999 hp. plus its not hard at all to get to level 99 and finish the license board, so after a certain point you cant even build your characters up anymore. and gambits were stupid because i like to be able to be in control of all my party members not just one. and sometimes the gambits didnt even work.

I didn't mind the License Board; the only thing I didn't like is that it was over far too quickly and that it wasn't as expansive as the Sphere Grid. In regards to character control, you could control all characters if you so wish; it's your choice if you chose to control them all or just one (or any in fact). I think this diversity was brilliant not stupid. True, the gambits didn't always work but it's because of adapting enemies or situations during battle which I thought made it more better because we want to be kept on our toes, right? I think it's so that people don't become so reliant on them otherwise you wouldn't feel that urgeny and such.
Probably not related to the subject at hand but but in response to Lupinevoid...

After playing the game for the 3rd time, on my Penelo-Solo file I realized just how useful having High Magic Power could be, far more reliable than Strength Indeed. All thanks to Level 2/3 Magic Spells with Golden Staff equipped I was able to take out many annoying bosses (like Ahriman) on my own, and the damage far surpasses that of any weapon you could currently have in the game at that time. Especially since every enemy in this game has an elemental weakness.

What I am saying is that I came to realize this too late, there is diversity in the License Board you just gotta be smart on how well you utilize it - and I did use spells in my original game just when I thought it was really necessary. All I know is that battles that were extremely bothersome in the past could have been done with ease if I had made at least one of my characters rely entirely on magic. Because weapons that came with elements weren't getting the job done all the time (for example that dagger you get early in the game with wind element, forgot the name of it. Proved useless against Elder Wyrm in a party of 3, yet when I fought him on my Penelo-Solo file he took 2x-3x more damage from raw Aero element so I hadn't suffered the effects of his overdrive that much.

Orichalcon said:
it limits the skill development of your characters so much, i don't think its even possible to get 9999 hp. plus its not hard at all to get to level 99 and finish the license board

Leveling up doesn't contribute much to your character, it just slightly raises your HP (to a pathetic amount, but the overall accumulation is "alright"). Either way your character truly develops by the equipment they wear, and the best armors in the game aren't so easily obtained (same goes for the weapons) you can take my word for it.

It limits development, and so does every other Final Fantasy game. It's possible to exceed 9999hp depending on your equipment. Normally, the max is somewhere between 4500-6000hp depending on the armor given to your character, if your characters HP is maxed above 5000, all you need to do is cast Bubble Spell or equip a bubble belt (I prefer the spell over the belt as there are some useful accessories). After casting bubble your HP will exceed to (at most)10000-13000hp. It won't show it unless you target yourself.

Orichalcon said:
and sometimes the gambits didnt even work.

If equipped properly, gambits never fail.

I like this game cause its really challenging at times and one thing I always loved about the FF games were side-bosses (and this game dedicates "Hunts" to them, kind of like the Monster Arena from FFX, Hunts;a feat I hope is implemented in a future FF game).
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Ω Xenogias Ω;159693 said:
If equipped properly, gambits never fail.

I like this game cause its really challenging at times and one thing I always loved about the FF games were side-bosses (and this game dedicates "Hunts" to them, kind of like the Monster Arena from FFX, Hunts;a feat I hope is implemented in a future FF game).

Some times they can fail for no reason. Once I was being chased so I zoned and healed at the save point. Soon as I zoned back into the area I was being chased, I was ready to attack him but he was running back to his spot so I quickly set attack on him and both of my other 2 characters had the "attack party leaders target" gambit on. Now while I was running after him, another enemy appeared right next to me so I changed my target to him but my other 2 characters just stopped and I got the messaged "Balthiers target is too far away" despite the target being right next to him. I then realized that despite him standing there (and the same for Ashe), he was still trying to target the previous enemy even though I changed my target. Vaan is getting his ass kicked while the other 2 stand there and don't help.

I didn't see anything that I did wrong that I haven't done throughout the game and no reason for them to NOT attack "party leaders target" as that was the gambit they had on.