FFXII is the worst FF made

when i first started playing XII, i freaked out a bit, cuz it was pretty different gameplay from the others. after giving it a chance though i was right into it. i love the story line and honestly, i find it hard to remember what life was like before gambits!

the only ff game i find really hard to be interested in and play is DoC and that's only cuz it's a FPS ... i suck at those. ^_^
the only ff game i find really hard to be interested in and play is DoC and that's only cuz it's a FPS ... i suck at those. ^_^

I played the first level and I got incredibly pissed off with that game. The main Final Fantasy series shouldn't go out of their genre. Although you still got like exp in that game, it was a terrible FPS.
the thing that was missing from this game was that ff feeling were all u ever want do is play it ! the others got you hooked , all the ones iv played 3,5,6,7,8,9 ff12 strayed too far from its rootes ! its a gd game nut just not a classic .
the thing that was missing from this game was that ff feeling were all u ever want do is play it ! the others got you hooked , all the ones iv played 3,5,6,7,8,9 ff12 strayed too far from its rootes ! its a gd game nut just not a classic .

How has it strayed too far from its roots?
It's not like you can't just go pop an oldschool game into your PS1, or SNES, or DS, or PSP or whatever they're on nowadays...

The old games do still exist...
I found this to be the most addicting FF I've played in a very long time. I beat the game in four days (not including the side quests) while the others took me months.
I cannot not believe you said that. It goes out of the box and you think its horrible. It is by far one of the hardest FF games I have played and one of the best.
completely disagree with ya kylelehman... you just have to know how to use the battle system thats all... FFX12, i cannot stress enough is great... and whats the deal with people saying FFXII doesnt deserve to be called final fantasy. It was made by the people who made or are associated with Final Fantsy and if they say its final fantasy, then its final fantasy...

in a nutshell FFXII is great

I know I'm a little late getting to this topic, but, oh well...
I have come to like FFXII. Not really as a Final Fantasy game... But as a game in general. What I'm saying is it's storyline is too weak, and it's characters are generally uninteresting to me with the exception of Vann, who's only interesting to me because he's like the way Tidus should've been done in X.

Overall. I admit it's a good game, and its battle system (though it seems like a rip-off of Star Wars Kotor to me) works very well and is easy to get used to. I am just one of those people who say, if the story and characters are weak, it shouldn't be a numbered Final Fantasy.

It's good, just not what I like to see in a FF title. However, I'd rather them have never made X at all. This game is pleasant enough for me to want to keep playing, at least...
When I first played this game I loved it; but then over time I started to grow less and less fond of it. The story wasn't reeling me in and I didn't feel much for the characters. It was a letdown and I stopped playing it...

But after a long break I've bit the bullet and began playing it once more and I'm actually enjoying it. The story and characters are still pretty weak in comparison to previous instalments but I'm enjoying the gameplay. The gameplay is the best in the series for me. Battles are addictive and the challenge makes it even more so. I've posted a lot of bad stuff but I'm here to say it's not bad at all, just not the best, or even in the same league as the others (except X-2, that was absolute shit!).

The only other stand out bad thing I can say is the Espers, they're just not helpful in the slightest. Enemies are so strong in this game that Espers don't last that long due to them killing the summoner or the Esper in a short amount of time. Pathetic really.
I am just one of those people who say, if the story and characters are weak, it shouldn't be a numbered Final Fantasy.

Doesn't matter if it is lacking in those areas, there's plenty of other things which more then make up for the weaknesses in order to make it an FF. Just me anywho, so..

The only other stand out bad thing I can say is the Espers, they're just not helpful in the slightest. Enemies are so strong in this game that Espers don't last that long due to them killing the summoner or the Esper in a short amount of time. Pathetic really.

Then again, they've not always been brilliant - look at FFVI, completely useless in battle, but at least you could learn magic off them. The good thing about Espers is that theres a lot of history behind them at least, a unique story. FFVIII's summons were probably the best out of the series.
Doesn't matter if it is lacking in those areas, there's plenty of other things which more then make up for the weaknesses in order to make it an FF. Just me anywho, so..
I never said it shouldn't be an FF at all. (That title, I reserve for X because I hate it with a passion) I'm just saying it should be side-story, rather than a new numbered installment. Like the dreaded X-2 (which I actually think is better than X merely for the absence of Tidus, not good, but it's Tidus-less. <3) was not really part of the main series but an offshoot of the supposed 'classic' game. They may as well have Called FFXII 'Final Fantasy: The Saga of Ivalice' Or something like that. I would appreciate it better if they would, that way I wouldn't feel ripped off if I get the game just to find out the story and characters aren't really up to par.
Why you hate X soooo much, it can't be because it had Tidus in it, can it? I mean break it down: it had the character development, a great story, beautiful world, great music and what I liked about this game (as in IX) the story did have a strong focus on the summons. I love it when the summons aren't just ancient beasts you summon during battle. It was definatley not worse than X-2, even if you didn't like Tidus that's way too extreme.

