FFXII is the worst FF made

Does it seem as if there's not a lot of good things making it a ff, or do you just think it a mistake the companies merging? :)
i kinda do think it is a mistake because the past few final fantasies that have been made on the ps2 just haven't been as good as the ones on the ps1. IMO :D dont yell at me rulia
I don't understand how people can call this even remotely close to as bad as ffx-2, all you have to do is watch the opening cut scenes of X-2 and you may actually burn your ps2. But the game can't compare to the likes of 7 or maybe even 8 but it does out do 9 and 10 and 6 and 2, so I think that this game is great considering all the other games are great. So a final fantasy game is way more fun in comparison to a great game of another genre, Like for example I would much rather play ff12 then I would play legend of dragoon, at the time I really loved l.o.d and thought it was great, but great changes over time and that's what makes final fantasy games so epic, its hard to call any of them horrible with the exception to a sequel final fantasy games (there all bad.)
I will only say that I thought what 12 lacked compared to the other FF's (meaning VII, VIII, IX and X) is that the others had a better storyline and that the music was a lot more memorable. Indeed while the storyline has made me stop playing the game at regular intervals (I aint gonna lie) I do think that the cutscenes and overall feeling of an epic scenario was portrayed very nicely. This is a shame for me simply because the storyline (although wasn't bad) was just not a FF storyline. Voice acting was nice as was choreography. I also very much liked the battle system; and it was actually quite addictive just flowing from one enemy to the next (the best thing is it didn't feel like a senseless hack and slash affair for me).

XII wasn't by any means a bad game, but for me I was quite dissapointed because I didn't feel the overall package was a true, whole-hearted, FF experience.
I honestly don't think I can compare it to many of the others. Its very unique in its own way. I love what they did. Feels like real time turn based. I personally love teh battle system. The only thing i didn't like at first was teh licence system, but even that has grown on me.
It wasn't the greatest, but I know that I'm not going to miss thousands and thousands of random battles. That's probably why I kinda liked chrono tigger better than the other FF's on the SNES.
At the beginning I was very sceptical about it, but now I absolutely love it. I think the fact that the battle system has been completely changed worked against it to start, but it's quite refreshing now to have a change. It still has that FF element somehow. My only gripe is the lack of depth in certain characters and their stories.
Its not the worst FF game ever I would have to play some other ones to compare if its the worst. I would say X-2 was the worst one made. Before you say that this is the worst FF game ever, play the other ones first. >_<
I love this game ^_^
I love the storyline and the graphics are amazing. I like the new battle system over the original ones although it does have it's downsides.
The licence system ain't that great
Lack of cutscenes about vayne,judges,emperor and other important characters.
All the voices sound as though they are spoken through masks or something Danjuro very hard to get
FFXII is one of the best IMO.

I love the new gameplay. How can you not love no-loading screens for battles? Gambit system was clever as well. Not too sure about the License Board - that's the only fault with the gameplay I can find.

Storyline. Well, I liked the whole Archades invades, and Rozzaria and the main storyline. However I didn't like what the party did and their little adventure. I thought it was silly, a bit random, and a bit too spontaneous. Also it was very lacking in Character Development IMO, unless you can call what Ashe undergoes as Caharcter Developement.

I think what this FF is lacking, and this is something that really draws fans, is a "cult" character. VII is filled with them, VIII to an extent. IX has not as big fan favourites, but Freya receives quite a bit of attention, as does Beatrix. X has Auron and the others...so that is one area where I think if Square had created a really really likeable character, like a cult figure, it really would have brought up the popularity of this game.

For me, the battle system alone is enough to rank it near the top of FF games I've played, if not the top (never played FFVII).
I think what this FF is lacking, and this is something that really draws fans, is a "cult" character. VII is filled with them, VIII to an extent. IX has not as big fan favourites, but Freya receives quite a bit of attention, as does Beatrix. X has Auron and the others...so that is one area where I think if Square had created a really really likeable character, like a cult figure, it really would have brought up the popularity of this game.

I agree.

FFIV has Cecil and Kain. FFV has Galuf. FFVI has Locke and Celes. FFVII has Cloud, Vincent and Aeris (Although most are liked). FFVIII I would probably go with Squall and Rinoa. FFIX has Garnet, Vivi and Beatrix and finally FFX has Auron.

Balthier is probably the cult character but maybe not as much as previous FF characters. Basch is also probably a cult character because he is also liked aswell and could have easily have been the lead character instead of Vaan (Unlike Balthier who thinks he's the 'leading man'.) Anyway. They don't seem to stand out as much as other characters in the past have.
Balthier merely thinks he's the 'leading man' because he takes the group around and Doctor Cid is his
I think basch and ashe are the leading people
I think what I like most about FFXII was it's battle system for one, the architecture was amazing, the music, and costume design.

The Voice Actors were stunning, especially the Judge's voices, like Ghis' or Drace had a good voice too. Zargabaath was ok I guess, Gabranth was ok, Bergan was creepy but in a good way.

The costumes were pretty cool, but I think princess ashe needs a different skirt, one that isn't basically qualified to double as a belt...basch needs to stop wearing pot holders...and vayne is keeping a sword down that codpiece of his I just know it...and he has no toes? his boots are wierd.
The Voice Actors were stunning, especially the Judge's voices, like Ghis' or Drace had a good voice too. Zargabaath was ok I guess, Gabranth was ok, Bergan was creepy but in a good way.

That's a good point I missed. I loved the voices for all the Judges, especially Bergan's. Fran's was excellent as well. Only voice I hated was Vaan's, but I hate him in general.
That's a good point I missed. I loved the voices for all the Judges, especially Bergan's. Fran's was excellent as well. Only voice I hated was Vaan's, but I hate him in general.

Vaan reminds me of a friend in highschool, so I didn't mind his voice.

I disliked Larsa's and Vayne's.

Dr.Cid's Voice actor was awesomesauce, i just remembered him
Hmm...at first I wasn't too enthusiastic about FFXII, but I think I may give it another shot again soon. =]