FFXII is the worst FF made

i think ffxii could have been possibly the best final fantasy yet. the only thing it was missing was character development. i would have liked to have seen vaan a little more involved in the story line as he is the main character. but i loved the world the game was set in and the way it was mainly based around a world filled with war. i liked the battle system cause it was new but it got a little annoying and repetetive and i liked turn based better. but all in all, it was only a few steps away from perfect. definitely not the worst final fantasy.
So some of the airship battles MAY look like something from star wars. How different do you expect airship battles to be..seriously.
Yeah, all of the airship battles are like Star Wars. The only thing missing is some ROMANCE spelled with all caps
The lack of romance isn't what killed it for me.
It just seemed incomplete. =\
I mean of course the game wasn't 100% completed, but are any of them?

Besides...VIII was the worst...
Tifa - how do you expect them to be any different? There's going to be some similarities surely, but how else are you supposed to make airship battles completely non star wars/non anything else containing such..battles? FF games can do well enough without the generic romance also. It's not a formula that needs to make a FF game successful.

Kain - Yeah, I'll argue with that. I personally didn't feel it was like star wars. XD
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I must be in minority when I say that XII is a very good game.

If your after shallow romance go play FFVIII(I like that game to).

So some of the airship battles MAY look like something from star wars. How different do you expect airship battles to be..seriously.

Balthier = han solo

the last battle:
rebels battle against the empires all powerful battle station(fortress) that has a super powerful canon .
i jus tthink the whole gam ewas really impersonal, romance of no romance. the characters and their lives always seemed so detatched, i mean i know games like VII and X had huge lve storys but evne without that it would've been nice for the story to delve futher into their lives and character etc.
>Besides...VIII was the worst...

I'm gonna have to disagree with this, personally I loved FF8. :mad:

It had my most memorable and favorite sound score in the entire series, I love the story and characters in it. And the whole concepts the game carried out were great, not too mention the adorable love scenes with Squall and Rhinoa. I also thought Squall and Seifer being rivals was really cool.--- Loved there gunblades.

Don't Care For This Game

It wasn't very pleased with this game... The story line didn't really seem to catch my eye like most of the others. But yet it's only one person's opinion. ^ ^
Lol... You beat me to it. I think she may be referring to XII, but I don't know, especially since theres not really a whole lot of concrete info on XIII yet.
haha yeah when i saw this i was like you played it!? then i realized thats impossible, and they've probably got the wrong game, or at least the wrong section.
haha well now that thats all cleared up. sure the storyline was lacking compared to other final fantasy, but even if it wasn't my favorite...its a great game nonetheless.
Pretty much.

The only beef I had with XII was - 1) Too many of my bishies like dying.. 2) Little screen time with the judges *sobs*

With other games for me I find that VI - too many playable characters, usually rubbish. VII - Lack of fun sidequests, some boring characters. VIII - Main cast pretty much sucked. IX - Trances need more work. X - Sphere Grid was too long and tedious. X-2 - Too easy.
This game just didnt have the spark that all the good final fantasy games had in the past, ya know? I seriously think (Like many others) That the game quality is worse now that Square Soft is Square-Enix.

And FF12 is what happens... Not a terrible game, but its just not a Final Fantasy.