I agree, XII's characters and story are not up to par with the previous instalments, however the story is told in the best way any FF has told it before. Cut-scenes are amazing, voice acting is great and just the overall choreography was lovely (like watching an animation). There is still loads to see and do and there are many great side-quests. Locating and overcomming the hunts is great; and they should introduce something like it in future instalments. The world has a history and depth and there are many interesting characters and creatures you meet that do too. It's more than an ofshoot.
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Ok, slight misunderstanding there. Though it supposedly has it's connections to the Ivalice world, it's not like..a direct sequel/game from FFT. Or FFTA, I dunno. It's pretty much a newishy game, if you get me.

@LupineVoid this post is directed at..

BTW..so what if this person doesn't like X? Does it matter..?
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Why you hate X soooo much, it can't be because it had Tidus in it, can it? I mean break it down: it had the character development, a great story, beautiful world, great music and what I liked about this game (as in IX) the story did have a strong focus on the summons. I love it when the summons aren't just ancient beasts you summon during battle. It was definatley not worse than X-2, even if you didn't like Tidus that's way too extreme.
Except when you consider how much Tidus annoys me and you have to deal with him being there and putting his -2 cents in ALL THE TIME because he is the main character... And I played through the whole game of X, I bit the bullet to finish the thing hoping Tidus would develop into a better character, when all he did in the whole game was fall in love with Yuna and have a StarWars-esque battle against his father, while still annoying the crap out of me.
I have to agree with you Tidus was probably one of the most annoying character to grace a FF, lol. X would have been better off if he had developed more.
I have to agree with you Tidus was probably one of the most annoying character to grace a FF, lol. X would have been better off if he had developed more.
Exactly what I'm saying. X would have been a greater game if Tidus were more like Vann than how he turned out. And, if you read what I've said to this point, there's a contrast. The hero makes a great difference in my opinion of the game beyond all else. I like the main character, I'll most likely like the game. If I hate the main character, chances are my opinion of the game as a whole will be lax. because, after all, the main character is the one you have to follow all the way through to the end.
I never said it shouldn't be an FF at all. (That title, I reserve for X because I hate it with a passion) I'm just saying it should be side-story, rather than a new numbered installment. Like the dreaded X-2 (which I actually think is better than X merely for the absence of Tidus, not good, but it's Tidus-less. <3) was not really part of the main series but an offshoot of the supposed 'classic' game. They may as well have Called FFXII 'Final Fantasy: The Saga of Ivalice' Or something like that. I would appreciate it better if they would, that way I wouldn't feel ripped off if I get the game just to find out the story and characters aren't really up to par.

I totally get where you are coming from. When I play FFXII, I get more of a FFT feeling rather than a FF feeling. I would have probably appreciated it more if it wasn't actually apart of the main series.

Exactly what I'm saying. X would have been a greater game if Tidus were more like Vann than how he turned out. And, if you read what I've said to this point, there's a contrast. The hero makes a great difference in my opinion of the game beyond all else. I like the main character, I'll most likely like the game. If I hate the main character, chances are my opinion of the game as a whole will be lax. because, after all, the main character is the one you have to follow all the way through to the end.

I have to disagree about Vaan. He really pissed me off. My reasons are.

1. Everything that he said was always cheesy so whenever he was about to speak, I would cringe.

2. Despite controlling him, you would have never known he was the main character. I hated that and wish Basch was the main character.

He has no reason to be there and as I have pointed out on several occasion, Vaan even says "I'm just along for the ride". What a crap reason for a 17-year-old who is use to fighting rats in a sewer to go on this dangerous journey cause is "just along for the ride". Despite the fact that his brother died in the hands of Gabranth, if they had given him more reason to be there and more reason for him to be the chosen main character, then I probably wouldn't be all pissed off with him. That said, I'll just add in that I also hated Tidus. ;)
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I totally get where you are coming from. When I play FFXII, I get more of a FFT feeling rather than a FF feeling. I would have probably appreciated it more if it wasn't actually apart of the main series.
*applause* Yay! I'm so happy someone finally understands me!!! Here, have a cookie! *Shoves cookie in mouth.* I knew I wasn't alone!